Here is the first beta of MadeBy v1.7.3 *YAY*
Changes in this beta:
Version 1.7.3 Beta 1
Thursday March 15th 2007 9pm by ds
[ADDED] Multilanguage support
[ADDED] A "Language Bar" -- Can change the Language MadeBy displays in per user. (Will store in a session)
[ADDED] The administator can choose what languages to support!
[CHANGED] The configuration button will be hidden unless logged in as Admin (Login at the Main Roster Configuration)
[ADDED] MadeBy is now compatable with WoWRosterDF!
[NEW] MadeBy need to run on WoW Roster v1.7.3+ (or WoW RosterDF v1.7.3+) to work correctly!
Version 1.7.3 Beta 2
Friday March 16th 2007 by ds
[FIXED]Links and Forms for DF functions
Version 1.7.3 Beta 3
Friday March 16th 2007 by ds
[FIXED] Anchor links for DF
I do not run WoWRosterDF so I really need someone to test this out for me. It should work but testing is always good!

Give me your thoughts on the multi language support. This is my first thought for this type of support so I could very well change before release, depends on your feedback.

Also coming up soon is a revamped Sorting. Right now it sucks and I know this.