Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

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Re: Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby shadydude » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:30 am

Any luck on making a version for cartagropher yet I love the idea of this addon but nearly every one in my guild uses cartographer
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Re: Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:55 am

So here you find the Gatherer.php with German menü
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Vasting » Tue Mar 27, 2007 4:54 pm

It won't be too difficult to code the cartographer import I don't think once the project gets to the point where that can be done, but I would imagine that there are things that are much higher on the priority list than having cartographer support.
I think the todo list likely looks something like:
1. Prevent duplicates from being imported (which will be a huge task without causing too many calls to the database).
2. Export the data back to lua merged with everyone else in the database. (again shouldn't be extremely difficult to do assuming that the first priority is taken care of.)
3. The ability to filter results by type (allow you to just display herbs, or mines, or treasure. Should be easy enough, I might end up taking this task on myself.)
4. Add support for cartographer, and metamap imports.
5. Add support for exporting to cartographer, and metamap (may or may not prove to be a big task.)
6. Add some additional bells and whistles to the fla file (this step could come in at any time based on what foxy has said in previous posts I think he's hoping someone else will take this on. Unfortunately I only know enough action script to get myself into trouble).
7. Properly localize the menus. (The german version provided currently is still using hardcoded variables. Again this one may prove a bit more challenging than it sounds, but shouldn't be extremely difficult. I might take this one on myself as well.)

Again I can't speak for foxy. He hasn't really asked for my help. But I hope he doesn't mind me doing so. I see this addon having wonderful potential. But there is lots of work to be done. I'm just hoping to lighten that load just a bit.
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby DaFarmer » Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:16 pm

May i ask you to put a full zip file of Gatherer v0.1 in the download section with all changes you've done i cant get it work on my WoW Roster even after 1 hour :S
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby zeryl » Tue Mar 27, 2007 11:25 pm

I may in the near future write parsers for cartographer and metamap. I don't know exactly when, but I think I will attempt it.
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Re: Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Minihunt » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:09 am

I repack all PNG WITHOUT edit picture!

Original -> 1.28 Mb
repacked PNG -> 56.4 Kb !!
Full repacked PNG picture
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:15 am

Thanks for all the feedback, since this is just a proof of concept and a semi-functional addon, anyone that want's to contribute can.


That would be awsome.


Again I can't speak for foxy. He hasn't really asked for my help. But I hope he doesn't mind me doing so. I see this addon having wonderful potential. But there is lots of work to be done. I'm just hoping to lighten that load just a bit.

Any help would be great, I'll be online and on #wowroster alot the next day or two. (broke my toe) :-P


Posting a new one shortly.


Not yet... The functions.php is has some issues. It will parse the data and do an insert fine. On the duplicates, it updates row uploads, to count the number of times uploaded but here it dies midway through. That count can be used to show most likely node location since the data may vary slightly (don't know the exact offset between mods).

But yeah after the functions.php works. Or if someone else has time.
Last edited by Foxy on Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Wed Mar 28, 2007 9:55 am

This is going to sound silly but can someone post me the functions.php, I over wrote mine with a test script before I backed it up:-P
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Re: Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Borsti » Wed Mar 28, 2007 1:07 pm

Foxy wrote:This is going to sound silly but can someone post me the functions.php, I over wrote mine with a test script before I backed it up:-P
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Wed Mar 28, 2007 3:21 pm

TY Borsti!
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Re: Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby arcadin » Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:14 pm

:-( I can't get anything to display on my site. I have confirmed that there is data in the gatherer table and I've downloaded and installed from your site. I also tried adding in the file (which has an older contents than the file I just downloaded form your site) but neither gave me any output.

My roster is installed as

I turned on SQL debugging which gives me the following when I click on the gatherer addon menu item:

Code: Select all
SQL Queries 
 SELECT `config_name`, `config_value` FROM `roster_config` ORDER BY `id` ASC;
SELECT * FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'xyzzy' AND `server` = 'Frostmourne'
SELECT * FROM roster_gatherer_nodes
SELECT `guild_id`, `guild_dateupdatedutc` FROM `roster_guild` WHERE `guild_name` = 'xyzzy' AND `server` ='Frostmourne'
SELECT IF(`note` LIKE '%alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt',
FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup,
COUNT(`level`) AS amount,
SUM(`level`) AS sum
FROM `roster_members`
GROUP BY isalt, levelgroup
ORDER BY isalt ASC, levelgroup DESC

I do have a modified update.php file (I'm using "phpBB User Authentication for WoW Roster 1.7.3" from but I retrofitted your mods to this file:

Code: Select all
// Files that we accept for upload. Up to the first dot, lowercase.
$filefields[] = 'characterprofiler';
$filefields[] = 'pvplog';
$filefields[] = 'ct_raidtracker';
$filefields[] = 'bookworm';
$filefields[] = 'guildeventmanager2';
$filefields[] = 'groupcalendar';
$filefields[] = 'gatherer';


               // If Gather data is there, assign it to $uploadData['GatherItems']
               if( isset($data['GatherItems']) )
                   $uploadData['GatherItems'] = $data['GatherItems'];
               // Clear the $data variable
      $bookwormInputField = '';

   // Create the gatherer input field if addon exists

       $gathererInputField = "
                     <td class=\"membersRow1\" style=\"cursor:help;\" onmouseover=\"overlib('<b>gatherer.lua</b> ".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['filelocation']."\\\\gatherer.lua',WRAP,RIGHT);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\"><img src=\"".$roster_conf['img_url']."blue-question-mark.gif\" alt=\"\" /> gatherer.lua</td>
                      <td class=\"membersRowRight1\"><input type=\"file\" accept=\"gatherer.lua\" name=\"gatherer\"></td>
       $gathererInputField = '';

All I get is the red text about "world of Warcraft - Offline Gather Node Foxy". I don't get a white "box".

The zip file I'm using has the most recent file as functions.php dated 2007-03-28 2:47 am and gather.swf is dated 2007-03-27 3:52 pm.

If I select Hellfire Peninsula the URL becomes ... _PENINSULA but I get no map just the red text.

If I try gatherer on your site, I get the same result of no output, if I try gatherer on Divine Illusion's site I get a valid display: ... _PENINSULA

I set chmod 555 to the following but that didn't help either:

-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 26112 Mar 27 15:52 gatherer.fla
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 7047 Mar 27 15:52 gatherer.swf
-r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 460 Mar 23 05:53 index.html

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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby Foxy » Sat Mar 31, 2007 10:33 am

@ Arcadian

Code: Select all
 *  Roster
 * Copyright 2002-2006
 * Licensed under the Creative Commons
 * "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license
 * Short summary
 * Full license information
 * -----------------------------
 * $Id: bookworm.php 59 2006-06-14 21:17:28Z Sahasrahla $

foreach (array_keys$_REQUEST ) as $k)
$k} = $_REQUEST$k ]; 

MYSQL_CONNECT($db_host$db_user$db_passwd) OR DIE("DB connection unavailable");
mysql_select_db"$db_name") or die( "Unable to select database");


$query  "SELECT * FROM `".$db_prefix."gatherer_nodes` WHERE continent ='$continent' and map = '$map' ORDER BY nodeType DESC";
$result mysql_query($query) or die("Error: " mysql_error());
mysql_num_rows($result) == 0){
"<map>\n <a_map continent=\"$continent\" map=\"$map\" image=\"/roster/addons/gatherer/images/MAP/$continent/$map.jpg\"> \n");

echo (
"<map>\n <a_map continent=\"$continent\" map=\"$map\" image=\"/roster/addons/gatherer/images/MAP/$continent/$map.jpg\"> \n");
while (
$row mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
foreach (
array_keys$row ) as $k)
$k} = $row$k ]; 
echo (
); echo $xPos 1002; echo("\"
); echo $yPos 668; echo("\"
                  GatherableName=\"$nodeTypeWord\" />
"</a_map> \n </map> \n");

This is the results.php, check your copy and address directory changes where you see /roster/addons/gatherer/images/

I removed /roster/ from the copy you downloaded and did not get it set to a configured directory...
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby figmentus » Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:25 pm

Anyone else unable to see the Nagrand maps or others from appearing?

I have the mod installed and it appears to be working, but some maps refuse to display. Also, can we get a completely updated copy with fixes up to this point posted?
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby zanix » Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:14 pm

Zeryl and I have taken a special interest to this addon

Expect some great results soon
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Gatherer v0.1 [Roster 1.7.3 addon]

Postby arcadin » Sat Mar 31, 2007 8:59 pm

/target Foxy
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