This is rough, and enUS only, but it got the job done for me.
I like this addon, so maybe someone can find this useful.
(or better still, maybe the author can integrate this and pretty up my work)
Moderator: Mathos
// Build the $itemarray based on all $search_order category numbers, and multilanguages
$itemarray = array();
foreach ($search_order as $catnumber)
// Merge the search words for multilanguage purposes based on the category name
function itemarray_merge($category)
global $itemarray, $roster_conf, $wordings;
// Fill the itemarray with all language wordings
$itemarray[$category] = array();
foreach ($roster_conf['multilanguages'] as $language)
if (isset($wordings[$category][$language]))
$itemarray[$category] = array_merge($itemarray[$category], $wordings[$category][$language]);
/** Merge the search words for multilanguage purposes based on the category name*/
function itemarray_merge($category)
global $itemarray, $roster_conf, $wordings;
// Fill the itemarray with all language wordings
$itemarray[$category] = array();
foreach ($roster_conf['multilanguages'] as $language)
if (isset($wordings[$category][$language]))
$itemarray[$category] = array_merge($itemarray[$category], $wordings[$category][$language]);
// Build the $itemarray based on all $search_order category numbers, and multilanguages
$itemarray = array();
foreach ($search_order as $catnumber)
$wordings['deDE']["bankitem_34"] = "Juwelenschleifen Vorlagen"; // Jewelcrafting
$wordings['deDE']["bankitem_35"] = "Partikel & Ur"; // Motes
$wordings['deDE']["bankitem_36"] = "Ruf Items"; // Rep
$wordings['jewelcrafting']['deDE'] =
array("Benötigt Juwelenschleifen");
$wordings['motes']['deDE'] =
array("partikel", "Urmacht", "Urerde", "Urwasser", "Urluft", "Urfeuer", "Urmana", "Urschatten", "Urleben");
$wordings['rep']['deDE'] =
array("Siegel des Sonnenzorns", "Siegel der Feuerschwingen", "Mal des Sargeras", "Mal des Kil'jaeden", "Arkaner Foliant", "Teuflische Waffen", "Bluthibiskus", "Glühkappe", "Fruchtbare Sporen", "Reifer Sporenbeutel", "Sumpflordranke");
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