looty 1.2rc1

External page that displays guild bank data from the Roster database

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looty 1.2rc1

Postby trell » Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:51 am

Hi all,
I'm posting here a slightly modified version of looty which I hope will become the 1.2 release. You can see it in action at Dark Weasels Looty.

The main changes in this version are:

2007-02-22 v1.2RC1:
- Created a rudimentary localisation system
- Moved away from relying on register_globals
- Added a new config option $locale to set the locale of the roster
- Added ability to modify links to external sites (see localisation.php for more details)
- Moved HTML template to a separate file: bits/display.php
- Modified HTML template to be valid xhtml 1.0 transitional
- Moved many hardcoded style attributes into the bank.css file
- Modified tooltips.js to be compatible with standards compliant mode
- Added a configuration option to allow the tooltips to be fixed, or to follow the mouse (Previously this seemed to have differing behaviour on firefox and IE)

I have not yet added the changes suggested by frigolet, but those will be appearing prior to release.

I'm interested in seeing people with non-english locales giving this a test, and pointing me at their url. I tried with a German install and all of the non-ascii characters were showing up fine for me so I think there is more to the localisation problem than I realised.

Please post bugs, problems, complaints, flames, feature requests and anything else into this topic. Thanks, muchly for helping me test this.
looty 1.2 RC 1
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looty 1.2rc1

Postby robojerk » Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:32 am


I'll install this tomorrow while at work and gove you some feedback....
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looty 1.2rc1

Postby robojerk » Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:28 pm

Unfortunately, I speak english..

It works, no errors..

Appearance wise, except for the wowhead link I don't think anyone could tell that it's a new version.. I haven't had a chance to view the code yet.

Good job. =)
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looty 1.2rc1

Postby trell » Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:10 pm

After having spent the day installing the german and french language pack, setting up parallel rosters on my test box here and being able to see all of the foreign characters just fine I've grown suspicious. I believe the problem lies in the rather immature unicode support in php 4 (and as I'm testing on php 5 I'm just not seeing it).

I plan to setup a php 4 based server shortly and give it a poke to see if I can break it.

If you take a look in bits/localisation.php you can change the links to the various sites (so that you can make it a complete facsimile of the original looty, or turn off one or more of the links that you don't use). I've also moved to directly linking by item id for the sites that support it (allkhazam, wowhead in the english locale).

I've uncovered one bug so far where some items are not being correctly aggregated, i've fixed it in my svn repository here.

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Re: looty 1.2rc1

Postby Ansgar » Fri Feb 23, 2007 10:30 am

I just installed it on my server. It works perfectly also in french.

I may help you in order to get the menu also multi-language (currently only in english) almost in french.
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looty 1.2rc1

Postby trell » Fri Feb 23, 2007 6:26 pm

i'm planning further internationalisation support before release. if i have time i'll publish that today. what i do need for it though is the equipment classes (common, uncommon, superior and so on) translated into german.
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