Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

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Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby MattM » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:19 am

+ blacklisted filetypes
- funky window bug
- startup registry bug
- bug unchecking addons
+ addon deletion specification from ua
- bug unzipping addons to wrong dir
+ addon list key
+ language.ini additions
~ language.ini updates (thanks shan_aya and SethDeBlade )

+ language items:
+ ua settings:
+ ua operations:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<addon dirname="cartographer" />
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Re: Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby MattM » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:23 am

source code backup just in case :farao:
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Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby jlaplaca » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:33 am

Dam, Matt you skill as a programmer is improving greatly, The new build have no errors, so far, but I will test this build.

Thanks For Your Hard Work.
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Re: Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby MattM » Fri Mar 23, 2007 11:43 am

why thank you :salute: :king:
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Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby Shadowsong » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:10 pm

Does it really work with the Ace Addons and the others??? WOW! GREAT!
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Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby zanix » Fri Mar 23, 2007 3:12 pm

It *should*
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Re: Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby swampy » Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:13 am

Yep - working with ACE2, and pretty much everything else I've thrown at it!

My guild has the following addons available. All stored without the /Interface/Addons structure - just the addon directory:

Ace 2
CT RaidTracker 1.4 (modded by Eris)
Decursive -Ace2-
EnchantList -Ace2-
GemList -Ace2-
Guild Event Manager v2
Lucky Charms
oRA2 -Ace2-
Perl CombatDisplay
ScrollingCombatText -Ace2-
SCT Options -Ace2-
SCTD -Ace2-
SCTD Options -Ace2-
simpleMinimap -Ace2-
SpellAlert SCT
sRaidFrames -Ace2-
Titan Panel
Titan Panel [Battleground] (Updated)
Titan Panel [CritLine]
Wardrobe2 -Ace2-

I renamed the old Addons directory and creating a new one.
I ran UniUploader, which successfully retrieved all relevant settings from the server.
All the addons were selected, and I hit synchronize. All downloaded, and Debugger successfully reported 27 addons updated.

Functionality comments - trivial:
When downloading addons, could the current addon being downloaded show in the status bar? When synchronising, the progress bar represents a single addon so informing the user which one they're downloading helps them measure how much progress in the overall addon list they're making.

Just a little thing, but synchronising the addons from the addon list would be fab :)

I'm really happy with this, Matt - good work, fella!
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Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby dhirmadi » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:16 am

tested it, and it works. nicely done.

couple of comments

- help is missing information on updater settings. what exactly does that delet button do?

- would it be possible to prevent uniuploader from updating addons which are newer, i.e their TOC shows a higher version number. optimal would be to have a forced update box which would force the overwrite and not check the TOC

good job
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Re: Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby swampy » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:41 am

That could be difficult since you can't guarantee what versioning some folks use - you'd need to potentially handle releases such as rc1, rc2, beta1 etc. Maybe a 'keep from updating'?


maybe when you start up Uniuploader and there are addon updates to addons you have selected in the UI it says which addons have updated and gives you the option of ignoring some updates in particular...
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Re: Help Test ***UniUploader 2.6.3*** Release Candidate 2

Postby MattM » Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:51 am

swampy wrote:When downloading addons, could the current addon being downloaded show in the status bar? When synchronising, the progress bar represents a single addon so informing the user which one they're downloading helps them measure how much progress in the overall addon list they're making.

good idea, ill do that.

dhirmadi wrote:- help is missing information on updater settings. what exactly does that delet button do?

1. noted, and added to todo list
2. what delete button? if you mean the "allow to delete addons" checkbox, UA/UU will have the ability to delete certain addons specified in UA (future UA release, but UU ready for it)

3. tell your users to not check optional addons that they wish to beta test (or uu will just overwrite their newer, beta version)


keep your addons in UA updated to the latest TOC
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