Just a quick (but huge) thanks to all that have been working on this.
Very sorry to hear of the problems that some of the devs have had recently and that things pick for you in the near future.
My site has recently been PLAGUED with spam posts as we have to have an open recruitment forum for people to apply for membership of the guild. The Dragonfly people seem utterly unconvinced of a need to strip out the bots with a CAPATCHA on guests posts and the IP Flooding functionality just does not work with the current release.
Anyway, all my guild member are very greateful of this module as it seems we only get new post spam and not "reply spam" so we can use this to insert new apps and have the guests reply to any questions raised.
I had to sort a few things out...
I've updated it to post to normal forums and not the ForumsPro module as I had all kinds of issues with that, the upgrade screwed up permissions and I'm not convinced on the support on the ForumsPro site, posts go for ages without replies
There was an issue with the realms on the setup screen, the php that outputs the realm names needed an extra space in the HTML so that all options were output (and not only 4 or so realms)
There seems to be some missing escaping of user inputs so in the php file that accepts the data and escapes some of the data I've added all the input fields to it as the SQL call treats all the data as string when passing to the MySQL DB which means someone could make a fake page post dodgy data. I've got some data escaped twice, but I'm not worried about that.
Once again, thanks for a superb module that I'm sure will get lots of use in the near future!