Now, it is finally released and should be (mostly) bug free

There have been a few good changes in this version and we hope you will like them
Read the Change Log
Some basic notes about this release
- Read the documentation on Rosters' use
If you don't like the documentation, help fix it, please! - AS OF ROSTER v1.7.2, ADDONS ARE NO LONGER INCLUDED
We are now releasing Roster without addons
SigGen, MadeBy, Reputation, and Categorized Guildbank ARE Roster AddOns, you MUST download them separately - If you were running 1.7.3 beta 1, 2, or RC1, you can upgrade to the final code
...You beta testers must be screaming WOOT right about now
There is a file attached to this topic upgrade_173b.php, you must be logged in to get it!
Run this file and you are set! - Most v1.7.x Roster AddOns should work perfectly in v1.7.3
There may be one or two with exceptions - This may be the last 1.x version as we are starting on Codename-R2
But if Blizzard changes anything drastically, we will release more versions of Roster to keep up
Known Bugs!
Check this forum for hot fixes to Roster