Additional Note..
I am looking into perhaps a javascript function that will check the Class selected and add additonal questions based on class.
As my guild seems to think there should be class specific questions.
change log wrote:We've just installed the release candidate here at MwA and it's up and running on the Forums here.
Currently, here's whats coming up in the next release.........
05/09/2007 - v2.0.1.0
+ Upudated version to since this is a semi-major release due to removal of nbbcode dependancy.
! Fixed missing forumspro_ in get_code_lang call inside smilies routine
! Fixed email notification links bug.
+ Admin panel controls added for four new features. (Display custom fields in viewtopic, limit signatures to certain groups, require guests to verify the security image when posting, display users online today.) Please note that the user side of these features is incomplete.
+ Collapsible categories
! Fixed RSS for XML validity when LEO is off. Added guid and cleaned up misc quoting.
! Fixed bug 148, allowed attachment extensions and sizes link
- nbbcode.php is no longer used, fpbbcode.php is now used. Renamed functions and classes to avoide conflicts with nbbcode.php
- Added buttons for spoiler tags and strike tags, please note these features are not complete yet.
+ Spoiler and strike tags now added. Thanks Brennor with changes to your original spoiler tags
- bbcode.js is no longer used either, now fpbbcode.js is used. language/english/bbcode.php no longer used, fpbbcode.php now used.
! Fixed helptext in spoiler tag
! Fixed this bug: ... pic&t=1202 permissions errors. Thanks Alberon.
! Fixed feature request 137 (which I believe is really a bug). Ignored users now stay ignored until unignored.
+ Renamed center blocks to a) be more descriptive and b) not overwrite old blocks if not desired. Blocks enhanced to add forum name, see feature request 135.
! Small XHTML fix
+ Added forum name to Your_Account blocks
- Gave Your_Account blocks and center blocks their own template so that they can now be edited without also changing the topics_list template
+ Feature request 124, added find all posts by this user link to Your_Account block
! Small bug with theme selection in collapsing categories
Razac wrote:when it gets released I will install it and see what breaks..
Razac wrote:Strike that last comment...
I had talked to the RL and told him it would be a lot of work to add an Unknown amount of fields to the application per class.
Instead I will be adding a section to the admin page that will allow admins to list pre-requisites for each class
ie mage must have 1000 Minimum to damage etc...
this will then display when the user selects the class
class Application {
var $radmin;
var $version;
var $modname;
var $description;
var $author;
var $website;
var $dbtables;
function Application() {
$this->radmin = true;
$this->version = '2.1';
$this->modname = 'Recruitment_Settings';
$this->description = 'Recruitment mod';
$this->author = 'Ymryl who created this for the PHPNuke users and to Anexant, Robojerk and Rasac for Dragonflycms';
$this->website = '';
$this->prefix = strtolower(basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
$this->dbtables = array($this->prefix.'_recruitment', $this->prefix.'_recruit_data');
function install() {
global $installer;
$installer->add_query('CREATE', $this->prefix.'_recruitment', "
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