Before the site died there was a post about adding MC as a column for the keys. Can we get that reposted or someone who followed the instructions can you post the page or something?
'UBRS' => 301,
'MC' => 301,
'UBRS' => array('Parts', 'UBRS' => 'Seal of Ascension|17057','Unadorned Seal of Ascension|5370','Gemstone of Spirestone|5379','Gemstone of Smolderthorn|16095','Gemstone of Bloodaxe|21777', 'Unforged Seal of Ascension|24554||MS', 'Forged Seal of Ascension|19463||MS'),
'MC' => array('Key-Only','MC' => 'Eternal Quintessence|22754'),
'MC' => array('Key-Only','MC' => 'Ewige Quintessenz|22754'),
NurMut wrote:This is nice but only uses the water of the Hydraxian faction which ist used to clear the runes in MC, so this is not the key for MC really
PleegWat wrote:There is no MC key. There's attunement, but there's no real way to detect that.
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