Only show 60's Fix

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Only show 60's Fix

Postby Thumann » Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:01 pm

Open maxres\index.php
~line 86

add the words members.level and AND members.level ='60'";

so the line reads
Code: Select all
$query "SELECT members.member_id,, members.class, members.level, players.clientLocale, " .
"players.server, players.max_res_all, players.max_res_fire, players.max_res_nat, players.max_res_arc, players.max_res_fro, players.max_res_shad".
" FROM `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` members LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` players ON members.member_id = players.member_id AND members.guild_id = $guildId AND members.level ='60'"
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Re: Only show 60's Fix

Postby Grimicus » Thu Jul 20, 2006 1:13 am

Hah, i wouldn't call this a fix, as more of a hack.
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Only show 60's Fix

Postby zanix » Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:50 am

Actually, more of a change for preferance
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Only show 60's Fix

Postby Zovyn » Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:44 pm

I'd call it a life saver since no one in their right mind cares what resists are until they are 60 and raiding.

Thanks for the snipit of code, worked like a charm.

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