by scottelsdon » Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:12 pm
I've scanned the forums and keyword searched this, and this seems to be the most appropriate thread discussing this.
I have a similar problem, people wont upload because they dont want contents of bags, banks and money show, so I've been to the Character page to turn off these items, but then a request came in to turn thise on, ( bags and bank) for the guild banks, but on the individual characters page, in the Per character display, I assumed I coudl just turn these to On for the bank characters, but they are on.
I take it th eprior is an overide global setting,
can i confirm then if i want to do this I need to turn the global setting for bags and banks on again, then set all characters ( ie the whole guild except the banks) to off apart from the banks.
If so, thats a hell of a lot of clicking,
is there a simpler way ?
Thanks in advance