DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby creep303 » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:45 am

When people app, i get an error email on the application, I will post the latest one i got...

Code: Select all
On /index.php?name=Application&file=confirm
While executing query "INSERT INTO cms_recruit_data (Name, email, age, time_zone, charname, class, lvl, talentname, tpoint1, tpoint2, tpoint3, prof1, prof1_lvl, prof2,
prof2_lvl, fa_lvl, fish_lvl, cook_lvl, res_fr, res_shad, res_arc, res_nature, res_frost, att_ony, att_mc, att_bwl, att_naxx, att_kara, att_serp, att_eye, att_hyjal, gear_url, alt1, alt2, guild1, guild2, guild3, guild_reason, respec, scale_play, flymount, raid_mon, raid_tues, raid_wed, raid_thurs, raid_fri, raid_sat, raid_sun, bosses_zul, bosses_mc, bosses_bwl, bosses_aq40, bosses_naxx, bosses_kara, bosses_mag, bosses_gruul, bosses_serp, bosses_eye, bosses_bltemple, bosses_hyjal, tbc_key_shatter, tbc_key_shadow, tbc_key_arc, tbc_hfc_rep, tbc_cfr_rep, tbc_auch_rep, tbc_tk_rep, tbc_cot_rep, read_faqs, other_notes, cdate)
VALUES ('Artheon', 'Kmalone06@gmail.com', '2', '1', 'Artheon', '1', '70', 'Hybrid', '33', '28', '0', '5', '375', '1',
'375', '375', '10','150', '75', '41', '40', '', '45', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Thrall&n=Artheon', 'ArtheBank', '', 'Das Ubel', 'Absolutum', 'Learn2Learn/Betrayal', ' Das Ubel - Was with them from MC - Naxx. When they broke up PreBC I decided to take a break.

Absolutum - A friendly guild that I joined when I first started playing again, left looking for a more Hardcore experience

L2L/Betrayal - Same guild, was coaxed into becomming their tank, but we've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', '', 'Yes', '-', 'ALL', 'ALL', 'all cept Twin Emps/C'Thun', 'Raz', 'Attunemen - Opera', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', 'Close to being revered w/ Honor Hold and Cenarian Expedition, just haven't found many groups.

While I was in Das Ubel, I was designated DPS Warrior / off tank when needed, toward the end of Das Ubel's life I played a key role in tanking to complete Razuvius every week, and though i've spent most of my time DPS'ing I do understand how to tank well and have no problems respecing if needed. I'm a quick learner and very flexible so most instances aren't a problem. Generally pleasant and easy to get along with, I would be willing to say that I can make a great addition to any team. ', '2007-07-20')"

the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes' at line 4

In: /home/content/E/l/y/ElyThrall/html/modules/Application/confirm.php on line: 320
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Movix » Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:22 am

put it in your /languages/french folder

Code: Select all

are leading to errors after translation so left as they were

some minor content modifications on the recruitement textes
for convience to my guild.

Sans relecture au niveau de l'orthographe.

This post is a qui difficult to read and post cause of it's width, hehe, loogin for the submit button ....
frfr languange file.zip
(5.57 KiB) Downloaded 357 times
Last edited by Movix on Tue Jul 24, 2007 5:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Vildarr » Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:05 am

creep303 wrote:When people app, i get an error email on the application, I will post the latest one i got...

Code: Select all
On /index.php?name=Application&file=confirm
While executing query "INSERT INTO cms_recruit_data (Name, email, age, time_zone, charname, class, lvl, talentname, tpoint1, tpoint2, tpoint3, prof1, prof1_lvl, prof2,
prof2_lvl, fa_lvl, fish_lvl, cook_lvl, res_fr, res_shad, res_arc, res_nature, res_frost, att_ony, att_mc, att_bwl, att_naxx, att_kara, att_serp, att_eye, att_hyjal, gear_url, alt1, alt2, guild1, guild2, guild3, guild_reason, respec, scale_play, flymount, raid_mon, raid_tues, raid_wed, raid_thurs, raid_fri, raid_sat, raid_sun, bosses_zul, bosses_mc, bosses_bwl, bosses_aq40, bosses_naxx, bosses_kara, bosses_mag, bosses_gruul, bosses_serp, bosses_eye, bosses_bltemple, bosses_hyjal, tbc_key_shatter, tbc_key_shadow, tbc_key_arc, tbc_hfc_rep, tbc_cfr_rep, tbc_auch_rep, tbc_tk_rep, tbc_cot_rep, read_faqs, other_notes, cdate)
VALUES ('Artheon', 'Kmalone06@gmail.com', '2', '1', 'Artheon', '1', '70', 'Hybrid', '33', '28', '0', '5', '375', '1',
'375', '375', '10','150', '75', '41', '40', '', '45', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Thrall&n=Artheon', 'ArtheBank', '', 'Das Ubel', 'Absolutum', 'Learn2Learn/Betrayal', ' Das Ubel - Was with them from MC - Naxx. When they broke up PreBC I decided to take a break.

Absolutum - A friendly guild that I joined when I first started playing again, left looking for a more Hardcore experience

L2L/Betrayal - Same guild, was coaxed into becomming their tank, but we've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', '', 'Yes', '-', 'ALL', 'ALL', 'all cept Twin Emps/C'Thun', 'Raz', 'Attunemen - Opera', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', 'Close to being revered w/ Honor Hold and Cenarian Expedition, just haven't found many groups.

While I was in Das Ubel, I was designated DPS Warrior / off tank when needed, toward the end of Das Ubel's life I played a key role in tanking to complete Razuvius every week, and though i've spent most of my time DPS'ing I do understand how to tank well and have no problems respecing if needed. I'm a quick learner and very flexible so most instances aren't a problem. Generally pleasant and easy to get along with, I would be willing to say that I can make a great addition to any team. ', '2007-07-20')"

the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes' at line 4

In: /home/content/E/l/y/ElyThrall/html/modules/Application/confirm.php on line: 320

It's because they using " ' " in there post which when submitted to database through code is the character to open/end a piece of data. By the looks of it its closing the text part too early try a test one using something like I've and Ive and see if that fixes your issue.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby gyrantol » Thu Jul 26, 2007 3:02 pm

creep303 wrote:When people app, i get an error email on the application, I will post the latest one i got...

Code: Select all
On /index.php?name=Application&file=confirm
While executing query "INSERT INTO cms_recruit_data (Name, email, age, time_zone, charname, class, lvl, talentname, tpoint1, tpoint2, tpoint3, prof1, prof1_lvl, prof2,
prof2_lvl, fa_lvl, fish_lvl, cook_lvl, res_fr, res_shad, res_arc, res_nature, res_frost, att_ony, att_mc, att_bwl, att_naxx, att_kara, att_serp, att_eye, att_hyjal, gear_url, alt1, alt2, guild1, guild2, guild3, guild_reason, respec, scale_play, flymount, raid_mon, raid_tues, raid_wed, raid_thurs, raid_fri, raid_sat, raid_sun, bosses_zul, bosses_mc, bosses_bwl, bosses_aq40, bosses_naxx, bosses_kara, bosses_mag, bosses_gruul, bosses_serp, bosses_eye, bosses_bltemple, bosses_hyjal, tbc_key_shatter, tbc_key_shadow, tbc_key_arc, tbc_hfc_rep, tbc_cfr_rep, tbc_auch_rep, tbc_tk_rep, tbc_cot_rep, read_faqs, other_notes, cdate)
VALUES ('Artheon', 'Kmalone06@gmail.com', '2', '1', 'Artheon', '1', '70', 'Hybrid', '33', '28', '0', '5', '375', '1',
'375', '375', '10','150', '75', '41', '40', '', '45', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'No', 'http://armory.worldofwarcraft.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Thrall&n=Artheon', 'ArtheBank', '', 'Das Ubel', 'Absolutum', 'Learn2Learn/Betrayal', ' Das Ubel - Was with them from MC - Naxx. When they broke up PreBC I decided to take a break.

Absolutum - A friendly guild that I joined when I first started playing again, left looking for a more Hardcore experience

L2L/Betrayal - Same guild, was coaxed into becomming their tank, but we've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', '', 'Yes', '-', 'ALL', 'ALL', 'all cept Twin Emps/C'Thun', 'Raz', 'Attunemen - Opera', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'Yes', 'Yes', '', 'Close to being revered w/ Honor Hold and Cenarian Expedition, just haven't found many groups.

While I was in Das Ubel, I was designated DPS Warrior / off tank when needed, toward the end of Das Ubel's life I played a key role in tanking to complete Razuvius every week, and though i've spent most of my time DPS'ing I do understand how to tank well and have no problems respecing if needed. I'm a quick learner and very flexible so most instances aren't a problem. Generally pleasant and easy to get along with, I would be willing to say that I can make a great addition to any team. ', '2007-07-20')"

the following error occured: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 've not raided yet, thus im looking for an actual guild.', 'No', '8', 'Yes', 'Yes' at line 4

In: /home/content/E/l/y/ElyThrall/html/modules/Application/confirm.php on line: 320

Vildar is quite right. It looks like the seperators for the sql code are ' that means that when sql see's that symbol it thinks it is the end of that statement and tries to process the next one. I know it is a pain in the behind but you could try placeing the text in " until Razac is back and can get a fix out
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Deeo » Thu Jul 26, 2007 8:03 pm

put it in your /languages/french folder

Code: Select all

are leading to errors after translation so left as they were

hi Movix,

you have to edit your database, then you could translate this Code.
Or reinstall the Module should help also.

BTW : german translation will come today (i hope).
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby creep303 » Mon Jul 30, 2007 4:07 am

Awesome thanks for the help. I've reinstalled my whole site and there hasn't been an error in about the 5 days it's been live so i'm crossing my fingers.

Also a dumb question. Is there any way I can change the age values in the application itself? We have a 18 and over policy and i want to change it so instead of it being under 16 etc, we have it so it's something like 18-20.

Any help in changing this would be greatly appreciated.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Grendahl » Mon Jul 30, 2007 12:10 pm

Every time someone uses a contraction (don't, it's, etc.) in the block where they are to describe why they left their last guild, I get emailed an SQL error notice. Haven't seen any fixes here, can someone give me a shove in the right direction please?
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Tcheekin » Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:08 am

Well didn't get back to this sooner, my apologies ... and sorry to hear about the RL issues Razac so consider these feature requests for whenever you get around - take your time :)

Recruitment Box Text: Customize the "We are currently looking..."

Initial Recruitment Page: Customize the lower sections of text ranging from the exact definitions of high, low, etc. to the ability to personalize the entire recruitment form instructions/text.

Main Recruitment Page
: I like the idea of being able to hide/disable sections. Also more text control and requirement control ...

Profession level control or disabling option
Ability to increase/decrease/disable the Alts listing (I have more then 14 personally)
Text for Raiding Availability ... I know its generic and trying to address most but customization can really sweeten things up. The upper instruction text set should be customizable.

I'll probably think of more but that's enough for now. Granted everything here can be redone with some creative code searches, a text editor and some spare time but I feel like the mod is pretty much complete. Now is the time to shift from Core design to bells and whistles :D

EDIT: Improved Wording
Last edited by Tcheekin on Tue Jul 31, 2007 7:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby gyrantol » Tue Jul 31, 2007 5:58 pm

Grendahl this as already been explained a few posts above yours. The reason words like don't and it's come up with an sql error is because sql uses the ' symbol as a seperator. So when sql see's the ' symbol it thinks it is the end of the command and tries to process the next one and this is where it throws up an error. as it can't understand things like "t know"

Razac has been away so there is no offical fixes pushed out yet on thing you can try doing is get the user to put the text in double quotation marks " that might do it. The other thing is to go through the sql script and change the seperators to something else
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Fosfor » Fri Aug 10, 2007 10:43 pm

i got a slight issue with this mod all of a sudden

i cant change the recruitment status anymore
high low and so on
and it can not be moderated anymore

change class requirement for example i cant change
i typ the requirements he says saved but nothing happened
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Decap » Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:16 am

Hello everyone... everything is working fine on the module side, but my Recruitment Block isn't displaying on the main page. http://www.immortaleguild.com Any help? Is there a DF Mod that will help configure Blocks?

Never mind, I figured it out :)
Last edited by Decap on Sat Aug 11, 2007 7:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Grendahl » Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:19 pm

I know that all that would be required as far as the ' causing the error is to escape it... so that don't would become don\'t, and it would show fine.

There is already code that automatically escapes the single quote in the forum module's code, and I was simply hoping that the code for the forums that escapes the single quote could be used for that text input box.

The problem with telling users to not use the apostrophe as they type is that they simply will not follow that instruction, nor should they have to. It's the functionality that is broken, not the user's understanding of how to fill in a form.
Last edited by Grendahl on Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Heckler » Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:23 pm

Hey :D

I downloaded the module and tried to get it to work but I get DB errors after I've installed it :(

Is there something I have to edit in the module or do before I install it??

Heckler :D
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Heckler » Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:38 pm

Here's the error I get:

Code: Select all
SQL Queries:


    * 0.0003 - LINE 64: SELECT mid, title, custom_title, active, view, blocks, version FROM dfly_modules WHERE LOWER(title)='application'


    * 0.0003 - LINE 119: SELECT bid, bposition, bkey, title, content, url, blockfile, view, refresh, time FROM dfly_blocks WHERE active='1' ORDER BY weight ASC
    * 0.0004 - LINE 326: SELECT * FROM dfly_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1


    * 0.0006 - LINE 34: UPDATE dfly_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (var='Firefox' AND type='browser') OR (var='Mac' AND type='os')
    * 0.0003 - LINE 35: UPDATE dfly_stats_hour SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (year='2007') AND (month='08') AND (date='13') AND (hour='23')


    * CMS Notice line 272: There is no language file for module recruitment/form


    * CMS Warning line 75: On /heckler/index.php?name=Application While executing query "SELECT server FROM dfly_wowrosterdf_roster_guild" the following error occured: Table 'nitrohuc_dbheckler.dfly_wowrosterdf_roster_guild' doesn't exist In: /home/nitrohuc/public_html/heckler/modules/Application/appconfig.php on line: 31

Does that mean I have to install the wowroster module to get the application module to work??

Thx Heckler :D
Last edited by Heckler on Tue Aug 14, 2007 12:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby foxpur » Sun Sep 02, 2007 5:25 pm

I too ended up with a delay of a couple month and a few more to go.. I've had a Stroke. Much of my right side is still not usable. I'll be back.
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