I know that, but meanwhile there must be some php code modif I can do to correct that meanwhile. Only if you have time though. Cause that mod is really used by guildies to organize raids and runs.
Jabouty wrote:I noticed that the new UU (2.6.4) allows for UA to tell it to delete certain addons. How does one use this functionality in UA, or is it implemented in 0.7.6 yet?
Sorry if this is a total newbsauce question...
fubu2k wrote:blacklisted extensions should be the following ones:
public string[] fileBlacklist = {
gorgeth wrote:The list should *not* exist inside of UU at all.. unless somewhere in the settings the extensions can be changed (which they currently cannot)
define('UA_ALLOW_ADDON_FILES' , 'lua,toc,txt,tga,blp,ttf,xml,wav,mp3,nopatch,bak,2,1,0');
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