[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Based on Categorized Guild Bank, this addon allows users to make requests for guild bank items

Moderator: Averen

[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Fri Jan 05, 2007 12:04 pm

This modification to the guildbank enables users to "request" items in thw guildbank via clicking on them. It then "removes" them from the bank so they may not be requested again. It then allows the guildbank admin(s) to see a list of who requested what, thus decreasing time it takes to send them out.


2 variables in conf.php need to be edited:


This is the the lowest rank number that can request items.
1. Guild leader - YES
2. Officer - YES
3. Memer - YES
4. Initiate - NO

Then you'd set $addon_conf['guildbank']['rank'] to 3


This is the password to the guildbank admin. I have it different to the main roster password as my guild have people who are guildbanks that would probablly break roster if they had access to the config files. :)

New version! Should automatically update when uploaded & ran.

Guildbank + Request Mod

V1.0.4 [D]
- New history layout!

V1.0.3 [D]
- Fixes a note bug.
- Denied items now show up back in guildbank.
- Added French localisation (Thanks Malkom!)
- Working on new history and admin display.

V1.0.2 [D]
- Fixes my silly bugs.

V1.0.1 [D]
- Deny request added.
- Admin page filtering added.
- General bug fixes.
- Localisation started. (Thanks Shaylar!)

V1.0.0 [D]
- First release!
Last edited by Averen on Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:28 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Sprakeloos » Sat Jan 06, 2007 6:12 am

Great, this is an addon I've been looking for for some time. :thumleft:

It's nice to have a bank but sooner or later there will be a discussion what's happening with all the stuff in there.
This addon might help because of the history option.

Just wondering, are you planning to implement an option where the admin can deny giving items requested by someone ?

I also got an error after I've selected all and submitted.
When I go to history now it shows :

Notice: Undefined variable: histdata in /home/illtemp/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/admin.php on line 188
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/illtemp/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/admin.php on line 188

Question in general, hoe do others keep track of deposits and withdrawals of their bank ?
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Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sat Jan 06, 2007 7:14 am

Ahh yes denying requests would be a great idea, silly me, I'll implement that now.

Ah I forgot to add protection against the request list being empty silly me, I'll sort that now.

I'm not totally sure what you are trying to ask? But I think you mean how can users see if their requests are complete? Well if they go to the history page they can find their chracter and see if it has or not.
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Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Sprakeloos » Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:02 am

I'll try to explain a bit more.

Once in a while there are discussion started by people that don't 'trust' the person(s) holding the bank.
It would be nice if everyone in the guild could see one way or the other what people send to the bank and what others take out of it.
Couple of days ago I've stumbled across GuildBanker which tries to do something like that.
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Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sat Jan 06, 2007 8:10 am

Ah I see, well yeh for that you'd need an extra addon like you said. Maybe I could try to add that funtionality in at a later date.
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Shaylar » Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:16 am

Good morning,

i have installed your mod some hours ago and it is really useful not to make the ppl write ingame mails or messages through the forum but simply select the things they need.

I have attached the german localization below. If there is something wrong with the encoding please contact me.

One great thing to have is the option to not "fulfill" a request. At the moment the items requested are removed from the bank and there is only the option to check that the item has been send out. It would be great to also have the option to cancel/delete a request for some reason.
Now i can only do this by checking the request and after that updating the bank chars to show that the item is still there.

Thanks a lot for your work!


$wordings['deDE']['guildbank_request'] = 'Guildbank - Anfrage';
$wordings['deDE']['guildbank_history'] = 'Guildbank - Historie';
$wordings['deDE']['guildbank_admin'] = 'Guildbank - Admin';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_request'] = 'Anfrage';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_history'] = 'Historie';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_admin'] = 'Admin';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_password'] = 'Passwort';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_submit'] = 'Abschicken';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_login'] = 'Login';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_no_action'] = 'Diese Aktion kann nicht ausgeführt werden.';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_no_item'] = 'Kein Objekt ausgewählt, bitte wähle etwas aus und versuche es noch einmal.';
$wordings['deDE']['gb_char'] = "Charakter";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_amount'] = "Menge";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_comp'] = "Anfrage abgeschickt";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_err_toobig'] = "Leider ist diese Menge in der Gildenbank nicht vorhanden.";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_err_amount'] = "Die Mengenangabe fehlt.";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_err_name'] = "Der Name fehlt.";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_err_notinbank'] = "Dieses Objekt existiert nicht in der Gildenbank.";
$wordings['deDE']['gb_err_password'] = "Falsches Passwort.";
Last edited by Shaylar on Sat Jan 06, 2007 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:39 pm

Yeh, Sprakeloos also said removing/deleting would be good, I'm working on it now.
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Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Fri Jan 12, 2007 12:59 pm

New version. :)
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:15 am

Installed the addon, got the following error on the Guild Bank page:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

THen I tried to select an item and put a request in and got th following error:

1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''roster_gb_config' WHERE conf_name = 'version'' at line 1
SELECT conf_data as version FROM 'roster_gb_config' WHERE conf_name = 'version';
File: install.php
Line: 38

Tried installing it a couple of times, with no such luck. Hope to get this mod up and running, because it will absolutley rock when it's working.

Great work!
Last edited by kaleyn on Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:19 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Slytwo » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:28 am


Dumb questions, but how come your demo site does not show errors on Guild Bank page and mine and a lot others do have the errors?

Did you do a fix?

NM, I applied some patches to parser and all look swell. I installed your Mod and love it , BUT, I can only get as far as the 1.0.0 (first mod). When I apply (upload) the contents of the second version it totally breaks the Guild Bank. Any help?

EDIT: And when I run the 1.0 version and logi as admin, check off Submit and hit the submit button, this is what I get when tryin gto log in again clicking on admin button:
Notice: Undefined variable: histdata in /home/jimmyb2/public_html/nn/roster/addons/guildbank/admin.php on line 188

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/jimmyb2/public_html/nn/roster/addons/guildbank/admin.php on line 188
Last edited by Slytwo on Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[V1.0.1] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:18 am

The error

Code: Select all
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/gbank.php on line 265

is due to the 2.0.3 upgrades, data uploaded AFTER 2.0.3 shows this error until you apply the patch found in the main roster forum.

The reason that I don't have the error is that i havent updated my test guildbank character since the update. xD I'll do it today and see what happens.

As regards to the sql error I made a typo, whoops. If you download the new version everything will be good as gold.
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Re: [V1.0.1] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 13, 2007 1:49 pm

Downloaded the new version, as in the version found on the first post of this topic. (as of Saturday, Jan 13th, 2007)

I've done that. Copied the files to the addons directory under a directory called "guildbank".

Now instead of the previous error, I'm getting a blank white screen with the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_assoc() in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank_requests-1.0.1/install.php on line 40

I went to Install.php line 40 and changed the "get_assoc()" to "fetch_assoc()", and now I'm getting another error:

1050: Table 'roster_gb_config' already exists
CREATE TABLE `roster_gb_config` ( `conf_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `conf_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `conf_data` varchar(64) NOT NULL, `conf_desc` text NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`conf_id`) ) TYPE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;

I've gone to my phpAdmin, and I dropped the already existing tables, and now I can get into the first page of the guildbank. But as soon as I refresh I get the same error.

For some reason it never install the version numbers into the gb_conf table, and so it never gets past the initial install.

Or I don't know what I"m talking about. I'm not very good at PHP or Mysql. Maybe someone with more brains and a better experience can tell me something different ;)
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Re: [V1.0.1] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 13, 2007 2:48 pm


I sent you a PM about the SQL errors. They are fixed now!!!!

But I'm still getting that pesky:

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/gbank.php on line 265

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/sister00/domains/sistersofpassion.org/public_html/roster/addons/guildbank/gbank.php on line 265

A few ideas:

1.)Is there a way to make it so that when you go through the "History" you can filter by the banks themselves too. Narrow it down to only the history the affects you (in the case of multiple players holding banks in a guild.) Kinda like how the "admin" filter works, but for the history section. I think this will be an awesome feature.

2.) When you a deny a request, can it automatically filter the items back into the bank? I posted a request and denied it, but noticed that the items are still missing from the Guildbank inventory list.

In the case of acceptance, this is fine, becuase the items will be sent to that person and soon be removed from the guild bank.

3.) When does it reset again, when the bank resyncs with WoWRoster?
Or is the item requested lost forever into the "Guildbank Request pit"?

Once again, great work on this MOD. I think it has potential to be an official implementation of the WoWRoster suite. ;)
Last edited by kaleyn on Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.1] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Slytwo » Sat Jan 13, 2007 3:46 pm

OK, here are my steps. I take the original CGB folder and replace with your 1.0.0 MOD. Your MOD opens and works until I approve a request. It then gives me the above posted Line 188 error. I then copy your new Guildbank + RequestMOd foldr and copy those files over to my server. I now cannot open Guild Bank and get:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_assoc() in /home/jimmyb2/public_html/nn/roster/addons/guildbank/install.php on line 40

Does this error tell you anything new???
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Re: [V1.0.1] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 13, 2007 4:03 pm

Is this the error that says Invalid function call "get_assoc()".....

I changed "get_assoc()" to "fetch_assoc()"

Made it work... ;)
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