UniUploaded deleted my Interface/Addons folder!
I wiped out all my addons.
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] Now updating: Decursive -Ace2-
[2007/02/25 17:50:57]
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: url: http://www.thehateguild.com/uniadmin/interface.php
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: param1: OPERATION
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: val1: GETADDON
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: param2: ADDON
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: val2: Decursive -Ace2-
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: Timeout: -1
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] http://www.thehateguild.com/uniadmin/ad ... ursive.zip
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] RetrData: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[2007/02/25 17:50:57]
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] Addon Retrieval Response:
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] http://www.thehateguild.com/uniadmin/ad ... ursive.zip
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] File Name: Decursive.zip
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] zipFileLocalLocation: C:\World of Warcraft\Decursive.zip
[2007/02/25 17:50:57] Downloading.: http://www.thehateguild.com/uniadmin/ad ... ursive.zip
[2007/02/25 17:50:58] Unzipping
[2007/02/25 17:50:58] Deleting old Addon Folder: C:\World of Warcraft\Interface
[2007/02/25 17:50:59] Deleting zip file
[2007/02/25 17:50:59] The Update Process for Decursive -Ace2- is complete.
[2007/02/25 17:50:59] 3 Addons Updated.
Yes i saw that and have set that to no from now on, hopefully that will keep issues like this from popping up again.zanix wrote:There is an sync setting in UA to allow checking for a new UU version
- Code: Select all
Manichee wrote:Please remove this update from the update server ASAP. Also can you make a option in uniadmin or some kind of check that checks if I want them to upgrade to the next version or not.
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