2 Feature ideas for siggen

A signature and avatar generator addon

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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby SethDeBlade » Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:06 pm

I had some ideas for new features of SigGen.

1.) What about a page where the user can select a background?? E.g. a link in charpage to a "backgroundselection page". There you can select one background for you char out of a list of backgrounds managed by the rosteradmin. Perhaps a password protected page so that not every rosterguest can change the backgroundimages. It should be a password different from the admin password so that it can be published in the guild.
This password thing would fit very well with my request for a uploadpassword different from rosteradmin password ;)

2.) Would it be very difficult to add the crafting spezialisation to the siggen output?? E.g. below the skillist could be writen "Mooncloth Tailor" ...
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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby SethDeBlade » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:23 pm

is there really nobody else interested in something like that? :neutral:
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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby zanix » Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:40 am

Good ideas indeed
Roster 1.8 will have a password that is separate from the roster admin

But as for the user selection of backgrounds, I would prefer a full user auth system so that a user only has control of their characters

As for the specialization, I guess I can take code from the addon that handles this since it has a list of specialization items already
Last edited by zanix on Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby SethDeBlade » Sun Apr 08, 2007 7:32 am

that sounds really great :-)
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Re: 2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby secretone » Mon Apr 09, 2007 1:34 am

Yes, these are good ideas.

I would like to see these implemented.

The individual character authorisation is a must.
That way users will be able to upload there own characters and backgrounds, as long as they meet certain criteria that is.

You could extend the amount of configuration to be very similar to what the admin can do at the moment, but just for their character.

Another must is a return "All" to default/admin settings.
Just in case they mess things up.
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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby PleegWat » Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:27 am

You can call it a must, but there are practical limitations. There is no support for individual user auth in the 1x line, and there are no plans of adding it. That makes the feature impossible to safely implement.

I'd assume crafting specializations are possible. They're not as simple as professions, because there isn't a single easy way to fetch them, but it's doable by checking all the possibilities individually at least.
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Re: 2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby secretone » Mon Apr 09, 2007 6:52 am

PleegWat wrote:You can call it a must, but there are practical limitations. There is no support for individual user auth in the 1x line, and there are no plans of adding it. That makes the feature impossible to safely implement.


I fully understand there is no support for individual user auth at the moment.
What I was trying to say was, if this feature to enable users to choose their own backgrounds and character pictures was implemented, it would need some sort of user validation.
Just did not come out that way in my previous post.

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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby SethDeBlade » Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:47 pm

thats why i said that there should be a password protected site for each char using one password. I mean we are talking about guilds. If someone is making a joke an changing the background of a char that is not his/hers ok, but that is not a safety related issue. Therefor a background-selection-page with predefined backgrouns by the admin wouldnt be a bad thing.
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2 Feature ideas for siggen

Postby Subxero » Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:02 pm

I use phpbb auth to acces to some parts of roster and i can get a easy phpbb_user = member_name. The code its at "Integration, CMS Ports, etc... / phpbb".
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