I see, this is very interesting. Yes, this is somehwat of what I had in mind as well. Creating Usergroups depending on the ranks within the Guild Roster.
As far as the "Usernames" for phpBB2 and the Roster names having to match, there is a way around this. Create a new field in the phpBB2 database where they can insert their "World of Warcraft" character name. Then use that field to link between the roster and the DB instead of the members uername field.
(NOTE: THis requires editing the phpBB2 files, and probably doesn't belong in this forum. If I find instructions on how to do this, I'll post a link.)
Would it be possible to integrate the ROSTER database into the phpBB database, so you dont' have to access two databases at the same time?
Or do you think that is overkill and unnecessary?
OH BTW, I'm not in any rush to see this done, I understand how it gets worked on in your spare time. I too fall in that category

If you'd like I can start looking into how to integrate the two. Not very proficient with PHP but I can learn!
Looking forward to see how this develops!