DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Tue Jun 26, 2007 10:55 pm


The 0 I have no idea where its coming from. I may e missing it but i have checked all over for anything sending a 0 to the screen and cant find anything

Any way you can PM me some sort of FTP info to your site so I can fix the yes no issue.

I will delete all FTP info when its done. ask Foxpur. im trust worthy.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby foxpur » Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:03 am

Razac wrote:I will delete all FTP info when its done. ask Foxpur. im trust worthy.

Trustworthy? Him? Naw, he's scum. :)

Seriously, I have given razac Sr. Admin rights to my server, my database, and my ftp and he has been an invaluble resource to aiding in my site configuartion and deveopment. He is completely trustworthy.

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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:06 pm

Razac wrote:Its things like the attunements and flying mount etc..

Each game needs its own application form.

What it really needs to work with any situation is a full form builder that would allow any admin to build a form with any number of fields/questions that then would also post to a forum and to a db for later viewing. I have personally been looking at a new alpha build cms that almost has this full function well it will allow you to build a form with any type of field and number but it will only post to the db... now it wouldn't be hard for it to post to a forum now would it?
So I was thinking of trying to get this over to df but looking at the cms the module is tied into many core parts which will make it hard to do. I will continue to look at the code to hopefully find away to accomplish this task.
If you would like to check it out to see what im talking about my test site is
and there download site is
If you decide to check it out please remind your self we are only here for the form builder and to port it to DF.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jun 28, 2007 4:39 pm

foxpur wrote:
Razac wrote:I will delete all FTP info when its done. ask Foxpur. im trust worthy.

Trustworthy? Him? Naw, he's scum. :)

Seriously, I have given razac Sr. Admin rights to my server, my database, and my ftp and he has been an invaluble resource to aiding in my site configuartion and deveopment. He is completely trustworthy.


Razac is a good guy and here to help in any way he can i have seen thus far, there for feel that he is also a trust worthy individual.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby gyrantol » Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:14 pm

ok I have updated to the newer version and i am still getting the sql error for line 37 :(

it looks fine apart from that though
Last edited by gyrantol on Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Thu Jun 28, 2007 5:20 pm

Being an admin of your site and full debug mode on can you post the exact error that you see for that line and the db error info.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Tcheekin » Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:26 am

Not to side track Gyrantol's issues, is there a suggestion thread for more features?

Looking for a little more control over some of the preset text on index.php and index2.php. Yes, I can alter it in the actual file but if this develops (and I think its worthy of such) into a major module, along with a complete "How to" guide, you will want to give better control over such customization in the administration.

Another field I see very common in guild applications is "Referral" or "Reference" for those that require some personal reference from within the guild on the application.

Please move this to the appropriate thread if I've posted in the wrong one. Thank you for a great module and the time you've put into this ...

and now back to "Challenges: with your host ... Anaxent"
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:20 am

Could you give me some examples as to what you would like to change on the index and index2 pages.

I dont mind building the functionality into this I just need to know as much info as I can to accomodate.

Perhaps section the page out with what you want and would want to change.

As it is now you should be able to change the language file to say what you want it too.

Perhaps I will look into templateing this..
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:23 am

oh yeah Gryantol. I need a bit more specific error msgs to be able to find the solution..

Anex. I was looking at trying to get that form builder. Like you said its tied pretty well into the core and would be a job on its own to take it out..

I keep meaning to go through it all and locate all the dependancies from all the files and the code with in it..
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby gyrantol » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:59 pm

here we go this is a full debug from the recruitment settings page

Code: Select all
SQL Queries:

0.0012 - LINE 59: SELECT mid, title, custom_title, active, view, blocks, version FROM nuke_modules WHERE LOWER(title)='recruitment_settings'
0.0012 - LINE 326: SELECT * FROM nuke_banner WHERE type='0' AND active='1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 0,1
0.0012 - LINE 34: UPDATE nuke_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (var='MSIE' AND type='browser') OR (var='Windows' AND type='os')
0.001 - LINE 35: UPDATE nuke_stats_hour SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (year='2007') AND (month='06') AND (date='29') AND (hour='08')
0.0005 - LINE 45: SELECT server FROM nuke_wowrosterdf_roster_guild
0.0006 - LINE 55: SELECT guild_name FROM nuke_wowrosterdf_roster_guild
0.0012 - LINE 67: SELECT * FROM nuke_recruitment
0.0009 - LINE 30: SELECT * FROM nuke_recruitment
0.001 - LINE 638: SELECT group_id, group_name, group_description FROM nuke_bbgroups WHERE group_name !=""
0.0022 - LINE 690: SELECT user_id, username, user_active FROM nuke_users WHERE user_active ="1"
Notice line 24: Constant _REQUIRED already defined
Notice line 33: Constant _EMAIL already defined
Notice line 181: Constant _YES already defined
Notice line 182: Constant _NO already defined
Notice line 203: Constant _DELETE already defined
Notice line 205: Constant _NEW already defined
Notice line 206: Constant _APP_DATE already defined
Notice line 222: Constant _EMAIL_ERROR already defined
Warning line 30: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: server not found in MySQL result index 35
Notice line 109: Undefined variable: id
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:30 pm

so should any of this have the prefix of nuke? Shouldn't it all use the prefix of df which by default is cms_

Code: Select all
0.0012 - LINE 34: UPDATE nuke_counter SET count=count+1 WHERE (var='MSIE' AND type='browser') OR (var='Windows' AND type='os')
0.001 - LINE 35: UPDATE nuke_stats_hour SET hits=hits+1 WHERE (year='2007') AND (month='06') AND (date='29') AND (hour='08')
0.0005 - LINE 45: SELECT server FROM nuke_wowrosterdf_roster_guild
0.0006 - LINE 55: SELECT guild_name FROM nuke_wowrosterdf_roster_guild
0.0012 - LINE 67: SELECT * FROM nuke_recruitment
0.0009 - LINE 30: SELECT * FROM nuke_recruitment
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby gyrantol » Fri Jun 29, 2007 9:15 pm

it is nuke because it was a phpnuke to df conversion
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Feature requests and changes

Postby foxpur » Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:17 pm

I warned Razac this was coming, I have version 3 plans here....


You ask for the Armory link in the settings but don't apply it in the place when you ask them to link their Armory. TBH it should pull the armory link provided in the setup and the name entered into the character field and generate the link to the Armory automatically.

New features:

The current application is decidedly designed toward a raiding guild. Several sections in the application are specifically raid. Each sections should have the option of being 'turned off' in the settings if not needed.

For example, I run a RP guild and the requirements as a guild are not based around the build and statistic of the players but around the character development. So raid times and raid details are not as useful sections (but very well may be at a later date), Things like attunements and keys are just not really useful for the guild right now.

A option for custom fields so a guild can define something special they are looking for.

When selecting the armory used (US or EU etc) you could make that a pulldown option and have the predefined armory links in that section, in doing so you will have the predefined time zones that go with that server area for them to select from.

Optional ability to select text for common professions (for example we may not have requirements) (and yes, I can edit text in the php)

Editable text fields for the footer of the submission for and the 'classes wanted' pages for customisation.

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Re: Feature requests and changes

Postby Devlinm » Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:13 am

Is the link on the front page going to be the newest version? if not, can we get it linked to that page instead of having to dig through all the posts to find which one is the good newest version lol, thanks a ton....
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Thu Jul 05, 2007 1:12 am

LOL your 1st change was done a while back... I just keep forgetting to remove the field. you could leave that field blank and it will still make the link in the admin / forum and email
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