[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Based on Categorized Guild Bank, this addon allows users to make requests for guild bank items

Moderator: Averen

Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby tuigii » Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:09 pm

Eldarinwa wrote:is it possible to add a new option for the reservation?
Code: Select all
1. Guild leader - YES
2. Officer - YES
3. Memer - YES (all members)
4. Player - YES (only members having updated their characters
5. Initiate - NO

In the conf.php file you can already set this level.
Place note that Guild ranks are just numbers 'internally', with number 0 being the Guild master.

For the other question - the answer is already there :mrgreen:

Just jump over here :
http://www.wowroster.net/Forums/viewtop ... html#16333
Over there you'll find an example how to limit the use of the "RequestGuildBank" add on by members that uploaded their profile at least during the last week (7 days).
If not, they can't reserve anything.

You can change the date (laps of time) easily.

It would be a nice thing if this feature could be 'put on or off' and that one could set the "days limit".

At least, these variables should be set in the conf.php file.

Using this feature now for a couple of days on 3 roster (3 different guilds) and I just love to reply to members :
"So, you want to use the Roster, you want to use the Guild Bank, you want to claim articles, OK.
But - hey, you do not collaborate with the project, so, be a social member for your Guild, and move your ass..... and UPDATE first !"

This feature is a real motivator for members doing there uploads...
One Guild has a 76 % member 'updated' score since.... not bad at all :thumright:
Last edited by tuigii on Sun Feb 25, 2007 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Eldarinwa » Sun Feb 25, 2007 6:50 pm


works well

thanks tuigii

promised, I would read the next time less quickly
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Mon Feb 26, 2007 7:42 pm

Ok tuigi but I have so much error on sql :

ex. for a filter lvl 1 to lvl 20 :

Code: Select all
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ')'|( 4))'|( 5))'|( 6))'|( 7))'|( 8))'|( 9))'|(10))'|(11))'|(12))'|(13))'|(14))'|' at line 1
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby xianna » Thu Mar 01, 2007 1:48 am

can we make it spit out a copy/paste-able quick list to paste into a macro once in game for bank owners?
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Karavirs » Sat Mar 03, 2007 5:17 am

Has anyone installed this with the WowRosterDF (dragonfly) version? Don't want to try and then break what I have already.

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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Fesdar » Sun Mar 04, 2007 10:42 am

It is now only possible to add a comment when I process a request.
How could I change it such that members can also add a comments when making the request?
Like saying which item they want to make with the Primals they request.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby OpenCircuit » Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:50 pm

Is there any way to add a monetary system to this? For my guild, we'd like to add a price to each item, whether it be in DKP or Gold.

Also, I've downloaded and installed the latest version, and I am unable to log into the Admin section. I click "Admin" put in the db password "password" (default), it then refreshes the page, removes my background and template, and asks me to put in the password again, after that I receive a 404. Any ideas?
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby secretone » Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:56 pm


I like the idea behind this mod to the Guild Bank very much,
but when a request is made it does not show any characters
in the list, even though the roster has got updated characters
that fall within the 7 days. I have tried the 3 & 4 on the Rank
option as well.

Any help would be most appreciated.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby secretone » Wed Mar 14, 2007 10:03 pm

secretone wrote:Hi,

I like the idea behind this mod to the Guild Bank very much,
but when a request is made it does not show any characters
in the list, even though the roster has got updated characters
that fall within the 7 days. I have tried the 3 & 4 on the Rank
option as well.

Any help would be most appreciated.


Sorted it out, we have 9 Ranks in our guild and just need to make the rank number higher.

Thanks very much for this mod it works superb now.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby secretone » Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:28 pm


Great Add-on :thumright:

I would also like to see a monetary system added to this add-on.

In our guild we try to encourage the members to send stuff to the guild bank and then credit them with the vendor price of said items(s). This enables them to buy from the bank items at the sell to vendor price as long as they have credit.
So seeing a vendor price would be very useful.

Here is hoping, and keep up the good work.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kezmoo » Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:28 am

I've just come across this mod, and am about to try it out right now!

Just a thought though...

Would it be possible to implement some sort of in-game order send, such as used by the Shopping addon? Then, when a person requests an item, once the request has been approved, a list is sent to an 'Admin' character.
When this 'Admin' character next logs in and goes to a mail box, an in-game letter goes to the appropriate bank character, stating item and appropriate recipient.

That way the correct bank character has an in-game note of what goes to whom, without scribbling notes IRL...

It would also be good if it could then report back which items have been sent, and update the Roster only after items have been posted in-game.

Maybe even a linked in-game mod which gives monetary credit, and allows members to view bank contents in game (for example, GuildBanker/GuildBankAccount), with an in-game request as well...

I know - I'm asking a lot... I'd do it myself, but I'm really still learning - I only started this a month ago, but that's not gonna stop me trying! :D
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby rcoughtrey » Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:44 pm

MY only issue, is that there is no BC cateroys?

All the other mods here are not working with the request mod
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Karavirs » Fri Mar 30, 2007 10:39 pm

Here is an english only fix for the BC categories for Guildbank Request Mod.

Just replace these 3 files. (Translation should be fairly easy also :cool: )
Add BC categories to CGB-Request 1.0.4
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby scapegoat » Fri Apr 06, 2007 4:08 am

It was mentioned earlier on this page(7), but I wanted to follow up:

Does anyone know if the modfications for restriction request access based on rank has been tested in the DF modified versions of this?
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby shan_aya » Fri Apr 13, 2007 8:26 pm

good works !!!

- can you add section as resquest and completed named Sendind (for ie) : "donkey/bank member" can write that they have sending item after "The Banker" has validate resquet ? and data is deleted from completed to sending... ( perhaps we can change completed to Approved )

- and what about using Shopping Addon process that send data to wow with uniuploader to write mail ingame for bank members to sending requesting item ?

Last edited by shan_aya on Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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