Sync Roster with a phpBB group

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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby Malcolm » Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:23 am

Grobsnelf wrote:Warning: mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'subscrib'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/subscrib/public_html/ on line 48
Failed to connect to your phpBB database. Verify the settings in conf.php

From what I see in your error message it is not including the phpBB conf.php file and your webhosting account name is 'subscrib'.

When not supplied with any connecting data PHP will attempt to connect to 'localhost' with the username of the current account and without a password. That appears to be the case.

What I would suggest is in the config file copy/paste:
Code: Select all
echo "<hr />phpBB directory: ".realpath($phpbb_dir)."<hr />";

And change $phpbb_dir to reflect the correct path.
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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby MiXeD » Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:14 am

Hello i like your mode in the first way easy setup.
I got following problem.
I can setup groups with roster.
just like this mod its harde to config bude it works.

Now when i sync wthe your mod all my phpbb group are empty.
White the other mod my groups are perfect synced with exception of username not the same as char.

White the update and uncommend error 1,2,3 in function.php:
Notice: Undefined index: groups_entry in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 93

Notice: Undefined index: groups_entry in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 101

Notice: Undefined index: groups_entry in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 115
Last edited by MiXeD on Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:20 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby arcadin » Mon Apr 02, 2007 2:13 pm

I've just had another try at configuring this mod but with the update installed I'm getting the following when I select "update/add groups":
Code: Select all
Notice: Undefined variable: dbhost in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/addons/phpbb_groups/index.php on line 142

Notice: Undefined variable: dbuser in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/addons/phpbb_groups/index.php on line 142

Notice: Undefined variable: dbpasswd in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/addons/phpbb_groups/index.php on line 142

Notice: Undefined variable: dbname in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/addons/phpbb_groups/index.php on line 142

Notice: Undefined variable: table_prefix in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/addons/phpbb_groups/index.php on line 144

Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /var/www/htmlxyzzy/roster/lib/wowdb.php on line 136

My roster and phpbb are in the same database. The groups and pointers tables have been created in the same database during installation.

Here are my phpbb group names: GuildMembers, GuildVeterans, GuildOfficers, GuildUpdaters, GuildWebsite and Uploaders.

I've set

Code: Select all
// phpBB Group Prefix
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['group_prefix'] = "Guild";

If I select "Update/Add Pointers" then click on "submit" I get the above error messages, and the "Rank Groups" dialogue box is empty except for "Add Another" and "Save". If I then if I click on "Add Another" I get a pull down list of all the ranks in my wowroster which match my wow level names (Guild Master, General, Veteran, Member, Service Toon, Alt, Initiate), but in the pull down for phpbb there are no entries.

It seems like it's just not picking up the database connection with my phpbb database config file? I know it is finding the php conf file because if I edit

Code: Select all
// phpBB install directory, relative to the roster install directory
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['phpbb_dir'] = "../bb/";

to be

Code: Select all
// phpBB install directory, relative to the roster install directory
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['phpbb_dir'] = "/bb/";

it complains that

Code: Select all
Unable to open phpBB configuration file, please check 'conf.php' in the addon directory and try again

I tried setting

Code: Select all
// phpBB Group Prefix
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['group_prefix'] = "";

but i get the same result.

It really feels like something is going wrong when it is trying to connect to my phpbb database as specificed in my phpbb config.php file:

Code: Select all
// phpBB 2.x auto-generated config file
// Do not change anything in this file!
$dbms 'mysql4';
$dbhost 'localhost';
$dbpasswd 'VALID_DB_PASSWORD';
$table_prefix 'phpbb_';

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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby MiXeD » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:22 am

// phpBB install directory, relative to the roster install directory
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['phpbb_dir'] = "../phpBB2/";

That seems to work for me very well.
I have phpBB en roster in diferent folders.
You have to look from te roster folder 2 where you want to go.
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby arcadin » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:26 am

:-( if I do a "cd ../bb" from my roster directory, that puts me in my phpbb root directory. So, the assignment is correct, especially if I set it to null then I get an error telling me it can't find the phpbb config it is finding the config file, but I think it is dying when it tries to connect to the database.

Thanks for the suggestion though!

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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby MiXeD » Wed Apr 04, 2007 9:59 am

YW solved my problem.
had not set my config file corret.

$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['identifier_text'] = "main%";
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['identifier_text'] = "%";

Dont have a indication within the guild what is main only set a note for alt
Last edited by MiXeD on Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby Malcolm » Wed Apr 04, 2007 11:02 am

@arcadin: Sorry, for some reason I wasn't getting email notifications on new posts for this thread :S

Anyways, it looks like it just can't find your phpBB config file; easy way to fix it is just copy config.php from your phpBB installation to the plugins directory then
Code: Select all
$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['phpbb_dir'] = $addonDir."/"

Also your 'Uploaders' phpBB group will not be parsed because it doesn't have the prefix :)
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby arcadin » Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:07 pm

Working A-OK now! Very cool :-D

/cheer /thanks

(I'm still interested in why it wouldn't work with "$addon_conf['phpBB_Groups']['phpbb_dir'] = "../bb/";" when the code found the file but just didn't/couldn't parse it)

Malcolm wrote:Also your 'Uploaders' phpBB group will not be parsed because it doesn't have the prefix :)

:-) yep, I never want this group to ever be sync'd with anything, thanks though :-D

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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby sturmy » Fri Apr 13, 2007 9:18 pm

Did anyone experience problems with characters including an accentuated letter in their name / matching forum name?

The sync worked like a charm for me, EXCEPT for characters / forum logins with accentuated letters.
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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby Eridoxi » Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:33 pm

Yes it does not work with accentuated letters.

You have to use both functions utf8_encode and utf8_decode to make it work.

If I have enough time I will send you my files on this topic.

Good luck.
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby kaleyn » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:58 am

Two Questions:

1.) <SNIP> Found it.
2.) I have phpBB-CH, has anyone tried testing this on that particular flavor of phpBB?

EDIT: I answered my own question seems groups are handled the same way. Forgive my newbile brain.
Last edited by kaleyn on Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby sturmy » Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:47 pm

@eridoxi: I would appreciate that very much. I do see what you're talking about, but being the lazy kind, if someone already did it, why doing it again by myself ;-)
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby Eridoxi » Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:37 am

Here is the file, be careful : the races, class and sex are spelled in french, replace them by the good ones.

(I hope there's no other mod installed on this file^^)
viewtopic.php, works with accents
(11.2 KiB) Downloaded 426 times
Last edited by Eridoxi on Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:39 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby kaleyn » Mon Apr 23, 2007 2:14 am

This mod doesn't support having separate databases for the roster and the forum? I'm not having any luck finding where the code is that signifies two different logins. Any insight on how to do this?

I'm fairly new to phpBB, and am willing to work with someone of greater experience and skill in PHP to do this...

Also, I have made a unique field in my phpBB forum called "main_character", and asked all usermembers to fill this out (it is now a required field when they register in phpBB) with the correct spelling exactly as their toon is named in game. My goal is to use this to map between the roster and the forums. Is there a place I can specify which field to use to place which usernames in the usergroups?

Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe --
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Re: Sync Roster with a phpBB group

Postby dravis » Tue Sep 25, 2007 2:45 am

Is someone working on an updated version for the 2.0 version that will be coming out of beta (I hope) soon? This addon is invaluable to my administration of the website, and if I have to keep 1.7.3 updated somewhere just for this addon I will, but I would prefer to just switch completely over when the time comes.
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