Is anyone going to take over development of this addon? If so, I have a couple of suggestions.
1. Can you make it so all the rings are compaired instead of the two in the same slots
2. Can you compaire all of the trinkets like in 1.
3. It would be nice to be able to select a class that you want to compare. When you change from one class to another, the players for that class are loaded in both combo boxes. Most of the time it does not make much sence to compare different classed characters, but you could add in an option on the class drop down for all classes.
Relatively speaking I'm a totaly n00b at this stuff, but I am learning.
Does someone have this ported to the nuked version of roster?
By default it doesn't work correctly; after picking my two characters to compare, and clicking the compare button, I get an error screen saying that addon.php cannot be found.
I have been playing around in the compare_char.php file a bit, but I have yet to get it to function correctly. Upon fixing one error, I get another. hehe
Demo version of new version allows for side by side compare of all elements of character panel (including talents!), plus viewing guild bank and made by data. Still 'todo' is to allow level range filtering on guild bank / made by.
Super kludgy code, so no way in my right mind I'm sharing until I clean it up.
Secret to my success? My wife is a hardcore Roster user, always eyeballing stats, gear, etc for not only her characters, but also others in our guild (she's sorta head rogue).. I watch how she tries to use Roster, rebuild things to meet that need.