2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby Lauren » Mon Jan 29, 2007 10:52 pm

I just updated to 2.3.5 a few minutes ago, but thought I would report this anyway.

After a skirmish with a couple of players, I went on to finish my quest & was killed by a mob. PvPLog then broadcast that I had been killed by the last player I had fought with (& defeated, resulting in a kill message). Probably 10 minutes had elapsed & I had killed several mobs during that time.

It's not extremely important, since I only want PvPLog so I can remember who I play with, but then there is my vanity. :rabbit2:
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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Tue Jan 30, 2007 7:12 pm

Just what I wanted... a bizzare case to try and reproduce :???:

I'll have a look at the code and see if I can find anything. If you think you can reproduce this then I'd like you to capture the chatlog with "/pl debug on".

Because PvPLog can't target players anymore, it can't capture enemy player information at the time of the kill. In an attempt to always have information available, it captures player information when it can and saves it for later. Looks like this is a case of saving too much information!

I'm hoping the cure isn't worse than the disease! BTW, 2.3.5 will most likely still contain this problem.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Feb 01, 2007 6:27 pm

This problem should be fixed in 2.3.6
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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby Lauren » Fri Feb 02, 2007 2:29 am

Awesome, thank you =)
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby BreeOge » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:01 am

I am getting this same problem in 2.3.7 along with some of my guild mates. Is this being updated anymore?
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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Wed Mar 07, 2007 7:05 pm

BreeOge wrote:I am getting this same problem in 2.3.7 along with some of my guild mates. Is this being updated anymore?

Aren't you being a bit harsh by asking if this is being updated anymore? Your bug report is less than 24 hours old.

Since you and your guildmates appear to be able to reproduce this problem at will, I'd like you to capture the chatlog with "/pl debug on" and post the results here. Please also describe the circumstances surrounding the occurance of the problem and attach your PvPLog.lua savedvariables file(s).


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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:11 am

PvPLog 2.3.8 has been uploaded which contains some additional debugging features to assist in finding this problem. No bugs have been fixed in this release so you don't need it unless you want to help debug this problem.

To use the new features:

1) Turn on combat log recording with /combatlog.
2) Turn on PvPLog debug output with /pl debug on.

Play until you encounter the bug and after the fight is over...

3) Turn off PvPLog debug output with /pl debug off.
4) Turn off combat log recording with /combatlog.

After you logoff, zip your combat log found at "World of Warcraft\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt", the PvPLog.lua file found at "World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\<realm>\<character>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua", and finally, the PvPLog.lua file found at "World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua" note that these last two files have the save name so you'll need to either preserve the directory structure or rename one of them.

Reply here and attach the zip file you created above. In the reply you can tell me your character's name, the locale of your client, and a brief description of where you were and what happened just before the problem was encountered.

If you normally run WoW with the combat log enabled, please start a new version before you attempt to track down this problem.


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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby Lauren » Thu Mar 08, 2007 5:45 am

I'll try. =)
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:16 pm


Are you still seeing the problem yourself?


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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby BreeOge » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:25 am

Got ya, sorry didnt mean for it to sound harsh to ask if its still being updated hehe, Its a great program I would hate to see it not get updated :P as i think lots of others would feel the same. I am also getting the new version right now.. and I will get the logs so that I can help you fix this problem.
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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby Lauren » Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:49 am

bsmorgan wrote:Are you still seeing the problem yourself?

Actually, not that in particular. I & my friends have noticed that a lot of our deaths go unlogged even though PvPLog is enabled (we checked). Also, there was incident of NPC kills being logged, but it's not a big deal. Good for those Bristlebacks.

Since my last post, though, everything seems to be working just fine. The frog won't dance. Not that I'm complaining.
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:01 pm

The deaths that go unlogged should be those where the enemy player gets the jump on you and kills you before you even get to target them. PvPLog knows you died but doesn't know anything about your attacker so it has to punt. I've lobbied Blizzard to add a name parameter to the Unit... functions so that this information can be gathered post-mortem but they have ignored me so far. Now that they have announced the Armory, I'll lobby again.

As for the Bristlebacks being recorded, that's wierd. Could you reply here attaching a zip of your PvPLog.lua (the global one, not the character specific one)?

While I add names to the TargetRecords table in a lot of places, I don't populate those records unless they are targeted and I can check to see if UnitIsPlayer is true. UnitIsPlayer should not be true for Bristlebacks!

Just in case, I'll upload a 2.3.9 which changes the way I populate the records. I get the name, the rest of the data, and the name again. If the first and last names don't match, I ignore the data.


Last edited by bsmorgan on Fri Mar 09, 2007 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Fri Mar 09, 2007 7:52 pm

PvPLog 2.3.9 has been uploaded with even more debugging code and a possible fix for Warlocks, Mages, and Priests that can kill with DoTs only.

Warlocks and Hunters that kill with just their pets currently may not get credit. More research is needed.


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Re: 2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby Lauren » Sat Mar 10, 2007 12:36 am

This one?
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2.3.3 - mob kills me, last player I scrapped gets credit

Postby bsmorgan » Sat Mar 10, 2007 6:55 am

No, the one at "World of Warcraft\WTF\Accounts\<account>\SavedVariables\PvPLog.lua"

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