For instance charprof works if I upload it to UA without the interface/addons structure inside the zip and of course dont set the checkbox for it.
ora2 for instance or others I tried which have subfolders in the zip file dont work. I get the following:
- Code: Select all
[2007.02.26 15:10:24] Addon Retrieval Response:
[2007.02.26 15:10:24]
[2007.02.26 15:10:24] File Name:
[2007.02.26 15:10:24] zipFileLocalLocation: S:\download\wow\temp\
[2007.02.26 15:10:24] Downloading.:
[2007.02.26 15:10:27] Unzipping
[2007.02.26 15:10:27] Creating Directory: S:\download\wow\temp\Interface\AddOns\oRA2
[2007.02.26 15:10:27] Unzipping
[2007.02.26 15:10:27] UpdateAddons: Ein Teil des Pfades S:\download\wow\temp\Interface\AddOns\oRA2\Participant\Buff.lua konnte nicht gefunden werden.
[2007.02.26 15:10:27] 1 Addon Updated.
stuff i already tried:
- renaming the zip to the addon folder name as in ancient times
- adding interface/addon and checkboxing the full path name
- removing the spaces in the addon properties of UA as described in the "know bug" section here
From the error above it seems that UU is unable to extrace the subfolders from the zip properly. As the downloaded is still in the wow directory, I can assure the download itself went flawless, it is the zip I uploaded to UA in all its beaty (read subfolders here).
any ideas?
ok, just tried the old UU 2.5 and this version extracts the zip just fine. Of course its not usuable as it has no clue about interface/addons changes, so my ora2 ends up in the wow directory instead of interface/addons, but at least the unzip works. So it seems to me it is infact a problem of UU instead of UA? So maybe move this post to the UU section.
edit: made a new post in UU forum, trying to delete the old one in UA now