if he had the same number of questions, and the same kind of questions (yes, no questions, etc.)
and if there are the same number of classes, he has just to edit the Language file...
hrisno wrote:this is a great application and been following it. Even I wont use it for Wow I need it for LotRO.
so my question is, is there an easy way to change all the info so it fit for LotRO ?
Not that good at this yet
CMS Warning line 75: On /index.php?name=Application&file=confirm While executing query "INSERT INTO cms_recruit_data (Name, email, age, time_zone, charname, class, lvl, talentname, tpoint1, tpoint2, tpoint3, prof1, prof1_lvl, prof2, prof2_lvl, fa_lvl, fish_lvl, cook_lvl, res_fr, res_shad, res_arc, res_nature, res_frost, att_ony, att_mc, att_bwl, att_naxx, att_kara, att_serp, att_eye, att_hyjal, gear_url, alt1, alt2, guild1, guild2, guild3, guild_reason, respec, scale_play, flymount, raid_mon, raid_tues, raid_wed, raid_thurs, raid_fri, raid_sat, raid_sun, bosses_zul, bosses_mc, bosses_bwl, bosses_aq40, bosses_naxx, bosses_kara, bosses_mag, bosses_gruul, bosses_serp, bosses_eye, bosses_bltemple, bosses_hyjal, tbc_key_shatter, tbc_key_shadow, tbc_key_arc, tbc_hfc_rep, tbc_cfr_rep, tbc_auch_rep, tbc_tk_rep, tbc_cot_rep, read_faqs, other_notes, cdate) VALUES ('Test', 'ryan.ford@gmail.com', '3', '1', 'Displacement', '2', '70', 'Can't/Won't', '0', '40', '40', '3', '', '1', '', '', '',
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