I'm trying to implement this functionnality for my guildies but it seems it doesn't work as intended.
Uniupload works fine but WOW no
The data is written to the savedvariables.lua correctly, when you launch wow wow still use the old data for the addon, then when you quit wow the new data is written in the file.
So to resume, for the functionnality to works you have to click the button in UU then launch WOW then quit WOW then launch WOW again and the Data is correct.
As a workarround i'd like to use the download feature on a other file than the savedvariables.lua (directly the good addon file) it works if i put the good lua name in the option (and if the file allready exist so no possibility to install an addon with a default config ) but the data is allways added to the file, so the file is bigger and bigger.
So the request is ability to create the addon lua if it doesn't exist and an option to purge the content of the file before downloads.