I've just installed Roster v1.7.2 and I'm running the latest version of Character Profile 2.0.5b I think.
On first run, profiler gave me this error:
Date: 2007-01-26 14:31:17
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua line 973:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:973: GetQuests()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:466: UpdateProfile()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:487: ForceExport()
...rface\AddOns\CharacterProfiler\CharacterProfiler.lua:117: ?()
(tail call): ?
ACUIMyInventory, v2.0.3.1
Atlas, v1.8.6
AtlasBattlegrounds, v1.8.6
AtlasDungeonLocs, v1.8.6
AtlasFlightPaths, v1.8.6
AtlasLoot, vAtlasLoot Enhanced v2.02.02
AtlasOutdoorRaids, v1.8.6
BonusScanner, vv2.1
CensusPlus, v4.0.0
EnhTooltip, v3.9.0.1342
EquipCompare, v2.9.8b
EQL3, v3.6.7.20003
Informant, v3.9.0.1361
MobInfo2, v3.16
CharacterProfiler, v2.0.5b
GuildProfiler, v2.0.4
Stubby, v1373
Swatter, v3.9.0.1372
Titan, v3.0.5.20003
TitanAmmo, v3.0.5.20003
TitanBag, v3.0.5.20003
TitanClock, v3.0.5.20003
TitanCoords, v3.0.5.20003
TitanGuild, v3.51
TitanItemBonuses, v3.0.5.20003
TitanLootType, v3.0.5.20003
TitanMoney, v3.0.5.20003
TitanPerformance, v3.0.5.20003
TitanRegen, v3.0.5.20003
TitanRepair, v3.0.5.20003
TitanRider, v3.0.5.20003
TitanStanceSets, v3.0.5.20003
TitanXP, v3.0.5.20003
But I tried it again, and consequently no errors, and the .LUA file looks ok. But everytime I try to update with that file, Roster gives me this error:
Parsing files
* Parsed CharacterProfiler in 0.02 seconds
Could not find guild in database. Please update members first.
I've copied my guild name and server name directly out of the characterprofile folder, anyone have any suggestions?