French/English roster configuration ?

Translation help and language issues

French/English roster configuration ?

Postby Mirith » Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:33 am


I'm not sure if it is the right forum, but I seem to have a conflict between English and French client.

I am in a French guild but I play World of Warcraft in English. In game, everything seems ok when I save my different characters, but when I upload the data in the guild roster, there is a problem for my hunter and my warlock. The pets do not appear in the character stat and I can't see "reputation", "skill", "talent" and "pvp" stat.

To be sure, I use a French client and upload the data. In this case, I can see the pet and all the stats of the character. But when I return to the English client, I lost my pet again.

Is there something missing on the roster or is it a conflict between the two languages?

Thanks in advance for your answers...
Mirith Apprentice Apprentice
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French/English roster configuration ?

Postby zanix » Mon Jan 08, 2007 6:56 am

What is the locale when you are using the English version?
Open CharacterProfiler.lua (from WTF/Accounts/<accountname>/SavedVariables/) and find "clientLocale"
For French, it is frFR
For US English, it is enUS

I'm guessing your English is enGB
If so, copy localization/enUS.php to enGB.php
Open enGB.php and replace all 'enUS' (including the ticks) with 'enBG'

If your locale isn't enGB, then tell me what it is
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Re: French/English roster configuration ?

Postby Mirith » Tue Jan 09, 2007 6:18 am


We have made some tries with the administrator of the roster. The admin had made the manipulation with php files. The pet's problem continue for my English version.

Here is the part of the lua file create for the hunter in game:
["Corriath"] = {
["Guild"] = {
["Title"] = "Vampyr (Orga)",
["Name"] = "OutreTombe",
["Rank"] = 2,
["Mana"] = 3105,
["Locale"] = "enUS",
["Race"] = "Orc",
["Power"] = "Mana",

As you can see, I have the line ["Locale"] = "enUS".

For the pets, you can see all seem normal:
["Pets"] = {
["Griffacier"] = {
["Type"] = "Cat",
["TalentPoints"] = 300,
["Power"] = "Focus",
["Mana"] = 100,
["TalentPointsUsed"] = 296,
["Loyalty"] = "(Loyalty Level 6) Best Friend",
["Experience"] = "100:103874",
["Slot"] = 0,
["Attributes"] = {
["Stats"] = {
["Intellect"] = "30:0:0",
["Agility"] = "100:0:0",
["Stamina"] = "363:0:0",
["Strength"] = "136:0:0",
["Spirit"] = "75:0:0",
["Melee"] = {
["AttackPower"] = "252:112:0",
["CritChance"] = "8.81",
["CritRating"] = "42:3:0",
["HitRating"] = "10:1:0",
["AttackPowerDPS"] = "26.0",
["MainHand"] = {
["AttackSpeed"] = "1.17",
["AttackRating"] = "300:0:0",
["AttackDPS"] = "96.8",
["AttackSkill"] = 300,
["DamageRange"] = "200:271",
["DamageRangeTooltip"] = "Main Hand<br>Attack Speed (seconds): 2.44<br>Damage: 196 - 266 x102%<br>Damage per Second: 96.8<br><br><br>Off Hand<br>Attack Speed (seconds): 1.83<br>Damage: 70 - 94 x102%<br>Damage per Second: 45.7",
["HasteRating"] = "0:0:0",
["AttackPowerTooltip"] = "Increases damage with melee weapons by 41.6 damage per second.",
["Resists"] = {
["Holy"] = "0:0:0",
["Arcane"] = "0:0:0",
["Shadow"] = "6:0:0",
["Fire"] = "2:0:0",
["Frost"] = "0:0:0",
["Nature"] = "0:0:0",
["Defense"] = {
["BlockRating"] = "0:0:0",
["Defense"] = "300:0:0",
["BlockChance"] = "0.00",
["ArmorReduction"] = "53.68",
["ParryRating"] = "0:0:0",
["DefenseRating"] = "0:0:0",
["DodgeRating"] = "0:0:0",
["ParryChance"] = "5.00",
["Armor"] = "6816:0:0",
["DefensePercent"] = 0,
["DodgeChance"] = "23.31",
["Resilience"] = {
["Ranged"] = 0,
["Spell"] = 0,
["Melee"] = 0,
["Health"] = 4444,
["SpellBook"] = {
["Spells"] = {
["Bite"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Racial_Cannibalize",
["Rank"] = "Rank 7",
["Natural Armor"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Nature_SpiritArmor",
["Rank"] = "Rank 9",
["Dash"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Druid_Dash",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Claw"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Druid_Rake",
["Rank"] = "Rank 8",
["Growl"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Physical_Taunt",
["Rank"] = "Rank 7",
["Great Stamina"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Nature_UnyeildingStamina",
["Rank"] = "Rank 7",
["Count"] = 6,
["Level"] = 60,
["Icon"] = "Ability_Hunter_Pet_Cat",
["Name"] = "Griffacier",
["GriffAcier"] = {
["Type"] = "Owl",
["Loyalty"] = "(Loyalty Level 6) Best Friend",
["Slot"] = 1,
["Mana"] = 100,
["TalentPointsUsed"] = 300,
["Power"] = "Focus",
["Health"] = 4303,
["Attributes"] = {
["Stats"] = {
["Intellect"] = "30:0:0",
["Agility"] = "100:0:0",
["Stamina"] = "342:0:0",
["Strength"] = "136:0:0",
["Spirit"] = "75:0:0",
["Melee"] = {
["AttackPower"] = "252:112:0",
["CritChance"] = "8.81",
["CritRating"] = "42:3:0",
["HitRating"] = "10:1:0",
["AttackPowerDPS"] = "26.0",
["MainHand"] = {
["AttackSpeed"] = "1.67",
["AttackRating"] = "300:0:0",
["AttackDPS"] = "96.8",
["AttackSkill"] = 300,
["DamageRange"] = "200:271",
["DamageRangeTooltip"] = "Main Hand<br>Attack Speed (seconds): 2.44<br>Damage: 196 - 266 x102%<br>Damage per Second: 96.8<br><br><br>Off Hand<br>Attack Speed (seconds): 1.83<br>Damage: 70 - 94 x102%<br>Damage per Second: 45.7",
["HasteRating"] = "0:0:0",
["AttackPowerTooltip"] = "Increases damage with melee weapons by 41.6 damage per second.",
["Resists"] = {
["Holy"] = "0:0:0",
["Arcane"] = "90:0:0",
["Shadow"] = "96:0:0",
["Fire"] = "92:0:0",
["Frost"] = "90:0:0",
["Nature"] = "90:0:0",
["Buffs"] = {
[1] = {
["Name"] = "Aspect of the Pack",
["Tooltip"] = "Aspect of the Pack<br>30% increased movement speed. Dazed if damage is taken.",
["Icon"] = "Ability_Mount_WhiteTiger",
["Defense"] = {
["BlockRating"] = "0:0:0",
["Defense"] = "300:0:0",
["BlockChance"] = "0.00",
["ArmorReduction"] = "49.84",
["ParryRating"] = "0:0:0",
["DefenseRating"] = "0:0:0",
["DodgeRating"] = "0:0:0",
["ParryChance"] = "5.00",
["Armor"] = "5844:0:0",
["DefensePercent"] = 0,
["DodgeChance"] = "9.31",
["Resilience"] = {
["Ranged"] = 0,
["Spell"] = 0,
["Melee"] = 0,
["Name"] = "GriffAcier",
["Experience"] = "19:103874",
["SpellBook"] = {
["Spells"] = {
["Frost Resistance"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Frost_FrostWard",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Screech"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Hunter_Pet_Bat",
["Rank"] = "Rank 4",
["Fire Resistance"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Fire_FireArmor",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Growl"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Physical_Taunt",
["Rank"] = "Rank 7",
["Shadow Resistance"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Shadow_AntiShadow",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Arcane Resistance"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Nature_StarFall",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Claw"] = {
["Icon"] = "Ability_Druid_Rake",
["Rank"] = "Rank 8",
["Nature Resistance"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Nature_ResistNature",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Dive"] = {
["Icon"] = "Spell_Shadow_BurningSpirit",
["Rank"] = "Rank 3",
["Count"] = 9,
["Level"] = 60,
["Icon"] = "Ability_Hunter_Pet_Owl",
["TalentPoints"] = 300,
Mirith Apprentice Apprentice
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 08, 2007 4:43 am

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