Introducing ArmorySync

Sync Blizzards' Armory data with WoWRoster (addon depreciated no longer works see ApiSync)

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Introducing ArmorySync

Postby olgren » Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:13 am

I was having some issues with the last updated time and after a bit of digging discovered that the 'Last Updated' is stored in the players table and that the members table has it's field updated every time the guild itself is updated.

To combat this I changed the name query in index.php to the following and thought I would share it.

Code: Select all
      "SELECT " .
      "FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` members " .
      "LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` players " .
      "ON = " .
      "WHERE members.level >= " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] . " " .
      "AND ( ISNULL( " .
            "OR STR_TO_DATE(players.dateupdatedutc,'%m/%d/%y %H:%i:%s') <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] . " HOUR) ) " .
      "ORDER BY members.last_online DESC";

One side effect is that the last updated time looks like it is set to the time when the armory was last updated.

I'm having some trouble with the date time. I'll update the query when I get it right.

Date time comparison fixed. This wasn't the only way to do it but it's working.

PS. Great add on! Love the work.
Last edited by olgren on Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:17 am, edited 3 times in total.
olgren Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Kaos » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:19 pm

Excellent addon, I am curious though what causes the update to run for the first 3 members in my guild listing and then stop (white page with 'done' as the status, upon reloading the roster page the first 3 alphabetically are the only ones that have been updated)
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Wyren » Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:38 pm

Just a small thing in localization.php:
Code: Select all
['enUS']['title_addon'] = 'Armory Synch';

$wordings['addoncredits']['GuildBank v1.26'] = array(
"name"=>    "Mathos",
"info"=>    "Synch your guild with WoW Armory"),
Copy & Paste from GuildBank's localization.php? :)

Going to test the addon now, changed the "not updated the last 24 hours" to 504 (3 weeks) tho :)
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Wyren » Wed Mar 28, 2007 7:25 pm

Installed this, changed to etc and tried to update, but I am getting a load of errors like this:
Code: Select all
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Arora. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Arora synched: 0 seconds. Total runtime: 0 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Brianthefist. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Brianthefist synched: 0 seconds. Total runtime: 0 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Arclite. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Arclite synched: 1 seconds. Total runtime: 1 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Dmagri. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Dmagri synched: 0 seconds. Total runtime: 1 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Saguim. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Saguim synched: 0 seconds. Total runtime: 1 seconds.

And the occasional:
Code: Select all
Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to in /usr/share/www-data/thh/roster/addons/ArmorySynch/functions.general.php on line 37
CRITICAL ERROR - socket not connectedCRITICAL ERROR - no root XML node found: page
Non-Critical Error: Empty Content for Zelicerian. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Zelicerian synched: 30 seconds. Total runtime: 42 seconds.
Non-Critical Error: Incomplete Data for Heldenhammer. Player has probably not updated in awhile.
Heldenhammer synched: 0 seconds. Total runtime: 42 seconds.

Any ideas? So far it hasn't updated a single character on my roster, no matter if they've played yesterday or not.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby edse » Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:03 pm

After installing the last version of armorysync and running it from the roster menu I get the following error

CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array.

Can anyone help me solve this problem?
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Introducing ArmorySync

Postby jffire » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:32 pm

Im also getting "Mathos", "info"=> "Synch your guild with WoW Armory"), ); ?> on all pages. I guess its something related to the localization.php file, but checked wit other addons and all seems fine. So maybe its in the menu.php but again I havent found anything wrong about it.

And its not only on my first page. Im getting PhP code when i click on my ArmorySynch button as well. So seems like that there either a php syntax error or (I dont know :( ).

Thanks guys and keep up the good work !
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby DGambler » Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:53 pm

edse wrote:After installing the last version of armorysync and running it from the roster menu I get the following error

CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array.

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

I am as well.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby boyo » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:46 pm

I was getting the same error last night,CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array. At first I thought it was because I had updated in the last 24 hours, so I changed the setting to 12 hours, and tried again with the same result. Looks like it's running now, but it just hangs and eventually times out, cant tell if it updated or not.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Edonis » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:53 pm

edse wrote:After installing the last version of armorysync and running it from the roster menu I get the following error

CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array.

Can anyone help me solve this problem?

I had the same issue maybe due to use of french roster.

I have replaced that:
Code: Select all
      "AND update_time <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] * 60 * 60)) . "' " .

by that:
Code: Select all
      "AND update_time <= '" . date("Y-d-m H:i:s", time() - ($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] * 60 * 60)) . "' " .

It is just a little problem with the date format.
Last edited by Edonis on Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Introducing ArmorySync

Postby olgren » Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:55 pm

The "CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array." happens when no players are selected to synch with the armory. It's not necessarily an error if everyone is up to date.

However you may find that many of your players that have never updated are not being selected. This is because the selection criteria is using a field that is updated whenever you update your guild roster.

So if like me you update your guild list then run the armory synch nobody will be selected and you'll get the error listed above.

To correct this you can open the index.php file and find the following lines:

Code: Select all
   $query =
      "SELECT name " .
      "WHERE level >= " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] . " " .
      "AND update_time <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] * 60 * 60)) . "' " .
      "ORDER BY last_online DESC";

Then replace them with:
Code: Select all
   $query =
                "SELECT " .
      "FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` members " .
      "LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` players " .
      "ON = " .
      "WHERE members.level >= " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] . " " .
      "AND ( ISNULL( " .
            "OR STR_TO_DATE(players.dateupdatedutc,'%m/%d/%y %H:%i:%s') <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] . " HOUR) ) " .
      "ORDER BY members.last_online DESC";

This should now use the 'last updated' time for when the player was uploaded their profile or when their armory information was last updated.
olgren Apprentice Apprentice
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby DrSuSE » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:28 am

Very awesome addon... here are my current issues, feel free to check out the roster at if that helps:

1. Professions - I guess since Armory isn't giving cur/max values for Poisons, it results in that string of div by 0 errors.

2. Somehow it does seem to pick up on keys, but not Heroics, and the keys it does pick up on end up missing the image/link.

3. Talen specs don't sync

4. Gear tooltips are sort of odd. The easiest way to see is to hover over a weapon. Spacing and line breaks end up weird in that there is no break between dmg and speed and extra breaks elsewhere.

5. Current Honor is not tracked by the Armory, is it possible to keep this value (for players using the Character Profiler) from being overriden by 0 during ArmorySyncs?

6. Lots of errors in the sync log, not sure what is normal and what's not. Attached the log file.

Help and advice is appreciated, as is the work you've done so far.

Thank you.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Kristoff22 » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:34 am

olgren wrote:The "CRITICAL ERROR: No Player Given or Empty Array." happens when no players are selected to synch with the armory. It's not necessarily an error if everyone is up to date.

However you may find that many of your players that have never updated are not being selected. This is because the selection criteria is using a field that is updated whenever you update your guild roster.

So if like me you update your guild list then run the armory synch nobody will be selected and you'll get the error listed above.

To correct this you can open the index.php file and find the following lines:

Code: Select all
   $query =
      "SELECT name " .
      "WHERE level >= " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] . " " .
      "AND update_time <= '" . date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] * 60 * 60)) . "' " .
      "ORDER BY last_online DESC";

Then replace them with:
Code: Select all
   $query =
                "SELECT " .
      "FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` members " .
      "LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` players " .
      "ON = " .
      "WHERE members.level >= " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['MinLevel'] . " " .
      "AND ( ISNULL( " .
            "OR STR_TO_DATE(players.dateupdatedutc,'%m/%d/%y %H:%i:%s') <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL " . $addon_conf['ArmorySync']['SynchCutoffTime'] . " HOUR) ) " .
      "ORDER BY members.last_online DESC";

This should now use the 'last updated' time for when the player was uploaded their profile or when their armory information was last updated.

Fixed and updated. Thanks for the help olgren, and to everyone else lending a hand. I wouldn't be able to do it alone!
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby Kristoff22 » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:39 am

DrSuSE wrote:Very awesome addon... here are my current issues, feel free to check out the roster at if that helps:

1. Professions - I guess since Armory isn't giving cur/max values for Poisons, it results in that string of div by 0 errors.

2. Somehow it does seem to pick up on keys, but not Heroics, and the keys it does pick up on end up missing the image/link.

3. Talen specs don't sync

4. Gear tooltips are sort of odd. The easiest way to see is to hover over a weapon. Spacing and line breaks end up weird in that there is no break between dmg and speed and extra breaks elsewhere.

5. Current Honor is not tracked by the Armory, is it possible to keep this value (for players using the Character Profiler) from being overriden by 0 during ArmorySyncs?

6. Lots of errors in the sync log, not sure what is normal and what's not. Attached the log file.

Help and advice is appreciated, as is the work you've done so far.

Thank you.

1. Interesting... I'll have to double check that. Where are you getting the errors? In ArmorySynch or another page?

2. I don't see how it is picking up keys, since it only includes the equipment on a character, unless I completely missed something with debugging and happened to get lucky.

3. Unfortunately not :-/

4. Gear tooltips are taken directly from Armory. There's very little we can do with the formatting.

5. Yes, I can fix that. I will work on that in the next release.

6. Unless you're getting critical errors, it should be just fine. You will get a lot of errors from people who haven't logged on to WoW in awhile, because that is how Armory gets updated.
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Re: Introducing ArmorySync

Postby DrSuSE » Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:51 am

Kristoff22 wrote:1. Interesting... I'll have to double check that. Where are you getting the errors? In ArmorySynch or another page?

2. I don't see how it is picking up keys, since it only includes the equipment on a character, unless I completely missed something with debugging and happened to get lucky.

3. Unfortunately not :-/

4. Gear tooltips are taken directly from Armory. There's very little we can do with the formatting.

5. Yes, I can fix that. I will work on that in the next release.

6. Unless you're getting critical errors, it should be just fine. You will get a lot of errors from people who haven't logged on to WoW in awhile, because that is how Armory gets updated.

1. In the WoWRoster Professions page. The cur values is being picked up, but not the max (seemingly the fault of the Armory, but maybe we can make it handle more gracefully). See: ... skills.php

2. Yeah, I was surprised, no idea. But it is definitely picking up verified accurate key data for members who have never used Character Profiler before. The only different is that these players keys show as a broken image. See:

3. Ahh, ok... wasn't sure if this was just an oversight since it's in Armory. Oh well :)

4. Ok, wasn't sure here... It looks ok on Armory, but not when it is viewed on WoWRoster.

5. Nice!

6. Some are critical errors, and not for players with missing armory profiles. Was the log I attached any use?

Thanks again!!!
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Introducing ArmorySync

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:21 am

I must be doing something stupid because I've installed the lastest zip file and when I attempt to run it, I get an SQL syntax error. It appears that the config.php values are not getting added to the query being built.

Any suggestions as to what I've done wrong?


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