[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

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Re: [RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Cabal » Fri Feb 02, 2007 6:17 am

robojerk wrote:They're very close, but not the same.

Some changes will have to be made for this to work phpnuke.

apologies for asking for spoon feeding :)

any idea where i should look to adapt this for nuke ?
any info you can supply would be appreciated

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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby sapphiron » Mon Feb 05, 2007 10:38 am

guys, thank you for helping the users with troubles, this really helps me out, since I really dont have time for fixes.
I about 2 weeks I'll have some free time and I'm planning to add what you have asked in this post.
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Cablespider » Mon Feb 05, 2007 11:41 am

First off, thanks for your time an effort on this. I'm loving it!

For the Nuke users....I followed the mod instructions to a tee and all is well. I did have to make edits to the themes forum templates to get it to work.


I haven't told the members about it yet, so only my ava is changed.

Would there be a way to read from more than one database? I have a guild on 2 realms.
Last edited by Cablespider on Mon Feb 05, 2007 12:26 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Niryk » Mon Feb 05, 2007 1:39 pm

Cablespider wrote:First off, thanks for your time an effort on this. I'm loving it!

For the Nuke users....I followed the mod instructions to a tee and all is well. I did have to make edits to the themes forum templates to get it to work.


I haven't told the members about it yet, so only my ava is changed.

Would there be a way to read from more than one database? I have a guild on 2 realms.

First I had added another variable to the roster, along with 'char' I added 'guild' so people could specify their guild name.
I just threw some if/elseif stuff in there, like:
Code: Select all
        if ( $poster_roster_char != "" && $poster_roster_guild != "")
$poster_roster_guild strtolower($poster_roster_guild);
strpos($poster_roster_guild,'keeper')===false)) $guildTable_pre 'kotw';
                else if(!(
strpos($poster_roster_guild,'burly')===false)) $guildTable_pre 'burly';

One guild is called 'Keepers of the Wang' and another is called 'Burly Men', and there's a bunch more after that for other guilds, I just looked for a word that ought to be in the name they typed. Though my guilds aren't on different realms, but 12 guilds on one server, each with their own set of tables, then I just added a bit to the SQL query, like:
Code: Select all
                        $sql "SELECT * FROM " $guildTable_pre '_' $roster_table_prefix "players WHERE name = '" $poster_roster_char "'";

Hope that helps somewhat...
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Cablespider » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:39 am

I appreciate the reply but it has me confused.

Here's what I have going on. I have 2 rosters representing 2 realms; each with it's own database. The name of the guild is the same for each roster....Armed Insanity.

Is having the same guild name for each roster going to be an issue with what you suggested?
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Re: [RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Niryk » Tue Feb 06, 2007 11:49 am

Cablespider wrote:I appreciate the reply but it has me confused.

Here's what I have going on. I have 2 rosters representing 2 realms; each with it's own database. The name of the guild is the same for each roster....Armed Insanity.

Is having the same guild name for each roster going to be an issue with what you suggested?

If you want people to be able to specify which roster image they want to use for their avatar, in your case, instead of 'guild' you would want to do things based on 'server' since you can't have two avatars... or you could, but why?
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby microbone » Fri Feb 09, 2007 2:58 pm

hmmmm i get some wierd error msg in my forum now after installing this.

I looks like it meeses something up when trying to connect to the databases....

Code: Select all
Couldn't update banners data


SQL Error : 1146 Table 'ausername_roster.phpbb_banner' doesn't exist

UPDATE phpbb_banner SET banner_view=banner_view+1 where banner_id IN ( 7)

Line : 34
File : page_tail.php

i have 1 database for my forum and 1 for my roster

why is it trying to call stuff in the roster database instead of trdo
have triple cheched the config files and asured correct for forum, roster and the special conf to get this working, but still i get this error!

some suggestions or ideas to what i´m doing wrong?
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Niryk » Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:45 pm

it looks like a variable is being overrun, maybe if you have some aptitude for coding, change the variables used in the roster mod to something more unique and then see if that helps. Or you could just search the file for all the occurrences of the names of the variables used and see if there are any that appear to be reused elsewhere or are set elsewhere prior to being used by the roster modification.
Hope that helps,
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Re: [RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Jinlee » Tue Feb 20, 2007 11:13 am


i have a problem with this mod :(

i have installed it exactly like it was told by the manual, but i only can see the whisp avatar and the level.
this is what i mean
look.jpg (4.3 KiB) Viewed 1634 times
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Eridoxi » Wed Feb 21, 2007 3:06 pm

I have exactly the same issue, could you help us please ? :)
Last edited by Eridoxi on Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Steev » Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:31 pm

Jinlee wrote:Hi,

i have a problem with this mod :(

i have installed it exactly like it was told by the manual, but i only can see the whisp avatar and the level.

Dis you spell your character name correctly in your profile? With the right case for each letter ?

I had that kind of problems, with special characters in some people names (like é , è, etc...)

This is outdated wrote:If that interest people, i made a little transformation of this mod.
My guildies wanted to have the "stuffed" avatars we can see in the blizzard official forums (for the 60+ level characters).

I wanted to put that "stuffed" avatars only to level 70 characters, so...

I put a pack with all that "stuffed" images : http://xiii.trois-double-v.com/Fichiers/avatar70.zip
And i made that changes

Code: Select all
Copy the avatar70 directory next to your avatar directory already installed.

In viewtopic.php

Search for :

$mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar/";
$classImg = "./rosterImg/classes/";

Replace with :

   $mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar70/";
   $mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar/";
$classImg = "./rosterImg/classes/";

Edit : i just saw that in reality there is three different kind of avatars in the official forums.
a) for people lvl <= 59
b) for people lvl 60-69
c) for people lvl 70.

I'll update my little transformation before the end of the day so it handles this 3 cases.
Last edited by Steev on Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Eridoxi » Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:54 pm

The charactere name is spelled correctly in my forum, with the right cas. Anyway, if it would not I guess the lvl should not be displayed, should it ?

Any Idea ? (nice mod Steev ;-) and thanks for your help anyway :) I will install it as soon as the core mod will work)
Last edited by Eridoxi on Wed Feb 21, 2007 8:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Steev » Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:12 am

What is your Wow client language ?
Mine is french and i had to give some changes

in viewtopic.php

Search for :

and make sure that "Male"/"Female" is the right names in your client

do the same thing some lines later, with the race

and the class

As my client is in French, i had to replace all the english names by the french ones.

(And to know exactly what to write, i took a look at the roster_players mysql table, in the race, sex and class fields)

Hope that'll help (and that my poor english is still understandable)
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[RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Eridoxi » Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:54 pm

Great ! It worked perfectly !

La Garde Noire te remercie ! :-D

And your english is at least understandable by a french person ^^ ;-)

( not sure for mine ;-) )
Last edited by Eridoxi on Sat Feb 24, 2007 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [RELEASED] WoW ROSTER phpbb2 integration mod 1.0.4

Postby Steev » Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:00 pm

Eridoxi wrote:Great ! It worked perfectly !

La Garde Noire te remercie ! :-D

And your english is at least understable by a french person ^^ ;-)

( not sure for mine ;-) )

Waouh, it's a miracle that two french people manage to understand each other in english :)

I've update my little transformation.
Get the two zip files :
http://xiii.trois-double-v.com/Fichiers/avatar70.zip for the real 70 avatars and
http://xiii.trois-double-v.com/Fichiers/avatar6069.zip for "intermediate" avatars...

Unzip, and upload next to the rosterImg/avatar/ directory
(then you must have rosterImg/avatar , rosterImg/avatar70 and rosterImg/avatar6069 uploaded on you website)

Code: Select all
In viewtopic.php

Search for :

$mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar/";
$classImg = "./rosterImg/classes/";

Replace with :

   $mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar70/";
      $mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar6069/";
      $mainImg = "./rosterImg/avatar/";
$classImg = "./rosterImg/classes/";

For exemple, a character, while upping his level, will get the followings avatars :
Image from lvl 1 to 59
Image from lvl 60 to 69
Image at lvl 70
Last edited by Steev on Thu Feb 22, 2007 3:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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