No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

A signature and avatar generator addon

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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby BarryZGZ » Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:52 pm

Hello people,

First I need to give you excuses for my english, I use the google translator for write this. Sorry!

I have a problem with my siggen, is that after forming it everything and testing signature and to avatar single works me to my. The other users raise their profile and he does not generate signature to them and avatar. However if I go to the FTP to the folders ava and sig if that keeps them automatically, but it keeps those that do by defect. That it happens and I do not become but that to give returned and returned and to look for him by the forum. Zanix, I can give you the keys by p.m. and it sights? I put to you what it indicates to me when I update the profile.

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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby zanix » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:15 pm

The Google translator completely messed up the translation

Do the images work on the SigGen Config page?
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby BarryZGZ » Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:57 am

No, the images not work in the siggen config. And yesterday I see a one thing, my image dont update, I have lvl 52 and in the roster are updated. But the siggen image put me a lvl 51.

Sorry for the language.
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby tuigii » Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:50 am

Images & Avatars are stored in the .../roster/addons/siggen/img & .../roster/addons/siggen/ava (new version seperates thos two now) if you thold it to do so (activate last option on Main Settings menu).
In Save Settings I have:
Save images to server : On
Suppress Image Output : Off
Saved images directory : /img
Saved images format : png
Saved Images Prefix/Suffix : nothing in both boxes
Auto-save image on character update : On (whith is oOn, a image will be generated when you update your char. - Think about activating Addon Update Triggers in the Principal Roster Options page !!!!)
Auto-save images on guild update : Off (if On, be ready for a huge inpact on Guild update)
UniUploader Fix : Off (don't use Uniloader, yet ;-) )

When character uploading -you have to see the small image being build every time - reminding people that their signature is up to date.

So, a signature in a phpbb profile like this
[ [url=][/url] ]

(red is user selectable)
(green is my URL
yields :

Of course, the on-the-fly generation is also possible.
Please note that there is a Wiki about this subject – meaning – reading it make things work !!!!

This all just bloody rocks ...... ;-) I told PayPal about it :thumright:

PS :
Found your avatar here : (LvL 11....)

I couldn't pinhole your signature image file in ..... addons/siggen/img/Jula.png (using default values).
Last edited by tuigii on Wed Jan 24, 2007 5:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby BarryZGZ » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:04 am

Sorry man!!! I don't understand you comppletely... But I reset to default all the settings and have the same effect, my signature its the signature personalized and can preview but the sig of the other rosters cant.

I look around of the database and I cant found nothing... I dont understand why don't work correctly.

The FTP are with write acces in the /sig /ava and /members folders. Need any help... I can give the password for the siggen config if any can look my roster for any solution.

Thanks to all!!!
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby zanix » Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:28 pm

Ok, give me the URL of your site and PM the Roster Admin Password, then I can check out your settings and see what is going on
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby zanix » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:36 pm

Either you have excess files in roster/localization/
Or SigGen's localiztion.php file is corrupted

Remove any backup files in roster/localization/ and re-upload roster/addons/siggen/localization.php
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby Suirion » Wed Jan 24, 2007 11:38 pm

I'm having the same troubles. The sigs and avatars work fine for people who have uploaded their profiles, but the default (for those who haven't uploaded their profiles) won't "build". It doesn't create any images, default or otherwise, no characters, no background.
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby zanix » Thu Jan 25, 2007 3:03 am

Look at the image directly in a web browser and see if there are any errors
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No ava or sig for the other roster users!!

Postby BarryZGZ » Thu Jan 25, 2007 4:26 am

Hi Zanix,

No, no are a problems, the images are perfecty but are the default images not the personalized. But my sig and my avatar are perfectly, I dont know why, but only my signature and my avatar work correctly.

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