[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Based on Categorized Guild Bank, this addon allows users to make requests for guild bank items

Moderator: Averen

Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:40 pm

That's my doing, Malkom. I've been doing quick edits on Averen's work to suit my own personal site, and then posting what I think is cool for everyone else to see.

The OFFICIAL releases are Averen's releases, and I'd stick with them, but it should be easy enough to put the headers in the "wordings" file and you should be able to create your french version there.

Do you know how to edit the PHP to do this?
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[V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:48 pm

Yes I know edit and modify (with notepad ;)) a php file.... but I don't know very well how change a word in a variable.... If you help me I can do it ^^
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[V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Ymryl » Fri Jan 19, 2007 1:48 pm

This is an extremely handy add-on! Thank you so much for developing it!

I have a couple of requests though:

#1, would it be possible to add a password field to the request dialog? There is currently no way to stop a casual (malicious) visitor from requesting items for arbitrary characters. A password would at least stop non-guild members from making a mess of things.

#2, Someone else mentioned some kind of visual notification when an item (or items) have been requested. How about an email option? Something simple with the bank name, item name, number requested and character requesting it sent to an email address entered in the config file. That would make life much easier.

I can probrably hack in these things myself but I'm sure it would be much easier for someone that really know what they are doing :)
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[V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:02 pm

I was thinking about both myself, I'm still not sure about 1 but I'm already working on 2.
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Re: [V1.0.3] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby carlpalmer » Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:47 pm

This is an awesome mod!

How about adding a shot compiled list. If 5 people request items, and they come off 3 different bank char, it can be confusing. So once you got through the approve/deny list, write out a printable or copyable list of what goes to whom sorted by bank char, skipping all deny items?
Last edited by carlpalmer on Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Fri Jan 19, 2007 4:09 pm

New release! New layout! See the demo page.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:42 pm

The download and demo links are pointing to a dead page for me? Anyone else having this problem?
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby kaleyn » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:48 pm


Here is the edited History.php and Localization.php files with the headers for my table in Localization so you can translate.

For a demo go here:

http://www.sistersofpassion.org/rosterd ... on=history

I haven't put entries in for German or French yet, because I don't know the translations. If someone puts the correct wordings in the Localization file, can you please share?

Download these, backup your old files, change extensions to .PHP, and upload.

Don't forget to backup your old files!!!!
(39.33 KiB) Downloaded 403 times
(11.91 KiB) Downloaded 391 times
Last edited by kaleyn on Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:57 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Draenak » Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:48 pm

Same Problem for me so far. Version 1.02 is working fine so far with my roster by the way. Big thx for the Mod by the way. My Guildleader is still jumping around in joy after I told him about this mod.

Im using the German Roster by the way.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Masterslayer » Sat Jan 20, 2007 1:00 pm

yea its a dead link for me aswell. i would like to see this new layout :)
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sat Jan 20, 2007 7:04 pm

Ah whoops, my guild changed urls last night and the old url direct was broken, fixed now!
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Draenak » Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:35 pm

The Addon works fine but i have some questions:

We are using about 13 bankchars (yeah there quite a lot items and a good reason for them) and it takes about 4minutes to load the bank when we are using the mod.

Ordering one item at a time is nearly more work then farming itself. Is there any reason for that or a way to speed it up?

Is it possible to order more than one item ?

THX in advance.

By the way the mod is still nice but the speed makes it unusable.

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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Averen » Sun Jan 21, 2007 5:57 am

Hmm the speed between this and the unmodded verion shouldnt be that much different, but I'll have a look.
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[V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Malkom » Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:03 am

Hi all,

Thanks another time for you job Averen and Kaleyn

So I've made the french translation for changes (new version and history.php of Kaleyn)...

Here it is :

Code: Select all

$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_request'] = 'Banque - Réservation';
$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_history'] = 'Banque - Historique';
$wordings['frFR']['guildbank_admin'] = 'Banque - Admin';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_request'] = 'Réservation';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_history'] = 'Historique';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_admin'] = 'Admin';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_password'] = 'Mot de Passe';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_submit'] = 'Ok';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_login'] = 'Accès';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_no_action'] = 'Ceci est une action impossible.';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_no_item'] = 'Aucun objets sélectionnés, veuillez retourner et essayer encore.';
$wordings['frFR']['gb_char'] = "Personnage";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_amount'] = "Nombre";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_comp'] = "Réservation Complète";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_toobig'] = "Désolé, il n'y pas ce nombre dans la banque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_amount'] = "Le nombre manque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_name'] = "Le nom manque";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_notinbank'] = "Cet objet n'est pas dans la banque.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_err_password'] = "Le mot de passe est incorrect.";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_accept'] = "Accepté ";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_deny'] = "Refusé ";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_note'] = "Note";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_all'] = "Tout";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_filter'] = "Filtre";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_requested'] = "Réservé";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_completed'] = "Terminé";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_tbl_name'] = "Nom";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_tbl_item'] = "Objet";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_tbl_bankers'] = "Banque";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_tbl_reqdate'] = "Date de Réservation";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_tbl_compdate'] = "Date de fin";

//Kaleyn's Edits
$wordings['frFR']['gb_requestor'] = "Demandeur";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_itemquant'] = "Objets / Quantité";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_holder'] = "Banque / Quantité";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_requestdate'] = "Date de Réservation";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_requestdate'] = "Date de Réservation";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_approval'] = "Accepté";
$wordings['frFR']['gb_denial'] = "Refusé";

I've just change a little thing on your file Kaleyn, on the line 106 :

<th class='membersHeaderRight' style='text-align:center' width=100%>".$wordings[$roster_conf['roster_lang']]['gb_itemquant']."</th>

Ps : Beware Kaleyn because your localization file don(t contain my 1st translation, but Averen put it in the 2 last version...
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Re: [V1.0.4] Guildbank Request Mod

Postby Slytwo » Sun Jan 21, 2007 10:37 am

Bravo Averen. Came out nicely. Your In Request and Completed buttons can definetly take care of my mutiple bankers function.

One thing I noticed, you have an item in Request that has a Completion date (earlier then request also) how so? It is also listed in the Completion button. What happens to an item when it goes from Request to Complete?
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