Update.php and UniUploader question

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Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby Satis » Sat Feb 03, 2007 12:56 pm

I didn't know witch forum to post this one in (UniUploader Forum or Roster Forum) Since it a question about the both of them.

I have used the uniuploader for 14 days now and I use uniadmin to controll it.
The problem is that I used uniadmin to send the password to uniuploader for updating the roster's quild info.

The first 4 days it seams to be working from the server respont tap on the uniuploader, but now it wont update the roster guild info anymore.

is it somthing with roster update.php that won't take the password from uniuploader or is it somthing with the uniuploader ??

Hope some one can tell me what's wrong with it!
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Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 03, 2007 4:05 pm

You probably shouldn't use UniAdmin to send the password if you have other users syncing UniUploader with UniAdmin

Try turning off the password in UniAdmin, and re-type it in UniUploader, then try re-uploading to your site
Post the server response and debug log if it doesn't work
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Re: Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby Satis » Sat Feb 03, 2007 10:09 pm

Nop that didn't work either.
Well just to give you some more info, then it's uploading my character fine, just not the guild infoes.

I use 2 UniAdmins to controll what settings witch ppl should get.
One specifick to our officers, so they update the guild infoes, and one for the normal player ^^

As promished, then I have attachet both Server Responce and the Debugger.
The Debug log
(174.75 KiB) Downloaded 234 times
The Server Responce that I get by uploading my files.
(6.43 KiB) Downloaded 226 times
Last edited by Satis on Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby zanix » Sat Feb 03, 2007 11:07 pm

Doesn't look like the password is correct
Roster doesn't tell you if the password is wrong
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Re: Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby Satis » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:29 am

oh I found the problem :thumleft:

It's not the password there was writen wrong but,
there are 4 fields in uniuploader where you can type in, like they are displayen in uniadmin.

1. the field where there are writen user.
2. the field where the value for the user is.
3. the field where there are writen pass.
4. the field where the value for the pass is.

those 2 name fields where i wrote user and pass in, I actualy have to change those 2 to username and password.

after I did that, it worken just fine with the same password that I used before ^^

Thanks for directing me in the right way ^^
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Update.php and UniUploader question

Postby zanix » Sun Feb 04, 2007 8:33 am

No problem
Glad it's working again
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