Mysql version server side too old. What to do?

Installation issues with WoWRoster

Mysql version server side too old. What to do?

Postby Luckygirl » Sat Feb 17, 2007 7:54 am

So on step three this pops up:

Installation Note

MySQL client and server versions 4.1.0 or higher and MyISAM table support are required for Roster.

You are running
• server version - 4.0.25-standard
• client version - 4.0.25
MySQL versions less than 4.1.0 may not work and are not supported.
Versions less than 4.1.0 may have unexpected issues, and we will not provide support for these installations.

My friend who runs my hosting in her business was thinking of changing hosting companies. In the mean time does this mean the hosting company needs to upgrade it's mysql for things to work? All I get is a bunch of errors using roster now. Is there any realistic possibility of saying, "Guys, upgrade your mysql," and they'll do it?

When I go to admin.php I get: note the bold text I changed for security.

1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup,
SELECT IF(`note` LIKE '%'s alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup, COUNT(`level`) AS amount, SUM(`level`) AS sum FROM `roster_members` GROUP BY isalt, levelgroup ORDER BY isalt ASC, levelgroup DESC
File: menu.php
Line: 55
Backtrace (most recent call last):
File: "path"/roster/lib/commonfunctions.lib.php
line 248
function called: backtrace
File: "path"/roster/lib/menu.php
line 55
function called: die_quietly
args: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup, , Database Error, menu.php, 55, SELECT IF(`note` LIKE '%'s alt%',1,0) AS 'isalt', FLOOR(`level`/10) AS levelgroup, COUNT(`level`) AS amount, SUM(`level`) AS sum FROM `roster_members` GROUP BY isalt, levelgroup ORDER BY isalt ASC, levelgroup DESC
File: "path"/roster/admin.php
line 288
function called: include_once
args: "path"/roster/lib/menu.php

I'm assuming that error is due to the old mysql version being run? This occurred after I updated the character lua. BTW, total noob at this. Was just looking up mysql on wikipedia :)

BTW, you guys rock! I used an older version of roster for awhile and recently upgraded with this new host. The fact you answer these support posts rocks!
Last edited by Luckygirl on Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:21 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Mysql version server side too old. What to do?

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 17, 2007 8:57 am

Sometimes web hosts have servers with newer versions of mysql and they just move you over
Other times they say "why would anyone need a newer version"

Yes, it is worth asking for reason one, and if they won't help you then you take your business elsewhere
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Mysql version server side too old. What to do?

Postby Luckygirl » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:36 am

Maybe it's because I just finished watching Legends of the Fall and I'm feeling all...sentimental and stuff, but you know you guys rock right? I'm mean seriously. You put all this time into a fun project that I'm sure isn't always fun, then you send it out for people to use, and you help them use it. There's a special place for you guys up in web heaven I know it. When I have a job I'll throw some cash your way. :)

Last edited by Luckygirl on Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Mysql version server side too old. What to do?

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:37 pm

Aww, thank you....
That was very nice of you to say
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