PVPLog Problem

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PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:52 pm

The PVP log use to work ok for the longest time, but all of a sudden now it wont start automatic. It says its on but if I kill anyone I never get credit or even if they kill me I wont get a killed by. I have to go and turn it off and the back on then it will work for a little while then it starts up again where it dosnt log them.

Another problem I am having is if the game for some strange reason just CRASHES I loose all PVP data for the whole play time. Anyway to fix this so it wont loose the data in case of a GAME Crash?

This may also be related but as a Warlock almost 50% of my kills do NOT get recorded if my pet does damage to them or if I use DOT's The only way it seems if I get a kill is if I hit then with something HARD RIGHT before they die.

Thanks in advance
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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Sat Mar 03, 2007 8:53 pm

Ok, after some debug testing I see whats going on, EVEN when I am WACKING away on a PVP player, it says that I didnt do damage recently. For some reason it isnt seeing me do damage. But the hunter I am with gets a update every time becuase he uses his bow. But a mage I was with has the same problem as me, no damage recently. Even tho we are ALL beating the daylights out of the PVP player.
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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:24 pm

BreeOge wrote:Ok, after some debug testing I see whats going on, EVEN when I am WACKING away on a PVP player, it says that I didnt do damage recently. For some reason it isnt seeing me do damage. But the hunter I am with gets a update every time becuase he uses his bow. But a mage I was with has the same problem as me, no damage recently. Even tho we are ALL beating the daylights out of the PVP player.

I'm not sure what's going on here but if you could share the "/pl debug on" output I'd be happy to try and help. I also need to know what locale your client is. There's a possibility that Blizzard has changed some damage messages and the MarsMessageParser isn't picking it up. I also need the output from the Combat Log.

I have a Warlock that PvPs occasionally and last time I checked, things were working as expected for him. Because of the restrictions Blizzard has placed on an addon's targeting abilities. You have to manually target a player to gather data on them. If a kill is processed and the killer or killee doesn't have data, PvPLog can't record the event. A cache of data is kept by PvPLog that is large enough to include everyone in a Alterac Valley battleground after you've targeted every player once.

With regards to losing data when WoW crashes, I can't do anything about that. I tell Blizzard what data should be saved and they handle all of the reading and writing of the data. Addons don't have anyway of doing their own I/O.
Last edited by bsmorgan on Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:10 am

PvPLog 2.3.8 has been uploaded which contains some additional debugging features to assist in finding this problem. No bugs have been fixed in this release so you don't need it unless you want to help debug this problem.

To use the new features:

1) Turn on combat log recording with /combatlog.
2) Turn on PvPLog debug output with /pl debug on.

Play until you encounter the bug and after the fight is over...

3) Turn off PvPLog debug output with /pl debug off.
4) Turn off combat log recording with /combatlog.

After you logoff, zip your combat log found at "World of Warcraft\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt", the PvPLog.lua file found at "World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\<realm>\<character>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua", and finally, the PvPLog.lua file found at "World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua" note that these last two files have the save name so you'll need to either preserve the directory structure or rename one of them.

Reply here and attach the zip file you created above. In the reply you can tell me your character's name, the locale of your client, and a brief description of where you were and what happened just before the problem was encountered.

If you normally run WoW with the combat log enabled, please start a new version before you attempt to track down this problem.


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PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:49 pm

PvPLog 2.3.9 has been uploaded with even more debugging code and a possible fix for Warlocks, Mages, and Priests that can kill with DoTs only.

Warlocks and Hunters that kill with just their pets currently may not get credit. More research is needed.


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PVPLog Problem

Postby PleegWat » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:39 pm

Hm, I don't think blizzard gives credit to warlock/hunter pet only kills either. Not PvE anyway.
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PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:41 pm


You are correct (for sure in PvE). Its really hard to figure out if there's honor allocated in PvP because of the chaotic nature of PvP. In reality, how many pet only kills are there?

For example, two warlocks attack multiple targets with DoTs. In the mean time, their pets start attacking these targets. If Warlock A dots target C and Warlock B dots target D, should Warlock A get credit for the kill if his pet strikes target D? I think we all agree that A gets credit if his pet finishes off C. In this example, Warlock A does get credit if he personally adds damage to D but what if this damage is via an AoE? If Warlock A never specifically targets D, no credit is given. If he has targeted D sometime before D's death (and sometime can be quite a while ago), then credit is given.

Prior to 2.3.9, I believe that A did not get (PvPLog) credit for C if the DoTs (only) killed C. This was because the combat log lines associated with this damage were not being parsed by PvPLog.

Currently, PvPLog does not parse the combat log lines associated with pets. Its complicated by the fact that the pet damage is identified by the pet name so PvPLog would have to become pet name aware. Not impossible but perhaps too small a gain for the work involved.

At the moment, I'm more interested in collecting enough data to solve the part of the problem reported here that 50% of the kills are not being recorded by the Warlock, and that the mage has problems too. I'm also interested in collecting enough data to solve the problem of players getting credit for death by mob reported in this thread.

Keep those card, letters, and attachments coming folks!


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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:11 am

Can you make it so that when it give you the message that you recived honor points for a kill it also adds it as a kill for pvplog. Because I tried the new version you made and I am still not getting credit for dot's I will try to get a log for you tomorrow.
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PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Sun Mar 11, 2007 4:59 pm


PvPLog only logs kills when you have caused damage to the player. It only logs deaths when a player causes damage to you. Honor is gained when someone in your party (raid) kills a player. You are asking for a completely different set of rules for PvPLog. I'm not sure that's what everyone wants (not to mention, its a significant amount of code to implement).

Your second sentence says you want this because your DoTs aren't giving credit. I believe the right answer is to figure out why your DoTs don't give credit, and fix that problem.

You haven't yet answered the question about what the locale of your client is. I'll probably figure that out from the logs you send me.


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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:12 am

I guess I am not understanding what you mean by locale. If you mean where I got it, its a US version and I have the BC expansion. I am getting logs for you now as we speak, been killing tonight and the hunter I am with is getting the credit, even tho I am actualy doing the MOST damage with my dots. I do get credit if I use my dagger or sometimes my wand. but not if I use spells.
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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:36 am

Here is my logs you can see by the last guy I attacked I did damage to him but recived no pvplog kill.
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PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:34 am


By locale I mean what language is your client and what language is the server. You answered that question, US locale.

Please follow the instructions below EXACTLY and provide me with all THREE files I need to help analyze the problem. I need the character specific PvPLog.lua file which you did not provide.

1) Turn on combat log recording with /combatlog.
2) Turn on PvPLog debug output with /pl debug on.

Play until you encounter the bug and after the fight is over...

3) Turn off PvPLog debug output with /pl debug off.
4) Turn off combat log recording with /combatlog.

After you logoff, zip your combat log found at:

"World of Warcraft\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt",

the PvPLog.lua file found at:

"World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\<realm>\<character>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua",

and finally, the PvPLog.lua file found at:

"World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua"

Note that these last two files have the save name so you'll need rename one of them.

Reply here and attach the zip file you created above. In the reply you can tell me your character's name, the locale of your client, and a brief description of where you were and what happened just before the problem was encountered.
Last edited by bsmorgan on Mon Mar 12, 2007 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Mon Mar 12, 2007 8:53 am

K all files are in it
Also I dont know how hard it would be to do this, but as for our pets, can you make it so that when someone summons the pet it assoicates the pet name with the caster? Dont know if this is possible.

My characters name is Rache
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PVPLog Problem

Postby bsmorgan » Tue Mar 13, 2007 2:00 am

I was finally able to figure out what was happening with DoT damage. Version 2.4.0 has been released with the fixes for this problem. Thanks for your help.

I believe Blizzard provides all the events necessary to keep track of what pets belong to what players (at least friendly pets anyway). For now, PvPLog is going to continue to ignore pet-only PvP kills just like Blizzard ignores pet-only PvE kills.

If after giving 2.4.0 some play time you still feel that PvPLog's ignoring of pet damage is significant, please capture some debug data as documented here and attach it along with your well written case for me to reconsider.


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Re: PVPLog Problem

Postby BreeOge » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:01 am

Glad I can help, i will try this new version out and get back with you on it. As for the pets it shouldnt be a big deal because if my dots will get me a kill score then that will be good.
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