Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Track raids, bosskills, loot with the ct_raidtracker enhanced WoW Addon

Moderators: PoloDude, Gaxme

Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby Vanterax » Mon Jan 08, 2007 12:11 am

With TBC being a week away and PoloDude being MIA (hasn't posted in months and his web site is dead), what's the future of this addon?

(Mod edit: title changed on request)
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby RainRider » Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:48 pm

i think Polo wrote somewhere on the forums that he has much work to do on their guild web site. And there is plenty of stuff getting done by the looks of it.

I believe he mentioned also that RaidTracker will share some code with Mathos' DKP Wizzard, so I think further work on RT depends on the progres of DKP Wizzard.

Further, the guys from announced they're recoding much of their addons, including CT_RaidTracker. There is also an "unofficial" port of CTRT_modded for WoW 2.0 on wowinterface and AFAIK no response from the original maintainer of the modded version.

So I asume we have to wait for a lot to happen :)

Hope PoloDude enjoys best health and we will hear from him really soon.
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby PoloDude » Tue Feb 13, 2007 1:39 pm

I'm fine but realy bussy atm :)
I was indeed going to add some extra features into RaidTracker but as RainRider says, there isn't exactly a reliable RaidTracker addon atm, i've just downloaded the party version and still need to test it, as for Mathos DKP stuff, i'm not sure how far he's with that, but i'm sure i'm about to find out soon enough :)

For now i'm gonna try to focus at ItemSets first as i like to recode it a bit for better use with more itemsets, combo's, .... you'll get the idea when i get bit more time on my side.
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby gabrielve » Wed Feb 28, 2007 6:58 pm

any news yet ? :)
Coz i am looking sth that will parse my guilds progress in Karazhan etc.
The mod is reallly ok, but not inclusing the expansion instances :)
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby PoloDude » Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:54 pm

Well i've been editing the latest mod a bit and added most BC instances, even those for groups but still need to send those changes to the author, from there i can try to pick up the project. That is if i find time, cause i even don't have time to play atm :(
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby gabrielve » Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:18 am

Anyway maybe at least you will be able to clear up my mind a little from the some questions i have? :)

1. CT Raid Tracker - is there a difference in various compilations of this addons? My guild officers are using this: ... dkp-mldkp/ . Is this version enaugh?

2. Instances list etc. Well, for now my guild is doing Karazhan, and for that instance i have made a test odification of your mod (changed a little arrays by adding some boss names and zones localizations in enUS.php and zoneicon in conf.php). But i dont know for sure if this will be enaugh.

3. Well...i guess there is sth still missing there... after importing CR_RaidTracker.lua nothing is happening... log shows absolutely no errors... system is parsing sth...but there is no result at all. I wonder if i must do some more modifications to the roster addon, or maybe my CT_RT is worthless :)

Anyway... gl in real and remember: "haste makes waste" ;). So mind that you dont have to rush things ... take your time (.... well...maybe not toooo looong tho ;P)
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby nogarth » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:42 am

Bulli from is doing the CT_Raid_tracker mod and they have the Beta 2 up atm so maybe there who you need to speak to cal
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Re: Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby Gaxme » Fri Mar 02, 2007 12:46 am

I loved this addon. It makes a great way for my guild to keep track of its history. We are small, not DKP-oriented, and like to have a record of where things went. I've missed it sorely. =)

I make absolutely no promises on release time, total feature set, or even completion at this point, but I will say that I've been working on a version as well. I want to reiterate, I'm not trying to get people's hopes up because my time is pretty hectic.

As a build parameter, at this point, I've taken some of the suggestions put forth for the new version release that Polo asked for, and have begun writing a new 1.7.3 addon borrowing some from the original code and making a lot of changes. I am using the MLdkp and EQdkp modified tracker as a starting point, though a considerable amount of my data is from the older EQdkp mod, and even a few from the original CTRaidtracker. It will be an interesting ride.

What I've put in the framework so far (not finished code, but framework):
Code: Select all
    o Rebuild of the parsing engine to allow "collation" of data from multiple uploaders.
    o Addition of an Administrator menu using the new password features of the 1.7x line.
    o Configuration variables contained within the administration menu.
    o Changes to the overall usability and internal linking:
        * Clicking on a name will show their loot history.
        * Clicking on an item will show its drop history, and who got it.

Admin Menu:
    o Manage people allowed to upload
    o Manage which encounter data is stored and/or viewed
    o Delete a raid and its associated data (for reupload)
    o Mark a raid as "hidden", to remove it and its data from the overall list.
        * I may do this as a class, like "hide all outdoor encounters" as well,
           it depends how much time I have.

I have not yet decided whether to add the ability to add items or raids by hand. It can be done, but really, without a search and retrieve feature, adding items is a bit of a pain for people. (You'd need to have the raw item ID from inside the game) This is time intensive, and not my first goal.

Data collation is a problematic thing. There are some stumbling blocks. First, it seems that raid time is stored off the local machine clock (or at least used to be), rather than the server time. I'm not sure if this is an easy change, but I plan to email the devs of the ML/EQ addon and ask. I do not know LUA, even if I can puzzle out some of the functions.

I had originally intended to work out a "margin of time" that multiple uploaders data to the same zone would end up in the same raid. (IE: If two uploaders send up data with similar bosses, one boss missing from new data incoming, and it's within a window of 4 hours, they are the same raid, add them.) This method, however, has a couple holes: Guilds that run multiple raids simultaneously (like Karazhan raids for many guilds), or dungeon runs on two sides of a reset. It's something that I'll need to address. If anyone has any good ideas, let me know.

Anyway, this is longer than I intended. Just wanted people to know there's others out here missing it, and trying to find time to remedy the loss, knowing Polo is so swamped in RL. =)

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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby PoloDude » Sun Mar 04, 2007 11:45 pm

I like much of what you've wrote Gaxme :d
So far i've sended my changes to the author of the mldkp ctraidtracker but he replied that he probably won't add those cause it's a bit to much unneeded info, although i think you can never have enough :p

As for your RaidTracker project, i'm indeed a bit swamped in RL but it's getting better so if you want help let me know, would be stupid to work on two different but still the same addons if you ask me.
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby revepik » Sun Mar 11, 2007 1:27 pm

That 's a good idea !! Good luck !
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby Scatmanicus » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:52 am

Gentlemen, this is a great addon to the Roster application for those guilds that do not use DKP (and in our case...never will). I have actually updated with BC data and on the select a raid display, it has nothing under Zone but the date, #bosses, #loot and #attendees is correct.

In addition, on the summary page in the Raid History section, it shows the Raid Zone, # Raided and Bosses Killed but just below the Raid History title, it has this:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/luke/public_html/Roster_Alliance/addons/RaidTracker/functions.php on line 511

I hope you are able to work together to preserve and update this addon.
Just another ol' Hacker!
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Re: Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby niavlys » Thu Apr 12, 2007 10:49 pm

Can someboby give me raidtracker .lua file in karazan with the various opera event succefful.
I'm trying tu update raid tracker for karazan but havent been in the raid for the opera event
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Re: Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby Malcolm » Fri Apr 13, 2007 4:47 am

Here's one with big bad wolf and wiz of oz, sorry but no romeo/juliette didn't have CTRT running :(
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby niavlys » Fri Apr 13, 2007 3:56 pm

thanks for the file
here is what i've done so far
for the moment I'm only working with Frfr version (i'm french and my roster is in french but I translated only 50% of the bossname (wowwikifi is not up to date and my guilde is only mid karazan)
what i'm planning
- adding all BC instance
- easy wae to remove a raid (this depend on my free time at work ^^)
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Is there a future for RaidTracker?

Postby elius » Wed Apr 18, 2007 1:07 pm

Niavlys tu disais traduire CTRT, ou en est tu je suis perdu la, j'arrive pas a mettre a jour ma page roster
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