FIX: Disappearing \ in the regex

Scans for, and displays main/alt relations in your Guild

Moderator: PleegWat

FIX: Disappearing \ in the regex

Postby PleegWat » Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:12 pm

In config.lib.php, around line 78, find:
Code: Select all
        if (!(array_key_exists('process',$_POST) && ($_POST['process'] == 'process'))) {

Add below:

Code: Select all
        // Slash global data if magic_quotes_gpc is off.
if ( !get_magic_quotes_gpc() )
$_GET $this->slash_global_data($_GET);
$_POST $this->slash_global_data($_POST);

At the very end of the file, find:

Code: Select all

$config = new config($tablename);

Add above:

Code: Select all
    * Applies addslashes() to the provided data
    * @param    mixed   $data   Array of data or a single string
    * @return   mixed           Array or string of data
function slash_global_data(&$data)
        if ( 
is_array($data) )
            foreach ( 
$data as $k => $v )
$data[$k] = ( is_array($v) ) ? slash_global_data($v) : addslashes($v);

This fix will be in the next release, but I've got some other work underway so I don't want to push now.

A workaround is doubling all \ in the regex setting. (so instead of /([\w]+)/ use /([\\w]+)/)

EDIT: Whoops, forgot to attach a fixed file
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Last edited by PleegWat on Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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