WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby Elethil » Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:40 pm

my realm status isn't working. Just say's "no status"

disregard. I think it was something I did. Seems to be working now. I have an edited enUs.php file I was trying to use. I just re-edited the new one to suite my needs and things seem to be fine again.
Last edited by Elethil on Thu Feb 15, 2007 10:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby Sprakeloos » Thu Feb 15, 2007 11:36 pm

A guildmember noticed something weird tonight.
When you select professions they all show up ( 13 in total ) except Alchemy.
Tried to find out what's going on but I have no clue why it doesn't show.
When using the addon MadeBy it does show.
Any clue what's going on here ?
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Re: WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby DrSuSE » Fri Feb 16, 2007 4:10 pm

Firstly, thanks for another great release.

I have a problem, and while I am more inclined to blame Blizzard, I doubt that'd get me far...

It seems that in some situations a quest category will be duplicated on the in-game quest log. For example I have a quest called "How to break into the Arcatraz" and a quest called "Seer Udalo." Both quests are in separate categories in the quest log, though they are identically named "Tempest Keep."

When I update my profile, only the Udalo quest shows up in my characters quest list and consequently, no progress is shown on the keys page (the "How to break..." quest is part of a chain for that key).

Now if I abandon "Seer Udalo" and re-save and re-update my profile, then the previously missing quest is now displayed on both the quest list and key page.

I am presuming this is all caused by the redundantly named quest category, is there a way to handle this oddity?

Thanks in advance,


EDIT: After thinking about it more, I guess this is actually a CharacterProfiler issue, not a WoWRoster issue. I verified the missing quest is nowhere to be found in the CharacterProfiler.lua file.
Last edited by DrSuSE on Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby Elethil » Fri Feb 16, 2007 5:06 pm

Sprakeloos wrote:A guildmember noticed something weird tonight.
When you select professions they all show up ( 13 in total ) except Alchemy.
Tried to find out what's going on but I have no clue why it doesn't show.
When using the addon MadeBy it does show.
Any clue what's going on here ?

I just looked on mine and I also don't have Alchemy when I click on professions. There is Poisons but no Alchemy.
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby lanisse » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:07 pm


when I makes a setting has days I have this error :

Code: Select all
Update Errors
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '98-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1
Quest [] could not be inserted
1062: Duplicate entry '75-' for key 1

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Re: WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby ds » Fri Feb 16, 2007 9:52 pm

Elethil wrote:
Sprakeloos wrote:A guildmember noticed something weird tonight.
When you select professions they all show up ( 13 in total ) except Alchemy.
Tried to find out what's going on but I have no clue why it doesn't show.
When using the addon MadeBy it does show.
Any clue what's going on here ?

I just looked on mine and I also don't have Alchemy when I click on professions. There is Poisons but no Alchemy.

Just looked at the tradeskills.php file and it appears the logic for creating the skills list is flawed. When it builds the skill list for the SQL statement it will not match up the names correctly. Here is a quick hack to solve the issue (but really this still can be better but shows the issue).

Find in file: tradeskills.php
Line: 37
Code: Select all
$inClause = "'";
foreach( $roster_conf['multilanguages'] as $lang )
        $inClause .= implode("', '",$tsArray[$lang]);
$inClause .= "'";

Change to:
Code: Select all
$inClause = "'";
foreach( $roster_conf['multilanguages'] as $lang )
        $inClause .= implode("', '",$tsArray[$lang]);
        $inClause .= "', '";
$inClause .= "'";
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Re: WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby lesablier » Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:46 pm


Found that bonus items aren't show under character view.
Check in the Roster configuration for players, it's by default (users view), force to ON , nothing change.

Make a /cp purge all, re scan => same result

Here an exemple ... rver=Elune

CP 2.0.5b, Roster 1.7.3 final + Fix for duplicate keys in quests while uploading a character

You may find the characterprofile.lua provided here.

Thanks in any help.
Le sablier.
Character Profiler
(55.45 KiB) Downloaded 293 times
Last edited by lesablier on Fri Feb 16, 2007 10:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby Corbism » Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:12 pm

DrSuSE wrote:It seems that in some situations a quest category will be duplicated on the in-game quest log. For example I have a quest called "How to break into the Arcatraz" and a quest called "Seer Udalo." Both quests are in separate categories in the quest log, though they are identically named "Tempest Keep."

When I update my profile, only the Udalo quest shows up in my characters quest list and consequently, no progress is shown on the keys page (the "How to break..." quest is part of a chain for that key).

Now if I abandon "Seer Udalo" and re-save and re-update my profile, then the previously missing quest is now displayed on both the quest list and key page.

I am presuming this is all caused by the redundantly named quest category, is there a way to handle this oddity?

DrSuSE, yep, I just ran into the exact same issue you described above. I ended up abandoning the Seer Udalo quest so that I only had the one Tempest Keep quest. This way I can get my Tempest Keep key quest progress info to display on the roster.

I actually talked to two GM's about it. First GM said to reload my UI (don't do it as it doesn't work) and the second GM said they would file a bug report. Neither GM could actually confirm if this was normal behavior with the quest log. NOTE that if you have more than one Auchindoun instance quest, the quest log puts each one under a separate Auchedon heading as well.
Last edited by Corbism on Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:23 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 17, 2007 4:50 am

Already fixed
How about checking the "Official Updates & Bugs" forum huh?

Seems like blizz messed with the language again *sigh*

Thanks for the fix
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby lanisse » Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:40 am


to afflict I had not seen the post thank you has you:)

other bugg aren't the no-claims bonus object visible a solution?
Last edited by lanisse on Sat Feb 17, 2007 11:52 am, edited 2 times in total.
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby SethDeBlade » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:31 pm

i have a problem with rosterdiag.
one roster is located in a folder and the second roster is located in a subdomain

when i open rosterdiag in the first roster everything is fine.

but if i open rosterdiag in the "subdomained" roster i get a bunch of errors

Warning: is_dir() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(./..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/htdocs/XXXXX/:/tmp:/usr/bin:/www/htdocs/XXXXX:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/share/php) in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 119

Warning: opendir(./logs) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 115

Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 126

Warning: is_dir() []: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(./..) is not within the allowed path(s): (/www/htdocs/XXXXX/:/tmp:/usr/bin:/www/htdocs/XXXXX:/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/share/php) in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 139

Warning: opendir(./logs) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Permission denied in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 135

Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in /www/htdocs/XXXXX/lib/rosterdiag.lib.php on line 148

do you know why?? is it only because of the subdomain thing?
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 17, 2007 12:34 pm

It's saying that RosterDiag is trying to read some directories that your server has locked off and RosterDiag wasn't coded to handle that

If the rest of the page renders ok, then yo have nothing to worry about
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby vblars » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:46 am

Never mind i found the buff-error. If a buff doesn't have any rank as 'Omen of Clarity' then it can't be add to the base(doesn't have a default value).
Look in wowdb.php line 895 and change it to this. :)

if( isset( $buff['Rank'] ) )
$this->add_value('rank', $buff['Rank'] );
$this->add_value('rank', '1' );
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby mephi1982 » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:00 pm

this version is now finally bugfree or gives it still hires to be must improved?
I would like to present the members of our gilde a functioning version :P

^^ sorry.. my english is bad.. i know ;)

thx @ wow-roster's makers! its a good work :D
Last edited by mephi1982 on Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:10 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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WoWRoster 1.7.3 Released!

Postby zanix » Sun Mar 04, 2007 7:42 pm

No, there always going to be bugs
Check this forum for official hot fixes
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