Regex for guild title and public note

Scans for, and displays main/alt relations in your Guild

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Regex for guild title and public note

Postby NurMut » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:12 pm


I'm not that kind of well using Regex :scratch: so I need some help.

My guild organized the Twinks in a seperate Rank on the guild, this title is just called Twink.

To make it easier for our new Members to know who we are we placed the name registred in our forums at the public note.

Now I've got the Problem that
  • public note doesn't always show the mains name
  • I'm not able to get the Regex code up for this

Please help.

Link to our Guilds Roster

Greetings NurMut
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Regex for guild title and public note

Postby PleegWat » Thu Jul 13, 2006 2:25 pm

Your best guess at a regex is /([\w]+)/, and setting both options to main. Prepare to get a lot of red lines (red lines are bad) for invalid main names in the note.

Make sure the name is the first word in the note in this setup.
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