German Localization

Displays Instance keys for TBC

Moderator: titan99

German Localization

Postby titan99 » Mon Mar 05, 2007 1:48 pm

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Re: German Localization

Postby meksa » Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:01 pm


I'm sorry to say that it still does not work :neutral:

If there is anything i can help u with just tell me!

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Re: German Localization

Postby daddelkopp » Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:37 pm

meksa wrote:@daddelkopp:

I'm sorry to say that it still does not work :neutral:

If there is anything i can help u with just tell me!


:scratch: damed... Iam sorry but I think I couldnt help you because Iam a php beginner. Titan99 build (at this moment) a multilanguage AddOn. When its done, your problems may gone (I hope).:sad:

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German Localization

Postby titan99 » Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:53 pm

i'm yes build ti the multilanguage AddOn but this addon don't work in 2 language at the same time
Last edited by titan99 on Mon Mar 05, 2007 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German Localization

Postby Melliandra » Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:16 pm

titan99 wrote:i'm yes build ti the multilanguage AddOn but this addon don't work in 2 language at the same time

Please be aware that at least for a german version "which makes sense" *real* multilanguage is really required. The german WoW community splits around 50:50 into

- people who want the german version to play the game in their native
language (or are too lazy to install the english version ;-) )
- people who hate what Blizzard did with the german localization and
only play the english version

At least for my guild it is like that and I think this is not the only case...

To have a Guildroster which makes sense people with both english and german installations have to be able to use the Addons... as it is not good if only half the people can use the addon...

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Re: German Localization

Postby Efryse » Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:58 am

The german deDE included with version 0.3 does not work. I'm still using my own deDE.php to have different abbreviations and a different order. I really appreciate the new version, everyone can write his own localization-file to get it as wanted.

However I changed two things in the membersinstBC.php:
The first one is the tooltip-header. The table header is fine with the inst_names from the localization file. But if you look the tooltips you see the english abbreviations. I fixed this by changing line 429 in the membersinstBC.php to
Code: Select all
$tooltip_h = $inst_name[$key].' '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['key'].' Status';
The only difference is the use of $inst_name[$key] instead of $key.

The second change I did is the text in the table. In all language version it is 'Reput' caused by substr($items[$key][0], 0, 5). I wanted the german 'Ruf' and changed a little bit. I was wondering if anywhere in roster the different translation for reputation is stored and the only thing I found was $wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tab3'] which is only three characters long, not five. In german it's fine because the word is only three characters long.
So I changed line 510 in membersinstBC.php from
Code: Select all
print '<span class="name">'.substr($items[$key][0], 0, 5).'</span></a>'."\n";
Code: Select all
if (substr($items[$key][0], 0, 5)=="Reput")
            print '<span class="name">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tab3'];'.</span></a>'."\n";
            print '<span class="name">'.substr($items[$key][0], 0, 5).'</span></a>'."\n";
.That change is working for every localization (perhaps an upcoming esES?) but has the disadvantage of showing only three chars because it's taken from the character's tabs.

You can see the changes working on

I attached the modified addon if anyone has interest in it. Beware of a different localization, but you can simply change the deDE.php with daddelkopp's from

Edit: changed enUS/deDE because no Horde-Player will ever get revered to Honor Hold.
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Last edited by Efryse on Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German Localization

Postby Grektar » Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:05 pm

[quote="Melliandra]At least for my guild it is like that and I think this is not the only case...[/quote]

Absolutely right, same here ( :-)
Last edited by Grektar on Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: German Localization

Postby meksa » Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:59 am

I tested the version of Efryse and it works in this way that online the users of the deDE-Version are now beeing displayed in the key_bc. The users with the enGB-Version are not displayed.

that helps in this way that now finally out member can see the progress of the other guildmates but unfortunately not of those with the enGB Version.

I hope it will be possible to fix that in some kind of way.

so thanks

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Re: German Localization

Postby Efryse » Thu Mar 08, 2007 8:42 am

I did only make small changes. What you want doesn't work, because the Addon, which uses mostly the same code as the original Keys integrated in Roster, checks the names of keys/quests/reputation depending on your language settings in roster config. So if you change the language to enUS in roster config, you should only see the members using enGB-version.
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Re: German Localization

Postby dennishorn » Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:03 pm

well, in our roster the "old" keys are displayed whatever someone uses deDE or enGB client so i guess it should work with the new keys also.
but as i´m not experied with php it´s only a guess
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German Localization

Postby Efryse » Sat Mar 10, 2007 7:31 pm

So here it is. I hope this works ;)

I did some testing with german and english clients and it seems to work. Here is what I did (I hope i haven't forget anything).

I changed almost everything in localization.php. It looks like this now:
Code: Select all
$wordings['deDE']['kbc_title_addon'] = 'Schlüssel BC';
$wordings['enUS']['kbc_title_addon'] = 'Keys BC';
$wordings['frFR']['kbc_title_addon'] = 'Clefs BC';


Now all localization files are loaded because we need them all if people are using different languages.

Changes to the localization files (e.g: deDE.php):
Code: Select all

$inst_name now has a language index. This is has been done because the table headers would use the names from the last localization file loaded. Also I deleted the intorep variable. Roster has global reputation variables for each language, e.g. $wordings['deDE']['honored'] for wohlwollend which I use in membersinst.php. I also made some other changes to each file because the order of the keys have to be the same in each file.

Now the interesting changes in memberinstBC.php:
Changed line 61:
Code: Select all
$header '<a href="'.$itemlink[$roster_conf['roster_lang']].urlencode(utf8_decode(stripslashes($iname))).'" target="_blank">'.$inst_name[$roster_conf['roster_lang']][$header].'</a>'

$inst_name[$roster_conf['roster_lang']] is used to display the table headers instead of $inst_name. Same thing in line 428 for the tooltip headers:
Code: Select all
$tooltip_h $inst_name[$roster_conf['roster_lang']][$key].' '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['key'].' Status'

Line 143 ($reptoint) deleted. This variable has to be changed for every character depending on the client language.
New line 182:
Code: Select all
$items $inst_keys_bc[$row['clientLocale']][ substr($faction,0,1) ]; 

This should explain itself. $row['clientLocale'] is used and not $roster_conf['roster_lang']. I found this line in the orginal membersinst.php for the old keys.
Line 280+281: Inserted
Code: Select all
$inttorep = array(0,$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['neutral'],$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['friendly'],$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['honored'],$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['revered'],$wordings[$row['clientLocale']]['exalted']);
$reptoint array_flip($inttorep); 

The array $inttorep was formerly defined in the localization files. I'm using the wordings from roster to fill in the reputations of the installed wow-client. Exactly the same has been inserted in line 454+455 where the display code is.

If you change the order of the keys you have to do it in all localization files (deDE.php, enUS.php, frFR.php).

It has hardly been tested only by myself with english and german client.

This took some time to figure out what has to been done. I'm still a beginner in php. If it works and your guild plays on Arthas-EU, you can send me some gold for my epic flying mount :D
Integrated multilanguage support. Keys from users using another client language than the roster language should display correctly.
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Re: German Localization

Postby dennishorn » Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:10 am

thats really cool and working as spoken, just tested with german and english clients

sadly i´m on gorgonnash, cant send the money crossrealm ;)
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Re: German Localization

Postby ltdeta » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:31 pm

i don't like the expressionless column header ;)

so i made a quick and dirty Tooltip for each column

based on Efryse last version ( - only German (deDE.php)
based on Efryse last version - only German (deDE.php)
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Last edited by ltdeta on Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

German Localization

Postby scrubby » Sat Mar 17, 2007 2:56 am

Hello @ all,

i'm using basicly the German GulidRoster (newest Version) and the CharakterProfiler (also newest Version)... and now I habe a problem with the BC-Key (V0.4) Part of the Addon if someone with an englich account uploads himself.

The Following error is shown in the BC-Key-table:
Warning: Division by zero in /srv/www/htdocs/web313/html/roster/addons/key_bc/membersinstBC.php on line 515

Link to our page: Homepage

Please help me!

Thanks and greets,
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German Localization

Postby Efryse » Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:28 pm

I have seen this error before when I started to get key bc multilangual.

Please try out the version edited by me which posted in this thread:
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