Sorry to disturb if this has already been resolved but I haven't find anything on this.
Guildbank (former roster code) seems to have a problem with the recipes generating objects bind when used (not equiped neither soulbound)... not sure of the english, i'm playing with a french client of the game (here we have : "lié", "lié quand équipé" et "lié quand utilisé").
Those recipes are not displayed because of a test in the sql taking only the bind when equiped objects as a valid result for the guildbank.
I've done a workaround consisting on duplicating the boe line in the localization file and replacing boe by bou and the boe text by the correct bind when used text first
For frFR.php (in woWrosterDF/localization):
$wordings['frFR']['tooltip_boe']='Lié quand équipé';
$wordings['frFR']['tooltip_bou']='Lié quand utilisé';
AND adding a test to the sql request in guildbank.php and guildbank2.php (both of them are used ?).
In guildbank.php and guildbank2.php (in WoWrosterDF, 2 replacements for the 1st and 1 for the 2nd) :
AND (i.item_tooltip
NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%'
OR i.item_tooltip
LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_boe']."%'
GROUP BY i.item_name";
AND (i.item_tooltip
NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%'
OR i.item_tooltip
LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_boe']."%'
OR i.item_tooltip
LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_bou']."%')
GROUP BY i.item_name";
As the same issue is existing with Categorized_Guildbank you need to edit the gbank.php file to add the bou part of the test.
The categorized guildbank addon seems to have a problem with enchantment recipes (maybe others too). Those are not put in the Enchantment recipes cat but in the generated objet cat.
Hope this is understandable
Thanks a lot for your help.