- Code: Select all
* WoWRoster.net Roster
* Copyright 2002-2006
* Licensed under the Creative Commons
* "Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5" license
* Short summary
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/
* Full license information
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/legalcode
* -----------------------------
* $Id: gbank.php 12 2006-12-24 07:25:20Z zanix $
if ( !defined('ROSTER_INSTALLED') )
exit('Detected invalid access to this file!');
// Check if we already assigned something to $content, if not, Declare it
if (!isset($content))
$content = '';
// Check if there is a level range, if so, apply it to the Item Query
$lvlItemQuery = '';
if (isset($_POST['min']) && $_POST['min'])
$min = urldecode($_POST['min']);
$minform = urlencode($min);
$min = 'none';
$minform = '';
if (isset($_POST['max']) && $_POST['max'])
$max = urldecode($_POST['max']);
$maxform = urlencode($max);
$max = 'none';
$maxform = '';
if ($min == 'none' && $max == 'none')
$content .= '<!-- There is an error in the Level Filter, Both are None, though nor max nor min were posted -->';
if ($min == 'none')
$min = 0;
elseif ($max == 'none')
$max = 60;
$lvlItemQuery = ' AND `item_tooltip` REGEXP \''.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['reqlevel'].' (('.$min.')';
for ($i = $min + 1;$i <= $max;$i++)
$lvlItemQuery .= '|('.$i.')';
$lvlItemQuery .= ')\'';
print ('<!-- MIN '.$min.', '.$minform.', MAX '.$max.', '.$maxform.' -->');
// Check if there is a filter, if so, apply it to the Item Query
$filterItemQuery = '';
if (isset($_POST['filter']) && $filter = urldecode($_POST['filter']))
$filters = explode(' ', $filter);
foreach($filters as $filterblock)
$filterItemQuery .= " AND item.item_tooltip LIKE '%".$filterblock."%'";
$filter = urlencode($filter);
$filter = '';
// Define the Queries
//$itemQuery = "SELECT member.name as member_name, member.member_id as member_id, item.*, LEFT(item.item_id, (LOCATE(':',item.item_id)-1)) as real_itemid FROM `".ROSTER_ITEMSTABLE."` as item LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` as member ON item.member_id=member.member_id WHERE member.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%' AND item.item_parent!='bags' AND item.item_parent!='equip'".$filterItemQuery.$lvlItemQuery." AND item.item_tooltip NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%' ORDER BY item.item_name";
$itemQuery = "SELECT member.name as member_name, member.member_id as member_id, item.*, LEFT(item.item_id, (LOCATE(':',item.item_id)-1)) as real_itemid FROM `".ROSTER_ITEMSTABLE."` as item LEFT JOIN `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` as member ON item.member_id=member.member_id WHERE member.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%' AND item.item_parent!='bags' AND item.item_parent!='equip'".$filterItemQuery.$lvlItemQuery." AND (item.item_tooltip NOT LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound']."%' OR item.item_tooltip LIKE '%".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_boe']."%') ORDER BY item.item_name";
$muleNameQuery = "SELECT m.member_id, m.name AS member_name, m.note AS member_note, m.officer_note AS member_officer_note, p.server AS muleservername, p.money_g AS gold, p.money_s AS silver, p.money_c AS copper FROM `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` AS p, `".ROSTER_MEMBERSTABLE."` AS m WHERE m.".$roster_conf['banker_fieldname']." LIKE '%".$roster_conf['banker_rankname']."%' AND p.member_id = m.member_id ORDER BY m.name";
// If SQL Debugging is enabled, please insert the queries as commented HTML
if ($roster_conf['sqldebug'])
$content .= "<!-- $itemQuery --> ";
$content .= "<!-- $muleNameQuery --> ";
// Define two DB Placeholders
$muleNames = $wowdb->query($muleNameQuery);
if (!$muleNames)
$DBitemArray = $wowdb->query($itemQuery);
if (!$DBitemArray)
// Declare the Global variables
$money = array('gold' => 0, 'silver' => 0, 'copper' => 0);
$mule = array();
// Get all info about the Mules and fill the $money array
$mulecount = 0;
while ($muleRow = $wowdb->getrow($muleNames))
if (isset($muleRow['gold']))
$money['gold'] += $muleRow['gold'];
if (isset($muleRow['silver']))
$money['silver'] += $muleRow['silver'];
if (isset($muleRow['copper']))
$money['copper'] += $muleRow['copper'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['member_name'] = $muleRow['member_name'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['muleservername'] = $muleRow['muleservername'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['member_gold'] = $muleRow['gold'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['member_silver'] = $muleRow['silver'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['member_copper'] = $muleRow['copper'];
$mule[$muleRow['member_id']]['updatetime'] = DateCharDataUpdated($muleRow['member_id']);
// Display info about mules and bankmoney
if ($roster_conf['bank_money'])
} else {
//// Setup a table to hold the Mule Box and the Filter Box
$content .= '<table border="0"><tr><td>';
// Set the color of the Filter and Result table border
if ($mulecount > 0)
if ($roster_conf['bank_money'])
$muleborderstyle = 'syellow';
$muleborderstyle = 'sgray';
$muleborderstyle = 'sred';
// Begin Mule Box table with a nice Stylish border
$content .= border($muleborderstyle,'start',$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['guildbank'].' '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['character'].'s');
// Display the table inside the bordered cell
$content .= "<table colspan='".$banker_columns."' border='1' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>";
$content .= "<tr><th class='membersHeader'>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['character']." ".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['name']."</th>";
if ($roster_conf['bank_money'])
$content .= "<th class='membersHeader'><img src=\"".$roster_conf['img_url']."/bagcoingold.gif\" alt=\"G\"/> </th><th class='membersHeader'><img src=\"".$roster_conf['img_url']."/bagcoinsilver.gif\" alt=\"S\"/> </th><th class='membersHeader'><img src=\"".$roster_conf['img_url']."/bagcoinbronze.gif\" alt=\"C\"/> </th>";
$content .= "<th class='membersHeader'>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['lastupdate']."</th></tr>";
if ($mulecount > 0)
foreach ($mule as $muleID => $muleArray)
$muleurl = "<a href='".$roster_conf['roster_dir']."/char.php?name=".$muleArray['member_name']."&server=".urlencode($muleArray['muleservername'])."'>";
$content .= "<tr><td class='membersRow".$muleRowHeader."'>".$muleurl."<span style='font-size:9pt;color:#0070dd;text-decoration:underline;'>".$muleArray['member_name']."</span></a></td>";
// Display Banker Money style=\"color:#$color\">
if ($roster_conf['bank_money'])
$content .= "<td class='membersRow".$muleRowHeader."' align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#d4b857\">".$muleArray['member_gold']."</span></td>";
$content .= "<td class='membersRow".$muleRowHeader."' align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#6e6c6f\">".$muleArray['member_silver']."</span></td>";
$content .= "<td class='membersRow".$muleRowHeader."' align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#a97052\">".$muleArray['member_copper']."</span></td>";
$content .= "<td class='membersRow".$muleRowHeader."'>".$muleArray['updatetime']."</td></tr>";
switch ($muleRowHeader)
case 1:
$muleRowHeader = 2;
$muleRowHeader = 1;
// Display Total Money
if ($roster_conf['bank_money'])
$money = CalcTotalMoney();
$content .= "<tr><td class=\"membersHeader\"><b>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['guildbank_totalmoney']."</b></td>";
$content .= "<td class=\"membersHeader\" align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#d4b857; font-weight: bold;\">".$money['gold']."</b></span></td>";
$content .= "<td class=\"membersHeader\" align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#6e6c6f; font-weight: bold;\">".$money['silver']."</b></span></td>";
$content .= "<td class=\"membersHeader\" align=\"right\"><span style=\"color:#a97052; font-weight: bold;\">".$money['copper']."</b></span></td>";
$content .= "<td class=\"membersHeader\"> </td>";
$content .= '<tr><th colspan="2" class="membersHeader"><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:12pt;">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['gbank_charsNotFound'].'</span></th></tr>';
$content .= "</table>";
// Close the Mule Box table with a stylish border
$content .= border($muleborderstyle,'end');
//// Close the Mule Box cell and open the Filter Box cell
$content .= '</td><td>';
// Process the results of the item-query on the database
$itemsarray = array();
while($itemArrayRow = $wowdb->getrow($DBitemArray))
if ($category = CheckCategory2($itemArrayRow['item_tooltip'], $itemArrayRow['item_id']))
// The CategoryID check succeeded so this is a Wanted item (probably :)
// Let's shove it in the array using the following array schema:
// $items[$catagory][$realitemid] = Array with a Per Banker quantity as well
// From the Query we get the following:
// member_name, member_id, item_name, item_parent, item_slot, item_color, item_id, item_texture, item_quantity, item_tooltip, item_id, real_itemid, total_quantity
// $real_itemid = $itemArrayRow['real_itemid']; // Changed to item_id to solve duplicate real_itemid numbers for different items
$itemid_array = explode(':', $itemArrayRow['item_id']);
$real_itemid = $itemid_array[0];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_name'] = $itemArrayRow['item_name'];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_color'] = $itemArrayRow['item_color'];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_id'] = $itemArrayRow['item_id'];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_texture'] = $itemArrayRow['item_texture'];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_tooltip'] = $itemArrayRow['item_tooltip'];
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['item_parent'] = $itemArrayRow['item_parent'];
if (!isset($itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['quantity']))
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['quantity'] = 0;
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['quantity'] += $itemArrayRow['item_quantity'];
// Adding the Per Banker quantity inside the array
if (!isset($itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['banker'][$itemArrayRow['member_id']]))
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['banker'][$itemArrayRow['member_id']] = 0;
$itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid]['banker'][$itemArrayRow['member_id']] += $itemArrayRow['item_quantity'];
// Set the color of the Filter and Result table border
if (!$itemsarray)
$borderstyle = 'sblue';
if ($min != 'none' || $max != 'none' || $filter != '')
$filterstyle = 'sred';
$filterstyle = 'sblue';
$borderstyle = 'syellow';
if ($min != 'none' || $max != 'none' || $filter != '')
$filterstyle = 'syellow';
$filterstyle = 'sblue';
// Begin Filter Box table with a nice Stylish border
$content .= border($filterstyle,'start',$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['filter'].' '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['guildbank']);
// Display the table inside the bordered cell
$content .= "<table class='bodyline' cellspacing='1' cellpadding='2'>";
// Setup a form to post
$content .= "<form method='POST'>";
// Filter Items
$content .= "<tr><td class='membersHeader'><small>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['lvlrange']."</small> <input type='text' size='4' value='".$minform."' name='min'> <small>-</small> <input type='text' size='4' value='".$maxform."' name='max'></td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td class='membersHeader'><small>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['filter']."</small> <input type='text' value='".$filter."' name='filter'></td></tr>";
$content .= "<tr><td class='membersHeader'><center> <input type='submit' value='".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_set']." ".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['filter']."'>";
// End Form
$content .= "</form></center>";
$content .= "</td></tr>";
$content .= "</table>";
// Close the Filter Box table with a stylish border
$content .= border($filterstyle,'end');
//// Close table which holds the Mule Box and the Filter Box
$content .= '</td></tr><tr><td></td></tr></table>';
// Begin table with a nice Stylish border
$content .= border($borderstyle,'start');
// Create the Header of the table
$content .= "<table bgcolor='#1f1e1d' colspan='".$row_columns."' border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2'>";
// Process each category sorted on $display_order from conf.php
foreach ($display_order as $CategoryID)
// Check if we want to see Emtpy Categories OR if the category has items
if ($show_empty || isset($itemsarray[$CategoryID]))
// Show the Column Header for this Category
$content .= "<tr><th colspan='".$row_columns."' class='membersHeader'>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['bankitem_'.$CategoryID]."</th></tr>";
$count = 0;
// Again check if we actually have items in the Category before displaying them
if (isset($itemsarray[$CategoryID]))
$content .= "<tr class=\"membersRow1\">";
foreach ($itemsarray[$CategoryID] as $itemid => $itemdetail)
// Display the icon for the item
$content .= processItem($itemid, $CategoryID);
if ($count == $row_columns)
$content .= "</tr><tr>";
$count = 0;
for ($i=$count;$i < $row_columns;$i++)
$content .= "<td></td>";
$content .= "</tr>";
// If no items are returned in the $itemsarray
if (!$itemsarray)
$content .= '<tr><th colspan="'.$row_columns.'" class="membersHeader"><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:12pt;">'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['no'].' '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['items'].' in '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['guildbank'];
// If we filtered, also display the filter
if ($filter)
$content .= ' - '.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['filter'].': '.$filter;
$content .= '</span></th></tr>';
// Close the item table
$content .= "</table>";
// Close the stylish border table
$content .= border($borderstyle,'end');
//// Functions
// Function to calculate the total of the mules money
function CalcTotalMoney()
global $money;
while ($money['copper'] > 100) {
$money['copper'] = $money['copper'] - 100;
while ($money['silver'] > 100) {
$money['silver'] = $money['silver'] - 100;
return $money;
// Function to grab the last Update Time of the member and return it in readable format
function DateCharDataUpdated($member_id)
global $wowdb, $roster_conf, $phptimeformat;
$query1 = "SELECT `dateupdatedutc` FROM `".ROSTER_PLAYERSTABLE."` WHERE `member_id` = '$member_id'";
$result1 = $wowdb->query($query1);
$data1 = $wowdb->fetch_assoc($result1);
$dateupdatedutc = $data1['dateupdatedutc'];
list($month,$day,$year,$hour,$minute,$second) = sscanf($dateupdatedutc,"%2d/%2d/%2d %2d:%2d:%2d");
$localtime = mktime($hour+$roster_conf['localtimeoffset'] ,$minute, $second, $month, $day, $year, -1);
return date($phptimeformat[$roster_conf['roster_lang']], $localtime);
// This function will check in which category the item falls under.
function CheckCategory2($tooltip, $itemid)
global $search_order, $itemarray, $bankitem, $roster_conf;
$found = false;
$returnvalue = 0;
// Omit things we don't want first
if (!$found)
foreach ($itemarray['omit'] as $check)
foreach (explode("\n", $tooltip) as $line )
$line = str_replace("\t",' ',$line);
if (preg_match("/\b".$check."\b/", $line) >= 1)
$found = true;
$returnvalue = 0;
if ($found)
// Iterate through our search_array
foreach ($search_order as $index)
foreach ($itemarray[$bankitem[$index]['arg']] as $check)
foreach (explode("\n", $tooltip) as $line )
$line = str_replace("\t",' ',$line);
if (preg_match("/\b".$check."\b/i", $line) >= 1)
$bankarray[$bankitem[$index]['arg']][$itemid] =
$found = true;
$returnvalue = $index;
if ($found)
if ($found)
// Throw everything else in Misc
if (!$found) {
$found = true;
$returnvalue = 29;
return $returnvalue;
// This function will process the item and build up the code.
function processItem($real_itemid, $category)
global $mule, $itemsarray, $color_border, $itemlink, $roster_conf, $wordings;
$itemrow = $itemsarray[$category][$real_itemid];
// Add the lead to the item-cell
$returnstr = '<td><span onmouseover="return overlib(\'';
// Generate the TOOLTIP code
$first_line = 1;
$tooltip = '';
$itemrow['item_tooltip'] = stripslashes($itemrow['item_tooltip']);
foreach (explode("\n", $itemrow['item_tooltip']) as $line )
$color = '';
if( !empty($line) )
$line = preg_replace('|\\>|','›', $line );
$line = preg_replace('|\\<|','‹', $line );
$line = preg_replace('|\|c[a-f0-9]{2}([a-f0-9]{6})(.+?)\|r|','<span style="color:#$1;">$2</span>',$line);
// Do this on the first line
// This is performed when $caption_color is set
if( $first_line )
if( $itemrow['item_color'] == '' )
$itemrow['item_color'] = '9d9d9d';
if( strlen($itemrow['item_color']) > 6 )
$color = substr( $itemrow['item_color'], 2, 6 );
$color = $itemrow['item_color'];
$item_color = $color;
$color .= ';font-size:12px;font-weight:bold';
$first_line = false;
if ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_use'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_requires'],$line) )
$color = 'ff0000';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_reinforced'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_equip'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_chance'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_enchant'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_soulbound'],$line) )
$color = '00bbff';
elseif ( ereg('^'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_set'],$line) )
$color = '00ff00';
elseif ( preg_match('|\([a-f0-9]\).'.$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['tooltip_set'].'|',$line) )
$color = '666666';
elseif ( ereg('^\\"',$line) )
$color = 'ffd517';
// Convert tabs to a formated table
if( strpos($line,"\t") )
$line = str_replace("\t",'</td><td align="right" class="overlib_maintext">', $line);
$line = '<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td class="overlib_maintext">'.$line.'</td></tr></table>';
$tooltip .= $line;
elseif( !empty($color) )
$tooltip .= '<span style="color:#'.$color.';">'.$line.'</span><br />';
$tooltip .= "$line<br />";
$tooltip .= '<br />';
if (!isset($tooltip))
$tooltip = $tooltip_out;
// Process a line for each Banker that holds 'quantity' of the item inside the Tooltip
foreach ($itemrow['banker'] as $itemBankerID => $NumItemsPerBanker)
$tooltip = '<span style="color:#5c82a3;">'.$mule[$itemBankerID]['member_name'].'</span> ('.$NumItemsPerBanker.') - <span style="color:#aaaaaa; font-size:8pt;">Time:'.$mule[$itemBankerID]['updatetime'].'</span><hr />' . $tooltip;
// Normalize the tooltip string
$tooltip = str_replace("'", "\'", $tooltip);
$tooltip = str_replace('"','"', $tooltip);
$returnstr .= $tooltip.'\');" onmouseout="return nd();">'."\n";
// Free Up memory by clearing the tooltip string
$tooltip = '';
// Get the Icon Color
switch ($item_color)
case "ffffff":
$item_quality = "iconwhite";
case "1eff00":
$item_quality = "icongreen";
case "9d9d9d":
$item_quality = "icongrey";
case "0070dd":
$item_quality = "iconblue";
$item_quality = "iconpurple";
$returnstr .= '<div class="item">';
// Clean the Item Texture of backslashes and replace them with forward slashes
// Construct the image with a URL and put the colored border around it
if ($color_border)
$returnstr .= '<a href="'.$itemlink[$roster_conf['roster_lang']].urlencode(utf8_decode($itemrow['item_name'])).'" target="_blank">'."\n".'<img src="'.$roster_conf['interface_url'].$item_texture.'.'.$roster_conf['img_suffix'].'" class="'.$item_quality.'"></a>';
$returnstr .= '<a href="'.$itemlink[$roster_conf['roster_lang']].urlencode(utf8_decode($itemrow['item_name'])).'" target="_blank">'."\n".'<img src="'.$roster_conf['interface_url'].$item_texture.'.'.$roster_conf['img_suffix'].'"></a>';
// If we have more than 1 in total, display the total quantity number on the image
if (($itemrow['quantity'] > 1) && ($itemrow['item_parent'] != 'bags'))
$returnstr .= '<span class="quant">'.$itemrow['quantity'].'</span>';
// Add the trail to the item-cell
$returnstr .= '</span></div></td>';
// Return the complete table cell for the item
return $returnstr;
ctrl + C , ctrl+V ^^'
Mod Edit: Made it pretty