by IllusoryThrall » Fri May 18, 2007 3:12 pm
Okay. I have the script working.. and .. sortof.. an integration of phpBB2 and WoWRoster running (well, partially running, I have the templating and the menu system about 80% done.)
Where I'm now stuck.. is I'd like to run a login/logout button .. basically, have the generic phpBB buttons for registering and logging in (if they're logged out), and a link to the roster update along with the php buttons for the profile control panel, private messages, and a logout button (if they're logged in).
I know this script is pulling in the user's log-in information (because 1, it's in the script, and 2, if i log out on the forums, I can't access update or config features anymore without logging back in)... so.. how can I then display the login/ logout button.. and hopefully a (register) if they're not logged in.. and (profile | private messages) if they're logged in. I tried messing with it, adding the code that's provided for integration on the phpBB site and documentation, but all I got was syntax error (white screens, nothing loads) after syntax error... nothing worked. I'm sure it's conflicts with something or other, or the code's being put in the wrong spot..
i'm calling the login/out and other user links from my roster_header.tpl file, but obviously the php definitions would have to be elsewhere...
any help at all would be great!
best-case scenario, like the last post, i'd also like to manage to show the roster pages to certain user groups, but I've a feeling that would take more coding than i've got the know-how to do.