Addon Request - Officer Note Keyword Extractor?

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Addon Request - Officer Note Keyword Extractor?

Postby Slyhilgen » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:30 pm

I searched for something comparable, but found nothing. I am the GM of a medium RP guild. Within our guild, we have several 'orders' and awards for certain deeds. I would like to add an abbreviation to the Officer Note of a member, and have an add-on that returns an image on WoWRoster.

A member recieves a Mark of Valor from me. I can add MV to his officer note, and once I update GuildProfiler, an image will appear on the roster of the badge I design for this award.

I would like it to be capable of recognixing several abbreviations. Members will likely hold many awards.

Is something like this possible? I am not an advanced programmer, so any advice or input would be welcomed. If there are any enterprising writers out there that would like to give this a try, I would love to work with you on it. Please email me or reply here. Thanks all!
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Addon Request - Officer Note Keyword Extractor?

Postby Ulminia » Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:18 am

this is possable but you are looking for a hack not an addon an addon makes a seprit page like bookworm or my roster gallery but it is possable pm me with a list of awards in this fashion

Mark of Valor -> MV ->texturefilename

and i can make this addon for you
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