It is possible to 'force' the usage of a i.e. 2.0.5 CharacterProfile version.
Just set up the roster to accept 2.0.5 as a CharacterProfiler version .... this is easy part.
Then - beware: you have to make it possible for your Guild Members to download a latest from a unique souce, controlled by you - the Roster maintainer. You could even adapt the links for this, present in the (localized) help code. Most Guilds have support forums - so throw it in the Download chapter.
Open de zip file : look for the
CharacterProfiler.lua file.
Open it up - and change the version number (even the 2.0.5b public file version has an internal version of 2.0.0 but you already knew this - if not, you weren't reading this

Look for this line (line 18):
PROFILEDB = "2.0.0";
and make it look like this :
PROFILEDB = "2.0.5";
ZIP it all up.
Make it public.
Your Guilder members are now obliged to use this 'patched' version.
Any other version (even the original 2.0.5b from RGPO are even later) will be refused.
YOU keep care of the "looking after the update" and you patch it.
Your Roster users will all use the same (latest) CharacterProfiler version.
Be careful: I tested this - and it works as presumed.
But I tend to ask myself 2 question:
1) Is the version number being thrown in the database (it is) - and what is its side effect (usage afterwards) ? In case of a downgrade because bug found afterwards etc..... I’ll have a look and re-edit here if needed.
2) It's already hard to push Guild Members to use the Roster (read : upgrade their character) make the download part as easy as possible.
One thing is for sure : this method helps to keep all needed Add On’s synchronised -, as it was meant to be in the first place.