Hello fellows, i just recently came across guild roster, took an interest and installed it for my guild.
Now the one thing that's been bugging me with this is the following:
I have users who upload information from deDE clients, and others who upload information from enGB clients.
The page itself is set to german.
When i try to lookup specific tradeskill information, i will not get the information from the people who use the enGB clients.
When a deDE client uploads their Enchanting information, the tradeskill will be recognized as "verzaubern"and the enGB clients as "enchanting".
Thus they do not share the same tradeskill in the database.
When i try to list "verzaubern" logically only the information from the deDE clients will show up.
What i'd like to see is the page loading both "verzaubern" and "enchanting" when asked for the enchanting recipes!
That would of course only be the first step, the same goes for alle the recipes as well.
An deDE client f.e. might be able to enchant a Cloak with Firerestistance.
The Roster would treat the german enchant and the english enchant as two different enchants. That needs to be combined as well!
I know i am asking quite much,
any ideas are greatly appreciated