DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Thu May 17, 2007 12:16 am

I was thinking of breaking out of DF and making this be used for any roster install. then in the addon config we can set the form to either email or if installed in df, phpbb, etc we can add to the addon so others can use it. More or less instead of all of us building something diffrent lets all get on the same page and build this for all roster users.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby robojerk » Thu May 17, 2007 12:46 am

Anaxent wrote:I was thinking of breaking out of DF and making this be used for any roster install. then in the addon config we can set the form to either email or if installed in df, phpbb, etc we can add to the addon so others can use it. More or less instead of all of us building something diffrent lets all get on the same page and build this for all roster users.

My only issue with that is I know some guilds that have started to use the application module but don't use WoWRoster. I tried to get them interested but they're just dragging their feet.

I do support the idea of a WoWRoster addon version of this, but I'm not sure about abandoning the DF module.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Anaxent » Thu May 17, 2007 1:19 am

ah ok that makes sense.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Thu May 17, 2007 3:29 am

yeah I was for the Idea of that however like Robo said there are users who do not or will not (not sure why) use Roster.

by making it roster dependant we omit that user grp.

I suppose in the same way that we modified this like crazy for the DF group it limits the nuke and xoop etc users.. however I dont see a major issue in porting it back to Nuke. I didnt have much trouble porting my original version to DF..

with the vast ammount of CMS's out there we least I can not make a version for everyone.

Now back to adding Language support for this puppy.

I do want to look at adding support for normal Forums users though. As well as having the registrant signed up to the site upon approval.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Unrest » Thu May 17, 2007 5:50 am

So, I'm using this module right now on my WoW DF site, and I really, really love it. I really appreciate the functionality, so thanks to all the developers that worked on or contributed to this.

I don't know if it's helpful at all, but I modified the application a bunch to customize it for the needs of my guild and everything appears to be working properly, including validation. It's not much; mostly I just added a bunch of Yes/No questions using radio buttons and changed up the formatting to make it a little cleaner for my DF theme.

You can find it using the Recruitment Application link on the main page of our guild site. Anathema (Moon Guard). Can find the forums output in our Recruitment thread in the forums as well. Oh, I apologize in advance that you would have to register on the site to view it; I added code on the application to force access for authenticated users only.

Thanks again for the awesome work!
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby robojerk » Thu May 17, 2007 6:00 am

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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Thu May 17, 2007 7:25 am

Well I registerd :) What version of this application are you using??

This is why my new version now has a Guild expectations and do not apply unless area as well as class specific pre-requisites. This way you wont have to change the form/DB/Code to accomodate new questions..

its a Basic if you cant meet these requirements do not conitinue idea..

Im assuming all these new radio buttons store to the DB aswell?

I am still needing ppl to test the mail out. last I heard its not working.

yesh yesh I should fix my sendmail on the linux box.. sigh......

so many things to do.. 1st I want the language files for this done.

I am also looking into custom form generation for DF/This module/Roster
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Unrest » Thu May 17, 2007 7:39 am

The application is kind of long now, and it's really nothing special. I did clean up a lot of the list fields though; I alphabetized the classes and professions. I changed the forums posting output with specific colors for my DF theme. Screenshots included.
Application, top.
anaapp1.jpg (142.76 KiB) Viewed 782 times
Application, middle.
anaapp2.jpg (123.12 KiB) Viewed 784 times
Application, bottom.
anaapp3.jpg (108.92 KiB) Viewed 783 times
Forums posting output, top.
output1.jpg (119.63 KiB) Viewed 784 times
Last edited by Unrest on Thu May 17, 2007 7:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Unrest » Thu May 17, 2007 7:56 am

Razac wrote:What version of this application are you using??

Looks like I'm using 2.83. I started working on it a few weeks ago and this was the latest I could find at the time.

Razac wrote:This is why my new version now has a Guild expectations and do not apply unless area as well as class specific pre-requisites. This way you wont have to change the form/DB/Code to accomodate new questions..

That sounds awesome! Wish I would have waited on my changes. :)

Razac wrote:Im assuming all these new radio buttons store to the DB aswell?

I don't think the version I have is storing the applications in a database table. The only table I have related to this module is cms_recruitment which has the values for the Recruitment block. Is there something here I don't know about? ...or maybe I'm misinterpreting you.

Razac wrote:I am still needing ppl to test the mail out. last I heard its not working.

I messed with it on my version but could not get it to work. I didn't invest a lot of time in it though because I knew our guild would just rely on the forums posting functionality. If you want some kind of help with that though, I wouldn't mind doing some real tests. :)
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Thu May 17, 2007 11:30 am

Unrest.. yeah the new version now stores all the data in a DB and to a forum now..

ah yeah pre DB version

I have gotten rid of the hard coded appconfig and everything is now controled on the admin page.

a specifc grp can be picked to view the admin pages and applications.

to many thingss.. grab the latest version and read the read me file :)

I wouldnt mind taking a look at your code to see what can be improved. such as the forum postin gcolors etc..
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Unrest » Thu May 17, 2007 10:08 pm

I will definitely try out the new version. I wonder how I overlooked the latest version of this; for some reason I thought development on this project had kinda stopped. Hopefully it won't be too hard to plug in the changes I need with the new app as well. :)

...and as for my custom code, it's nothing special, but I have attached it here for your perusal. Feel free to take anything from it you wish to use, should there be something actual useful there. :)

Thanks again for everything!
Customized version of 2.83 Application module. Includes only modified files (appconfig.php, request_form.php, confirm.php).
(13.7 KiB) Downloaded 197 times
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby jimig1 » Thu May 17, 2007 11:20 pm

The Pre-Requisites fields don't seem to be working i did the upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1
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Re: DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Fri May 18, 2007 12:43 am

Are you seperating the values with a | sysmbol.
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby jimig1 » Fri May 18, 2007 1:25 pm

i only put in one thing and it didn't save it
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DF Guild Application w/ Recruitment Block

Postby Razac » Fri May 18, 2007 8:27 pm

can ya post site URL..

Does everything else save when you configure them.

ie the class specific? the Forum IDs? etc.. are you using the latest version I posted on page 13?

if there is a prob I would like to fix it before I post the next version with language support
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