WRX 1.73

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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby LeggyRedHead » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:54 pm

Hello again! I've uploaded the new WRX mod without problems...that's the good news. LOL

The bad news is that it's breaking my contact us mod. I use Formulaire (latest version). Have no problems with it so long as WRX isn't installed. When WRX is installed, forms can still be accessed and filled out, but on submit, the return url defaults to the roster main page and the form is not actually sent.

Went through code for several hours trying to find anything that might be causing it and came up empty. Any ideas? For now my only choice is to uninstall Roster so that my Contact and Application forms are usable.

If it will help you out, I can let you check it out on my website...just let me know if you want to do that.

Thanks bunches,
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:49 pm

I will look into this and test WRX with Formulaire to see what's causing the submit problem. As of right now, I can't think of any reason it would break those modules. Hopefully I can get you an answer soon and a fix shortly after.

Ok, I have looked at the new Formulaire 3.3 and I see where when WRX is installed and active it tries to submit to: h**p://yoursite.com/modules/wowrosterx/formulaire.php?id=1&qcm=0

The problem is that formulaire is calling $modversion['dirname'] from xoops_version.php, the problem is that every module has that same variable.

To fix it change all instances of $modversion["dirname"] and $modversion['dirname'] in formulaire.php to $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') and that should fix that problem. Of course the developers of formulaire should have used $xoopsModule->getVar('dirname') instead of $modversion['dirname'] in the first place.

If you have troubles with changing formulaire.php I can send you an edited copy that will work just PM me your e-mail.
Last edited by mdeshane on Tue Mar 06, 2007 10:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby LeggyRedHead » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:33 pm

Thanks for all your hard work on the Formulaire.php file. All is working perfectly so WRX is back up on my site...woot! :thumright:

On to my next lil problem. All images seem to be displaying correctly except for any called from the img/Interface/Icons folder.

In those cases, it is looking for png images rather than the proper jpgs images that are in the folder.

Can you give me a heads up on where to change the code so that it looks for the jpg's? I'm willing to do the work myself, if I can find the proper file to modify.

I don't use siggen, but could the included siggen files be the problem since they look for png? Doesn't seem to make much sense to me, but it's the only reference to png that I've found in the code so far today.

Thanks again..sorry for being such a pain,
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Thu Mar 15, 2007 9:03 pm

If you look at Main Settings in the Roster Config, there is an option labeled Interface Image Extension. You should ensure that it is set to jpg instead of png. That should fix your icon troubles.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby VoodooFX » Sat Apr 14, 2007 11:54 pm

Any ETA on the tooltip fix?

EDIT : I just came up with an idea. I was adding a new thing on my rosterx and i was encountering a bug, in which i would not see the xoops header, but only the page from roster ( i managed to fix this issue pretty fast). The thing that was interesting is that the tooltips were working fine when i didn't have the xoops header shown, but turned out to be all buggy again when i made the header work on that page.

I was wondering, maybe you should integrate the JS in the xoops header too in order for it to work.

Then again, i have another module, Itemstats, which also has some overlib javascript for tooltips and this one works just fine.

Anyways, i just wanted to tell you this, maybe you get and idea of why the thing isn't working as intended.
Last edited by VoodooFX on Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:36 am

I currently have no ETA on a tooltip fix as it is working just not displaying like it should.

I am familiar with the itemstats mod, it is actually an xoops hack. It replaces core files in xoops and that is why it displays properly. I have no intention of modifying core Xoops files with this module for two reasons, security, and customization. Any time you hack core xoops files you risk xoops security, at the same time people tend to add custom coding in core files. By not hacking or modifying any core files I ensure that the core system is not disturbed and the module is easy to install.

I will however take a look at the differences between the roster ovelib and the itemstats overlib and see if the problem can be fixed without core hacks.
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WRX 1.73

Postby zanix » Sun Apr 15, 2007 2:34 am

Itemstats uses the exact same tooltip code that Roster does
I know that with WoWRosterDF, you have to remove the overlib declaration in the Roster header to make it work correctly
In fact, there is an additional option in Roster Config to turn it off

mdeshane, I would suggest doing the same for WoWRoster X and even take a look at how WoWRosterDF does it
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:13 am

Thank you Zanix!
I will take a look at how WoWRosterDF uses the overlib function and work on making the changes to WoWRoster X.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:48 pm

I just thought I would let you all know the current status of the final release of WRX 1.73. I have been doing a bit of work on the module and have run into a few problems. Do to these issues I am now re-writing the blocks to make them work flawlessly. At the same time I will be re-writing the module configuration and adding a few new options to it. Below is a list of major changes I have to do to have the module final release worthy.

*** WRX 1.73 Final Release Changes ***

- Re-write RealmStatus Block to use Smarty
- Re-write MOTD Block to use Smarty
- Add text wrap to MOTD in Roster and Block
- Re-write Module Prefrences
- Add text wrap length option
- Add roster path option
- Add guild name option
- Add realm name option
- Re-write the header
- Update Module Installer and Updater
- Add Module Prefrences SQL
- Ensure FireFox and IE compatability
- Fix Addon Display

At the moment those are the only changes I plan to make. I have been working hard to fix the bugs that others and myself have found. Unfortunately in that hard work I discovered that most of the changes above have to be made to fix those bugs. A few of the changes are just being done because it's easier to do during the re-write.

Also, some of the bugs have been fixed since the RC1 release, if I get enough requests I can post an RC2 release with those fixes. I hope to have the final release done by May, sooner if I can find more developers.
Last edited by mdeshane on Sun Apr 29, 2007 11:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby optikool » Sat Apr 28, 2007 12:34 am


This is an excellent module add-on for xoops user. One thing I read in your post earlier was you restricted the profile updater, roster config and others for anonymous users. It looks like you restricted everything. I wanted to be able to have anonymous users see the roster but I get a restricted message when I try to view anonymously. My site is at http://sonsofazeroth.eyenetdesigns.com. I'm currently still working on this site but this addition is one of the best modules out. Also I noticed, once I've logged in, that when I click on the guild roster the fonts changed to a bold font. I'm assuming it's because of styles that you are using. Will your smarty tag additions fix this problem so that the roster module uses the theme style, or will I need to modify the roster module myself? Thanks for such a great module :D
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WRX 1.73

Postby optikool » Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:56 am


After turning on Xoops debuger I found out that it was complaining about the adminmenu.php. I changed the permission to 777 and then did the install again. This time it gave me the module box so that I could have access to the permissions, config and update options. Now when I try and set the permission I get a "Notice: Undefined variable: HTTP_POST_VARS in file /modules/wowrosterx/admin/mygroupperm.php line 38" and the information is not saved. Can you tell me how I can fix this?
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WRX 1.73

Postby zanix » Sat Apr 28, 2007 10:18 am

Open /modules/wowrosterx/admin/mygroupperm.php
Go to line 38
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Sun Apr 29, 2007 6:51 am

Thank you Zanix for being on top of this.

Optikool, yes I have added group permissions for most of the roster. The only Smarty changes being made to the module at this time are for the blocks, which have been re-written and are looking and functioning better than before. After Roster V2 is released we will be using smarty throughout the module as Roster is going to start using Smarty in V2.
The RC2 version of WRX has a few improvements you'll like, if I could get enough help I could release a Smarty WRX, which is something I've been wanting to do, but decided I would wait for the crew here. The fact that it is not using Smarty yet we get the slight display issues when using the Roster, however your's is looking really nice. If you have more questions or I didn't answer one let me know. Thank you all for your support of this module!
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby mdeshane » Sat May 05, 2007 12:57 pm

Just a quick update for all you WRX users. I have completed the re-write of the blocks and have fixed a few bugs with the MOTD text wrap. I am two thirds of the way done with the re-write of the module administration. The module administration will have block and module specific prefrences added. Also in the re-write, the roster configuration, update and diagnostics have all been integrated into the module admin area. Overall this release will bring a few new features to the roster, but mostly adds a new level of integration between Xoops and WoWRoster.
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Re: WRX 1.73

Postby DevonCloud » Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:33 pm

First off I love the integration into XOOPS. Awesome job. I've been working at the tooltip problem myself with no solution. Is there at least some way I can change the color scheme of the tooltip? Currently mine is a pale blue color and kinda hard to read. I've tried editing the style.css file, but no luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, in response to a previous post, removing the XOOPS header reference does seem to fix the problem of the tooltip taking up half the screen.

Last edited by DevonCloud on Mon Jun 04, 2007 11:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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