Member Toons

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Member Toons

Postby bbj911 » Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:23 pm

I want to modify the "my account" page to include links to all characters that you have. To do that i need to make several changes, the first of which is to stop the uploader from filtering out characters that are not in the configured guild.

Question : Is there going to be a problem if there are characters in the database that is not part of the guild that the roster is configured for?

Once the information is uploaded, an admin will tie the uploaded characters to a registered userid. Once that is done you will be able to see all you own characters and goto their respective char info pages. You will be able to see your money/bank/bags/etc regardless of roster setting ( more mods for this to happen later )

I guess i just need to know if its safe to include characters into the DB that dont form part of the guild. They should still not display in the roster standard.
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