Updated imagepack question:

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Updated imagepack question:

Postby Luckygirl » Mon Feb 19, 2007 2:47 am

I just downloaded 1.7.3 two days ago and installed it. Do I need to grab the whole image pack and overwrite the old ones with these "prettier" ones?

Also, I had trouble accessing the database on step two of installation with yahoo. Turns out I had to change "localhost" to "mysql." Any idea why I had to do that and maybe note that in the instructions that it may need to be done and why?
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Updated imagepack question:

Postby zanix » Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:22 am

Luckygirl wrote:I just downloaded 1.7.3 two days ago and installed it. Do I need to grab the whole image pack and overwrite the old ones with these "prettier" ones?

You don't have to grab the new images if you don't want to
As you said, they are just better quality

Luckygirl wrote:Also, I had trouble accessing the database on step two of installation with yahoo. Turns out I had to change "localhost" to "mysql." Any idea why I had to do that and maybe note that in the instructions that it may need to be done and why?

It does state this in the install instructions
http://www.wowroster.net/wiki/index.php ... l#Step_4-1
Database Host:
Your MySQL server name.
If it resides on the same server as the web server, you should enter 'localhost'

Notice the "If it resides on the same server..." part?
However, I will change this to something like
However, some hosts may not have the mysql server on the same server as the web server, so you should contact your host and get the correct server location
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Updated imagepack question:

Postby Luckygirl » Mon Feb 19, 2007 5:46 am

Hrm...I'm now one of those posters where you get the "duh, it's in the instructions mortard!"

:) - While I did read that I thought I had it correct as in myphp admin it had the username@localhost so I thought it was right. Don't really know what I'm doing so this was confusing is all. Thanks :)
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