Checked addon doesn't update

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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby Mercedes » Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:28 pm

I added Personal Sentry to the addons section to be updated in UniUploader. It does not update this addon, and then unchecks it in the addons section. I have 19 other addons listed in UniUploader that stay updated just fine. Any ideas why this one addon won't update and then gets automatically unchecked?
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby MattM » Wed Feb 14, 2007 12:24 am

are you uploading it to UA with the correct file structure?
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby Mercedes » Sat Feb 17, 2007 1:02 am

Yes it did have the correct directory structure.

I updated to the new uniadmin, and now I have about 4 or 5 addons that are doing the same thing. They don't update, and then automatically uncheck the addon in UU.

The addons that are not updating and automatically being unchecked in UU are:
Deadly Boss Mods (La Vendetta)
Kharthus's Hunter Timers
X-Perl UnitFrames
Zanzer's Hunter Mod
Personal Sentry

This happens when I check them and then go to the UPDATER tab and click on Synchronize.

I uploaded the debug output if you want to see it.
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby Mercedes » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:00 pm

Well, after reinstalling UU and rechecking all directory structures of the zip files, I finally figured out the problem.

The name in UA HAS to be the same as the addon directory.
Example - Deadly Boss Mods is automatically named "Deadly Boss Mods (La Vendetta)" by UA when you upload it. You need to go into the edit addon area of UA and edit the name to DBM. It will then update the addon and keep it checked it UU.

I had to change the other names to:
Kharthus's Hunter Timers = KHunterTimers
X-Perl UnitFrames = XPerl
Zanzer's Hunter Mod = ZHunterMod
Personal Sentry = PersonalSentry I'm not sure about this one yet. I had to take the space out of the addon directory name, and haven't had time yet to test it in game to see if it still works. It does download and stay checked now though. The space in the directory name was causing the prob with this one.
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:28 pm

This is a bug in UU's parsing of addon names
It splits them on spaces and throws away the rest
So as long as there is no spaces in the name, you are ok
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby Mercedes » Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:35 pm

zanix wrote:This is a bug in UU's parsing of addon names
It splits them on spaces and throws away the rest
So as long as there is no spaces in the name, you are ok

Ahhh, OK. Thx for the reply.
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby sweede » Wed Feb 21, 2007 1:31 am

zanix wrote:This is a bug in UU's parsing of addon names
It splits them on spaces and throws away the rest
So as long as there is no spaces in the name, you are ok

Is this going to be fixed because every Ace downloaded addon has -ace2- appended to the end of the name.
i.e. Bartender3 -Ace2-
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby zanix » Wed Feb 21, 2007 2:50 am

When Matt updates UU, it will be fixed
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby skifter22 » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:14 pm

I am having a similar problem with UA and UU.

The add-ons available on my Guild Site's UA are:

Advanced Trade Skill Window
Character Profiler (required)
Chuck Norris Facts
cMinimap Coordinates
Guild Event Manager (required)
PvPLog (required)

After poouring through the forums and correcting everything I could find, I am still having trouble. Below is a description:

1. Problem started after myself and other guildies updated UU to 2.6.1. I was still running UA 0.7.0. One of my guildies opted to try an optional Add-On but reported that it wasn't downloading. I figured it was a compatability issue with UA and so updated to the latest (v7.5) this morning

2. Installed new UA and uploaded Add-ons as with older version of UA (Interface/addons/{addon name} structure). Noticed that UA was pushing them into the same structure so I'd end up with Interface/addons/Interface/addons/{addon name}. Removing Add-ons and uploading the bare zip fixed this issue. I also removed all spaces from Add-on names per the above posts.

3. After correcting the directory structure issue, my 3 required add-ons Downloaded and installed upon synching. I added the other 7 and tried them, but only the required ones would download. I made all of the addons required, but only outfitter, PvPlog, Guild event manager, and Character profiler would download.

A little baffeled as to what's going on here. I've uploaded the debugger file for review. :scratch:

My guild site:

Uniadmin panel:

Any help you could lend would be most appreciated...

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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby MattM » Mon Feb 26, 2007 10:56 pm

2 will be fixed when zanix releases the next version of UA.

3 is a known bug and I'll be releasing a new version of UU very soon.
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby skifter22 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 3:51 am

Still having the same issue after 2.6.2 update...

Could I have seomthing wrong in UA as well?

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Oh - and thanks for a kick-ass set of guild tools. Been using this setup for a couple of months now and we love it!!

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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby MattM » Tue Feb 27, 2007 5:49 am

post your new debug log and addon please
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Re: Checked addon doesn't update

Postby skifter22 » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:01 am


The add-ons haven't changed (I've made no changes to UA since my first post this thread)but here they are anyway:

Advanced Trade Skill Window
Character Profiler (required)
Chuck Norris Facts
cMinimap Coordinates
Guild Event Manager (required)
PvPLog (required)

I have attached the log file to this post.

Thanks again! :thumright:
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby Tupsi » Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:59 am

can confirm that, addons marked as "required" are downloaded correct now in 2.6.2, but addons not required never download.
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Checked addon doesn't update

Postby MattM » Tue Feb 27, 2007 1:47 pm

so what you guys are saying is that addons you check in the addons box in uu, even though they dont even exist in your wow install, arent being marked as needing to be updated?
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